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Diplomacy is more than a passing phrase : Comments
By Bruce Haigh, published 31/10/2013It is a measure of the lack of sophistication and parochial outlook of Abbott and the government he leads that there is an apparent failure to understand the way the world works.
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Posted by Chris Lewis, Thursday, 31 October 2013 7:24:09 AM
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Diplomacy is the academic beating around the bush thus making the situation worse.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 31 October 2013 7:31:22 AM
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Oh gee Bruce another I hate Abbott rant! Tell us oh mighty Bruce what is wrong with Australia turning around an Indonesian boat with an Indonesian crew bringing illegals here and insisting that they go back to their home port?
Thank goodness you are now an ex diplomat as I cannot imagine the havoc you wreaked. Mate you are an Australian, try and act like one. Oh yes TA WON the election, thank goodness. Stop barracking for the other side and remember your handsome pension that no ordinary Australian could ever aspire to outside the public service. Posted by JBowyer, Thursday, 31 October 2013 7:33:33 AM
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I always find it strange that those who have been in the job for years & whose legacy we're now wallowing in are the ones who criticise those who only just got in & haven't had a chance to change anything let alone leave a legacy. Could the Coalition really do worse than their predecessors ? I can't think it possible. Posted by individual, Thursday, 31 October 2013 8:29:38 AM
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I'm not an Abbott fan, however, he's only been in the job 5 minutes, give the bloke a fair go!
Besides, if labor hadn't been so busy with its very successful self destruction, we might not even been having this discussion or hissy fit? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 31 October 2013 10:02:14 AM
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I think the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Abbott managed to achieve more co operation and outcomes with Indonesia in a week than the whole labor government managed in 6 years. The cattle trade has restarted, Indonesia is cracking down on people smugglers and opening up to Australian business. Labor is all about flowery words and non delivery. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 31 October 2013 10:49:44 AM
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Quite an apology.
It is to Australia's credit that we are criticised from the perspective of Indonesia's low standards. An Indonesia still overly dominated by a military that distinguished itself with the 1965 Massacre of Chinese, from 1975 several massacres in East Timor including murdering 5 Australians in Balibo, then the Dili Massacre, more lately the Indonesia Army torturing West Papuans to death. An Indonesia safe for the discredited KOPASSUS*. An Indonesia ruled by an ex General who has turned people smuggling into a business to extract bribes for many civilian officials and protection money for the Indonesian Navy. Australia is truly honoured to be better than this. * Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 31 October 2013 12:20:33 PM
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Bruce, take your ideology out, lock it in your bottom draw, nail that draw shut for ever, then try this piece again.
Surely you have noticed from the election, spin no longer does it mate. Ozzies have caught on to spin. They now turn off, & don't bother to read further. If you want your pieces read, & why bother writing them if you don't, you'll have to get closer to the facts. Spin is dead & gone. Hell even us simple peasants can see results, & understand what is working. Can you? Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 31 October 2013 12:23:38 PM
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I am amazed at Bruce's uncanny insight into the minds of the Indonesian administration. Judging by their public statements, he must know things that even they do not.
