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The brutal past and present are another country in secret Australia : Comments

By John Pilger, published 14/11/2013

Suppressing these truths, while venerating Australia's servile role in the colonial wars of Britain and the US, has almost cult status in Canberra today.

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John, John, John, we all know of your famed dredging up of Australia's past wrongs, of course, you can do this with any Colonial Nation anywhere in the World. There was a notion of European Superiority that pervaded all Colonial Powers at the time. That notion declined during the 19th. Century & ceased for most Nations in the 20th. Century. I know Australia was a bit behind because of people like Menzies but the World, & Australia, has moved on since the 60/70's.

Yes, there are things that have yet to catch up. We recognize this. Governments & the Public Service's are notorious slow. Studies done by Academics dream up, one after another, all sorts of meaningless Politically Correct schemes that prove to be more than useless. These Studies are undertaken by people who are educated Academics & are all too willing to do another useless Study (yourself included) as long as the funding keeps flowing. By the way is this advertising for you film?

I now comment on your article.
Edmund Barton, who drew up the White Australia Policy in 1901. "The doctrine of the equality of man," said Barton, "was never intended to apply" to those not British and white-skinned.

Of course he would have said that. That was the pervading sentiment of all Colonial Nations 100 years ago. We have moved on.

Of those who fought the British invaders of Australia, the Sydney Monitor reported in 1838: "It was resolved to exterminate the whole race of blacks in that quarter."

Remember, if it wasn't European than it didn't exist in those days. "Terra Nullius" not only applied to Australia but to anywhere where Europeans weren't.

Last year, the then minister for indigenous affairs, Jenny Macklin, refurbished her office at a cost to the taxpayer of $331,144.

Yes, Politicians of any description love to live it up at the Taxpayers' expense. We ALL know that.

A typical, dilapidated house in an outback indigenous community must accommodate as many as 25 people. Families, the elderly and the disabled wait years for sanitation that works.

Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 14 November 2013 12:50:38 PM
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One of my favourite gripes. Let's look at this in detail. Accommodation; this is a problem caused, not by the White Community, but by the Aboriginal Community themselves. It's THEIR Culture to share everything with their extended families. Sanitation; Well the Bush was fine foe Aboriginal people for 80 thousand years. Now they have "White" toilets that THEY damage & don't clean or repair & it's the white man's fault?

In 2009, Professor James Anaya, the respected UN Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, described as racist a "state of emergency" that stripped indigenous communities of their tenuous rights and services on the pretext that paedophile gangs were present in "unthinkable" numbers – a claim dismissed as false by police and the Australian Crime Commission.

The paedophile Gangs are real. The Police & the ACC wouldn't admit it because they would be seen as falling down on their job. Sort of Ostrich Act. It was the women that called for help & the men, who were perpetuating these act complained & losing out on their lucrative funding , some of them VIP's in their communities, so the whole thing became too hard & was dropped. By the way, it was because of the practises of these Paedophile gangs that the Stolen Children episode came about, some 80 years ago.

Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 14 November 2013 12:53:03 PM
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The then opposition spokesman on indigenous affairs, Tony Abbott, told Anaya to "get a life" and not "just listen to the old victim brigade."

I know, it's not Politically Correct but he was right on this occasion. The Old Victims Brigade stand to make a lot of money from the Government. The money never goes any further than the Aboriginal Organizations set up to help their people. It they did improve their peoples lot then they might lose their well paying job. As told to me by a friend who is an Aboriginal Officer that deals in this area.

Watch security guards expel Aboriginal people from shopping malls in Alice Springs; drive the short distance from the suburban barbies of Cromwell Terrace to Whitegate camp, where the tin shacks have no reliable power and water.

I've seen the same thing in Townsville. Strangely though it's the same type of Aboriginal person that is ejected. Here you, John, are making it sound like all Aboriginal people are ejected from Alice Spring Shopping Malls. People are not stupid, well some are, they don't believe that to be entirely true. Yes some Aboriginal people are. The filthy, the rotten drunks, the abusive & their white hangeroners. They are the ones that get ejected & then only after they become really offensive. The same problem exists in Townsville & other similar cities, & rightly so. People, even Aboriginal people have the right to go about their business unmolested by this particular type of person.

Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 14 November 2013 12:55:44 PM
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How do you solve Aboriginal problems, well if you lived in Townsville & drove a car you'd have to be travelling Southward & in the right Gere with a couple of well known ladies to answer that question. Aboriginal Organizations have a tendency to go bust & all of the funding can never be accounted for. The Organization is disbanded & another one set up to take its place. Strangely the same people are always running the show., Usually the Manager & the Treasurer just swap around. A few years later the same problem occurs, an investigation is conducted, no one is held responsible & the same thing happens again & again. I don't know about the rest of Australia but I should imagine it would be more of the same.

Then there is the problem of the different types of Aboriginal people not to mention the Islanders. The Islanders are usually hard working members of any community & there has rarely been any problems associated with these people. Except in the 70's when Aboriginal people were dragged off their settlements & forcibly integrated into White Society. Then there were fights between Islanders & Aboriginals on street corners just about every single night. The housing brought for the Aboriginals were soon dilapidated, Electricity was cut off because they didn't know how to use money. Soon floors were missing & fires were seen on the ground under the houses. The floors & wall were pulled up to light fires to cook meals in the traditional way. No help was given to these people in assimilating into a White Society. They turned to Alcohol & stealing property. Remember "Property" is communal in Aboriginal Society.

I digress. Types of Aboriginal people that I identify. City Folk, Town Folk, Settlement Folk & Bush Folk. Unfortunately the Government advised by its brotherhood of Educated Academics has made Policies of a "One Size Fits All" nature. It just won't work!

Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 14 November 2013 12:56:58 PM
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Would you like to reiterate your 28th point mate?

Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 14 November 2013 1:10:32 PM
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Hey Pilger.

If you say that white people stole the continent of Australia off black people, that is a racist statement. What happened "their is only one race, the human race" bullshiit that you and your "anti racist" comrades go on, and on, about? And if the instant and Afghan or a Sri Lanka sticks his big toe on Australia he must be considered "Australian", then the instant a British soldier stuck his big toe on Australia he is an "aborigine." The black aborigines would have been racist for denying white people unfettered entry.

The best damn thing that ever happened to the aboriginals was the coming of the British. The white people who settled this hostile country made it into one of the best countries on Earth. If it had remained a black country it would today be just another dysfunctional black ruled country holding out he begging bowl to the rest of the world, and a bigger pain in the but to the international community as aboriginal apartheid areas are today to the Australian people.

The stupid presumption of the "angry young men" of the fifties that independent black countries were going to create harmonious societies with a chicken in every pot was nothing but a pipe dream dreamed up by blithering idiots like you. Now that history has proven you wrong, why don't you just admit you were wrong?

If white people were not running Australia, who would be paying the aboriginal welfare bill and cleaning up the drunken mess in their areas?
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 14 November 2013 6:17:05 PM
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Continue from yesterday.

City Aboriginal Folk. They have been living in the Cities for more than 100 years. They lost their Aboriginality but regained it in the 70's & went backward. They used to speak good English but now have turned to "Burrie" to show their "Aboriginality." Most of these people are good citizens dragged down by those who want to get on the handout train, use drugs & break into houses. Not all of them but it seems to have become part of Aboriginality.

Townsfolk Aboriginal Folk. Usually hard working people with few problems who maintain their houses & have good jobs. They seem to deal with their own trouble makers quite well themselves.

Settlement Aboriginal folk. This is where most of the Aboriginal problems seem to lay. Drunkenness & Violence is rampant, Houses are in a destroyed state, entire areas looks like a garbage dump. children are sniffing petrol, glue or anything they can get their hands on. School attendance is appalling. The people are all sick with something. Is it White man's fault or the fault of the people themselves. The violence caused by drunkenness is whose fault. The Aboriginal women wanted to ban alcohol but the men & the PC Academics Do-gooders said "no" it's their right to have alcohol. Solved problem number one. The rape of women & children appears to be their right too. Of course, It doesn't happen, does it? Schooling, Well if everybody's drunk, who cares. The maintenance of houses. Would they be ripped to pieces hey had any instilled pride. No the attitude is, we destroy it, you come & fix it for us so we can destroy it again. The people are sick because they don't know how to look after themselves in a European manner in European houses & settlements. The people who are supposed to administer these settlements are good at making all the funds "disappear."

