The Forum > Article Comments > Getting the detail right on public transport > Comments
Getting the detail right on public transport : Comments
By Ben Rose, published 16/12/2013Low density cities like Perth have been designed for cars and now have to be retrofitted for walkability.
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Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 16 December 2013 3:51:37 PM
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Intrepid forum-miners will discover that I predicted this, many moons ago.
"Ben Rose is a carbon consultant" Of course I didn't predict Mr Rose personally, you understand. But the creation of the function "carbon consultant" was the inevitable result of the decision to place a price upon carbon. And the function of a carbon consultant, as we know, is to perpetuate his own existence through the production of articles such as this. They don't actually have to mean anything. Just so long as they get published, somewhere. Carbon trader. Carbon exchange. Carbon futures. Carbon credits. Carbon consultant. NSW Department of Climate Change. Federal Department of Climate Change... I suspect if they all stopped producing... errr, whatever it is that they produce, we'd be well into the next ice age before you could say ManBearPig. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 16 December 2013 5:22:43 PM
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Hi Pericles
Leaving aside my greater preference for Alcibiades' integrity and that aesthetic sensibilities of the Spartans Twas Planta who first (in all Oz) doubted the carbon traders. For I have proof: see "Consultants, lawyers, accountants and stockbrokers already see themselves as potential traders in carbon credits. As with the tax system the smart money can minimise payments and find loopholes using these gentlemen. The Rudd Government will be praised by them and normal wage earners and home owners will be hit hardest. Good on ya Kev and Penny. Good equitable outcome mateys." ....Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 30 July 2008 12:03:09 AM" Are the wonders of NSA-like search algorithms :-P Pete Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 16 December 2013 7:25:29 PM
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"as deserted as Chernobyl"?