Posted by tonyo, Thursday, 31 October 2013 1:24:53 PM
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Kevvy was the China expert and he stuffed that relationship, Gillard was a novice and stuffed our relationships with pretty well all our near neighbours, Carr was the US expert and bumbled about in that relationship. And you criticise Abbott for ... what was it? Lol you really have turned comedian. Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 31 October 2013 4:35:10 PM
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Well people, we're now copping the fall-out of the ALP's Peter Principal.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 31 October 2013 5:00:54 PM
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Rhrosty wrote
"I'm not an Abbott fan, however, he's only been in the job 5 minutes, give the bloke a fair go!" What like he gave Gillard? Like he gave Oakshott and Windsor? Give me a break. If he hadnt been such a viper from day one of the 2010 election outcome then maybe he might have deserved a bit of leeway but he started the negative gutter politics and he will die by it. Posted by mikk, Friday, 1 November 2013 5:24:16 PM
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Don't hold your breath waiting for him to die mikk, you will be a very long time dead, before Abbott is, if you do.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 1 November 2013 7:37:03 PM
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Juliar, Oakeshott and Windsor all started the 2010 parliament with an outrageous betrayal of their constituents, and as Anna Bligh found out, they never forget. The difference is that TA is doing what he said he would, and the shrill hysteria from the left has been going on for so long that no one that counts ever listens to it. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 2 November 2013 7:08:23 AM
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he started the negative gutter politics
mikk, some was justified after the lefties commenced their campaign of gutter vidictiveness. Abbott is now running the country & the lefties are scheming like crazy to scramble up sufficient brains to de-stabilise the country again. They are the real gutter dwellers. Posted by individual, Sunday, 3 November 2013 12:43:28 PM
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Some of the scathing comments about Tony Abbott on the Monday Night Forum at the Opera House reveal that many bright and informed people see Tony as a replacement for George W Bush who, for 8 years, was seen as the V.I. (Village Idiot) of world politics.
Tony, Rhodes Scholar, seems to be setting a new low in the intelligence of Australia's Prime Ministers. His 'suppository' gaffe was not an isolated event. Many are wondering just how Tony became a Rhodes Scholar and I'm one of them. It certainly wasn't because of his intellect! Posted by David G, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 7:08:24 AM
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David G you say you know TA does not have the intellect to be a Rhodes Scholar? Really? You know that or it's just he does things differently from you.
The new Left tactic is to not argue their case but to burst into laughter and then say the other side is mad. See last night's Q & A You are a pathetic joke of a person. Scratch any lefty and you reveal the inner nazi who believes everyone HAS to agree with him. Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 9:08:24 AM
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I always am amused by these left whingers telling us how stupid they think Abbott is. The implication is that his stellar academic results were forged and the professors at Oxford were all bribed.
The irony that the left whingers forget is that this supposed simpleton effortlessly tore down two Labor PMs leaving them humiliated, and ensured that Labor's legacy in the minds of the majority of Australians is one of incompetence and deceit. The implication is that Labor's MPs are drooling cretins. I am happy for these left whingers to continue deluding themselves, as it separates them from the rest of the voters, and leaves them dazed as they are repeatedly flogged. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 11:51:32 AM
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Shadow Minister,
I'd be thrilled if I ever detected the type of intellect one would expect of a Rhodes Scholar in Tony Abbott. So far he's not presented as anything above the norm as far as intellect goes. In a situation where he's required to speak "off the cuff" he presents as below the norm - and way below the rhetorical abilities of most other parliamentarians. If he is not afforded the luxury of slogans and rehearsed propaganda, he's often reduced to ahh, ahh, ahh, um,um um - or sometimes literally rendered speechless. Are those the qualities one expects from a Rhodes Scholar? As far as you statement that he "effortlessly tore down two Labor PMs".... He was aided and abetted by an infighting Labor and a clever campaign full of slogans and propaganda overseen and promoted by the Murdoch media empire. Would have been difficult to lose under those circumstances...even for a dull boy like Tones. Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 1:07:58 PM
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Once again you show you left whinger colours. The preference for spin over substance, for lofty waffle over results. How quickly you forget that in 2007/8 the Murdoch papers openly supported Labor, that when Turnbull was leader that Labor essentially had a free ride, and was 56/44 2pp in the polls. Abbott took over and shone the light on Labor's failings, then Dudd's support collapsed, and Labor under Juliar was unable to win power in its own right. Abbott put together a team that out manouvered all the best minds in Labor and left them dazed and bloody. If Abbott is not smart, then everyone in labor must be blithering idiots. Juliar promised to stop the boats, and restore the budget surplus, and failed miserably on both of them. Abbott has already in 2 months nearly stopped the boats, and started on reducing Labor's waste to get back to budget. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 2:05:45 PM
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Shadow Minister,
"How quickly you forget that in 2007/8 the Murdoch papers openly supported Labor, that when Turnbull was leader that Labor essentially had a free ride..." That, my dear, only goes to proving my point...if Rupey gets on board, then one's chances are somewhat enhanced. Sorry.....Tones is not that smart. He's ordinary. If you think he's running the show, then I think you'd better inform Peta Credlin for a start. She's running his office and giving him his cues. We all know that. And she represents the Liberal Party machine. You can waffle on forever trying to convince us that Tony is a smart operator. He says his lines. Avoids uncomfortable situations where he's required to answer unrehearsed. He's middling at best. Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 2:25:41 PM
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Poirot, congratulations on putting the finger on Abbott. That makes two of us and our numbers will grow as he reveals further of his glaring deficiencies.
