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The ABC and the coalition : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 5/12/2013There were some there who would sell it off, some who would just abolish it, some who are just angry with it but don't have a solution, and some who would sack the CEO.
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Welcome to another advert ridden channel if the ABC was taken over by other commercial means, the ABC and SBS at least do show some consideration for viewers, perhaps only those with grey matter in their brains must like the endless showing of advertisements, well I don't, regardless of the channels political leaniings
Posted by Ojnab, Thursday, 5 December 2013 5:17:59 PM
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<<another advert ridden channel if the ABC was taken over>> Not necessarily ...and besides you're too down on ads provide the necessary break to visit the bathroom, refill on popcorn ...and ads may even be trans-formative moving one to do things or stop doing things--remember those antismoking ads, and those random breath test ads,how many people have had their behavior modified of account of seeing them ...and, on my part,every since someone showed me this one: I've had an overpowering and inexplicable urge to change my name to Rex. Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 5 December 2013 5:51:02 PM
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A new production of "Big Brother" is coming to your TV screen soon, starring Hasbeen, Runner, SPQR, Imjulianutter, Jardinek.Jardine and Diver Dan.
This will be an exciting moment in TV history, as the participants argue about bringing back "Crystal Radios" and "Phar Lap". They will also be appearing on "Deal or no Deal", "The Biggest Loser" and other commercial television "intelligent" programmes Posted by Kipp, Thursday, 5 December 2013 6:33:10 PM
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Yes, but how many taxpayer-funded national broadcasters should there be?
How many can you watch at once? What other priorities are not receiving adequate funding? It must strike electors that government finds all manner of other 'initiatives' to spend taxpayers' $$ on, while the fundamental, pressing essentials that government was set up to provide often go begging for adequate funding. Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 5 December 2013 7:04:44 PM
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JKJ my Mum always said the best way to look a fool was to argue with one. Anyway this thread has been called by runner.....
Posted by Cobber the hound, Thursday, 5 December 2013 7:15:22 PM
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True Kipp, absolutely mind boggling shows on the commercial channels, lets have the ABC join them, Tony Abbott has been offered space on Q & A, it would be great to hear a Liberal viewpoint from him on this show, but he always declines, why, we want to hear from him, not that terrible labor propaganda who so many here find distasteful if the Liberal leader can not oblige with his views, how can the ABC be classed as one eyed, I think I will have a five minute advert break before the next five minute advert break comes on, after five minutes of programme, welcome to the commercial ABC, enjoy.
Posted by Ojnab, Thursday, 5 December 2013 7:50:53 PM