Posted by Jayb, Friday, 15 November 2013 1:06:29 PM
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The Traditional Bush Aboriginal, These are the only people I see as being happy & healthy. They have little or no contact with Whiteman or with their corrupted brethren.

If Aid is to be given to Aboriginals then a separate Government Program is needed for each of these Groups because their need are entirely different.

Well there you have it John, Most people here think you thinking on the Aboriginal Problem is still rooted in the 19th. Century & not worth an Academic crock of $#it.

Best o' luck with you next Government Funding Application.

I hope to see some sort of reply from you. but I (we) doubt that I (we) will.

Posted by Jayb, Friday, 15 November 2013 1:12:06 PM
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Thank You Mr Pilger for your article.
As historian Henry Reynolds points out in
his book, "Why weren't We told?" it is now
possible to explore the past by means of a
large number of books, articles, archives,
films, novels, songs, and paintings. Reynolds
says that, "Many voices have filled out the space
once claimed by Stanner's Great Australian Silence.
We can know a great deal about the history of
Indigenous-Settler relations."

But, as Reynolds notes, knowing brings burdens which
can be shirked by those living in ignorance.
With knowledge the question is no longer what we know
but what we are now to do, and that is a much harder
matter to deal with. It will continue to perplex us
for many years to come.

Again, Thank You for continuing to stir people out of
their complacency. Hopefully, good results will eventuate,
sooner rather than later.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 15 November 2013 1:56:45 PM
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Thank goodness white people settled Australia Pilger, or New Zealand would be swamped by aboriginal boat people heading for NZ looking for a handout, and claiming "asylum" from the other aborigines who were "persecuting" them.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 15 November 2013 6:49:25 PM
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Foxy: Again, Thank You for continuing to stir people out of their complacency. Hopefully, good results will eventuate, sooner rather than later.

By people, do you mean people like Pilger who do nothing but write about what most of us already know. If you don't you must have been living under a rock. Voicing "Old Sins" all the time does nothing. We are now in the 21St. Century. It's the Educated Academics with their crying about the past are not moving on. They suggest very stupid Politically Correct Solutions that look good on paper but just create more problems. They fail to take into account the different categories of Aboriginal & push their stale old ideas & rip the Australian people off by claiming that they are some sort of expert. BS.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 15 November 2013 7:24:25 PM
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Dear Jayb,

We won't solve the problems of the Aboriginal people
by attacking. John Pilger gives us the facts of
what's still happening out in the Aboriginal sectors of the
community in 21st Century Australia. And that is something
that cannot and should not be ignored. We need to ask why
this is happening and what can be done to correct it. Because
obviously what has been done to date - has not worked.
Historians and people like Mr Pilger urge us to continue to
search for the truth about our past in order to prepare for
and safeguard our future. Perhaps in that way we shall come
up with solutions that will work.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 November 2013 9:38:49 AM
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Foxy: John Pilger gives us the facts of what's still happening out in the Aboriginal sectors of the community in 21st Century Australia.

Which of the different Aboriginal community is he referring to? Is it the "Whiteman's fault" that Aboriginal people in the Settlements don't have good hygiene habits in regards with keeping themselves, their children, their houses, yards, streets & parks clean & tidy? Is it the "Whiteman's fault that the Aboriginal houses in these communities have broken windows, Walls punched in & $#it everywhere? I don't think so. But the Whiteman seems to get the blame somehow. Like WE went there & punched in their walls & $#it all over the place.

The solutions foisted on the Aboriginal people fail because they have been thought up by some Politically Correct overeducated Public Service Dogooder who is only looking after HIS job. If ANY of their solutions had worked these people wouldn't be in the position they are in now. These people are receiving their great salary's & funds on false pretences.

Foxy: We need to ask why this is happening and what can be done to correct it.

As I have stated before, this is like a woman's problem solving skills. "I don't want you to solve the problem. I just want you to listen to me." Sorry for the misogyny there, but that's a fact, like it or not. If the problem gets solved they might lose their well paid salaries & funding. The culture is to spread the problem out as long as possible.

Foxy: people like Mr Pilger urge us to continue to
search for the truth about our past in order to prepare for
and safeguard our future. Perhaps in that way we shall come
up with solutions that will work.

