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The Forum > Article Comments > 50 ways to deny climate change > Comments

50 ways to deny climate change : Comments

By Lyn Bender, published 5/11/2013

It is seems that there are fifty ways to do almost anything, and as an exercise I compiled a list of the fifty ways I observed as having been used to promote climate science denial.

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Unfortunately this is where we have descended to, " sides".
This subject is too serious to be treated like a sport and sides taken and a winner pronounced.
There can only be one loser in this , no matter what "side" you are on.
Poirot has put this quite clearly in his post.
I tend to think that OLO is not the right p[lace to discuss this being well populated with "deniers" and not a few trolls who argue for the sake of the argument.
I applaud your efforts Lyn for trying to put this on a higher plane but it would be better to treat this blog for what it is, a platform for astroturfers and just plain troublemakers.
Posted by Robert LePage, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 2:13:55 PM
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"..the here and now is the most turning point in our earth history."

" ..don’t play with our children’s futures,.. "

Sorry planet, can't seem to find my violin at the moment but here are my predictions for the next fifty years -

We will have some hot years, some wet years, some dry years and some cold years and some years that just seem like any other year. Some years will be hotter than the previous and some colder. Some years will be wetter than the previous and some will be dryer. We will have storms, cyclones and hurricanes. In some years we will have more (and sometimes less) than in previous years. There will be bushfires too although some years will have greater fire activity than others. The ice in the arctic and anarctic will wax and wane according to whether it is a hot or a cold year. We will also have years where there is much volcanic activity and others less so. Likewise for earthquakes and the doomsayers will still be living in their riverside and seaside abodes.
Posted by Sparkyq, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 2:14:32 PM
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<<SPQR....give me your future forecasts for the next 50 years, then I'll give you mine>>

I haven't been to Delphi lately but, off-the-cuff:
The climate will be much as it is now.
People will generally be healthier and live longer.
And some new dooms day cult with be exciting Planet Nos 4,5,6.

Planet, I don't need you to show me yours I can see it now. If all the Planets align just right we'll have some world body telling us how many scoops of IPCC issue congee we can have each morning , how long we can burn the candles for each evening and what colour sackcloths we can wear.
Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 2:25:08 PM
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You are right Robert LePage, OLO is not the place for people like you, Poirot, & gravy train riding academics to try pushing their codswallop on global warming.

There are far too many well educated capable people here for your tripe to have a chance.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 3:15:56 PM
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"You are right Robert LePage, OLO is not the place for people like you, Poirot, & gravy train riding academics to try pushing their codswallop on global warming.

There are far too many well educated capable people here for your tripe to have a chance."

Hasbeen provides the comedy relief for today...

Bravo Hasbeen!
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 3:52:37 PM
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Robert LePage…isn’t trolling for trolls, trolling its self?

Sparkyq….save the sad music for the years we don’t understand.

“We will have some hot years, some wet years, some dry years and some cold years and some years that just seem like any other year”…A model, I wrote a few years ago explains the pendulum effect, where when in the past states for 4 seasons, the pendulum is still…hence what you have wrote.

Do I think our human time on this earth as in-fact sped up the processes…the answer is yes.

Years ago, it was argued that population could be a factor relating. respect of your beliefs…( please for them oh lord, for they know not what they do )

<<SPQR>>…yes your quite right.

Posted by PLANET3, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 4:19:06 PM
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