It's commonly called Navel Gazing. Or, let's have another meeting in which we will all agree to disagree, again. Good money in Meetings.

Sorry Foxy, but I lost faith in these over paid problem Solvers many, many years ago.

No word from Pilger. None from Costello with his Forum either.
Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 16 November 2013 2:56:00 PM
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Dear Jayb,

You always challenge me to think outside the box
and for that I am grateful. I don't pretend to have
all the answers to the big questions regarding this
complex problem, and it is complex as you point out.
What the answers are I don't know. What do you suggest
we do as a nation? We can't keep doing what we've been
doing as it obviously isn't working and we shall keep getting
the same results. However what suggestion do you have?
I'd be interested to hear.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 November 2013 5:55:43 PM
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Foxy: You always challenge me to think outside the box and for that I am grateful.

Thanks for that Foxy. The thing I find about bashing your head against a brick wall is, it feels good when you stop. According to the many Personality & IQ tests I've had to do during my working career a Critical Thinker with a high IQ. Apparently I'm a Meetings worst nightmare.

Foxy: I don't pretend to have all the answers to the big questions regarding this complex problem.

I don't have answers to any of the Big Questions in Life either but I have ventured suggestions from time to time on Forum. Usually I get shot down, which is fine. They are an attempt to put forward an idea for a solution. I've asked others for their ideas & have been told quite bluntly, "It's not my job to solve the problems." Like I said before no-one wants to fix the problem they just want you to listen to them bitch about it.

I have a list of solutions, 8 pages long. I send them to Politicians all the time. Simple things like, At what age are you considered an Adult? 12 Airlines, 14 Movies, 16 Sex, 17 Drive, 18 Drink, 25 School. etc,. Let's have a uniform age. I now sent them to the likes of Steve Price & Kyle Sandilands. No reply from them either.

I think, on the Aboriginal Problem, their need to be schooling for the Adults in Basic & Advanced Hygiene. Some White people could do with this course as well, going by some of the reports on some Current Affairs Programs.
Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 17 November 2013 7:20:15 PM
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Dear Jayb,

Don't be put off by people's reactions.
Keep up the good work and keep going with your
suggestions especially to the pollies. Someday
you'll get someone's attention who matters.
I think it was Calvin Coolridge who wrote:

"Nothing in the world can take the place of
persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more
common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not;
the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan "Press On" has solved
and always will solve the problems of the human race."

And so it is with our Indigenous people.

Thank You for being so open and honest.

Take care and I'll see you on another discussion.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 17 November 2013 10:20:43 PM
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Never had any input from John Pilger on this article. I think that if he writes an article her is obliged to give some input to argument. Otherwise he is just like all the other over paid Government parasites.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 25 November 2013 1:54:59 PM
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Dear Jayb,

I suspect that Mr Pilger is so busy that he's probably
not even aware of who's responding to his articles,
what and where. He, I imagine writes so many of them,
gives permission for their publication, and moves on.
I would be very surprised if he read any of the responses
or responded to any of them. He's far too buys.

How about emiling him if you feel so strongly about getting
a response?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 November 2013 5:51:41 PM
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cont'd ...

darn - my computer's playing up again.
Apologies for all the typos.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 November 2013 6:12:25 PM
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There is one very obvious solution to the problems
facing Aboriginal communities, and that is:-

1.they should get up off their drunken backsides
2.clean their houses,
3. send their kids to school instead of
letting them swim in the creek all day.

4. when their kids get an education and a good job then they
will be able to work and buy land and a house like the rest
of Australia has to.

They want land,
well! Nobody gives ordinary Australians land. Noone walks up
and says,"by the way, here is this free piece of land in this nice suburb."

Every ordinary Australian has to work their butts off for most of
their lives to pay for land and a house. That's fair and square, everybody has the chance to get an education, a job
and earn what they own. This is true equality and it's there for every
Australian, including the Aboriginals. Nobody gets a free ride.We are all given an equal chance to achieve
if we have the guts to work for it.

(I am not talking about the Aboriginal people who go to Uni and
work and make something of their lives, I am talking about
the ones who choose to remain victims, the ones John Pilger
is talking about.)

As usual Pilger shoots his mouth off
without really understanding or having years of first
hand experience of the subjects he talks about.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 25 November 2013 8:02:34 PM
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