He is our own George W. We will have to own him until he is replaced, perhaps by Malcolm. Then again the Liberal Party may keep him, stupidly believing he is multi-talented. They wish! P.S. Parliament when it resumes will be very telling. Posted by David G, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 4:12:47 PM
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I hope all the labor tragics like you keep on working on the assumption that the only reason labor lost was Rupert was nasty, and the voters didn't like the infighting. That the poor policies, the chaotic management, the deceit, and the economic incompetence had nothing to do with it. That way, Labor will be out of office for decades. As for the influence of Murdoch: "Evidence suggests there is no correlation between reader’s media consumption and how they vote. At least that’s been the consistent finding of the Australian Election Study, the most exhaustive set of data ever collected in Australia on the dynamics of political behaviour, conducted on large samples for every election since 1987 and 2010." So try looking for another excuse. While everyone is free to air one's opinion, yours is shared by virtually no one. Even senior Labor MPs have acknowledged the brilliance of Abbott's campaign. Power Bill Shorten's weak decision to oppose the removal of the unpopular carbon tax must have the coalition privately celebrating. The opportunity to keep hammering labor with this is a gift that will keep on giving, and concrete proof that labor has not learnt. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 12:47:48 PM
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One can't deny the brilliance of the LNP's years of campaigning...especially if one is an admirer of deceit and destabilisation...and "now" of secret states and suppression. Mr Abbott is none too bright, but the LP's strategy to deceive the Australian electorate - and what's more, to sucker them in so comprehensively (with Uncle Rupey's help), is something to behold. So now the economy is doing just fine (according to Hockey) the credit rating is "now" what matters (according to Hockey). etc, etc, We are presented with a cast of LNP parliamentarians who rort as a matter of course...not only do they rort like it's going out of fashion, they even defend it when they're caught out. Latest from Barnaby Joyce I wouldn't get too comfortable in smugsville, SM. This mob will be booted out at the earliest opportunity for the deceitful rabble they are. Cheerio for now Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 1:53:18 PM
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Here you go, SM,
Didn't take the fabulous Abbott govt long to piss off senior journalists. "Canberra press gallery veteran Laurie Oakes says the Abbott government is "thumbing its nose at voters" through a lack of transparency and communication. You can’t thumb your nose at the voters’ right to know and you can’t arrogantly say ‘we’ll let the voters be misinformed and we won’t help journalists get it right'. That’s just a disgusting attitude. The respected Channel Nine reporter and political commentator told Fairfax Media that Prime Minister Tony Abbott and senior ministers were breaking their election promise of greater accountability for voters." ""They’re busily trying to avoid the media as much as possible and to control the media and so far they’re getting away with it but I don’t think they will get away with it for too long," he said..." They won't get away with it for too long. Great stuff from the new govt....nice to know you approve, SM. Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 2:36:38 PM
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Obviously Abbott is far brighter than either Shorten or Albo, Juliar or Dudd, or any of the Labor front bench. As a Labor supporter I would have thought that being an admirer of deceit and destabilisation, and of secret states and suppression, was an absolute necessity. Just look at the carbon tax lie, the refusal to take the NBN to the productivity commission, and not least the media censorship laws. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 3:11:46 PM
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Little did we know what we'd unleash with this govt. Seen nothing like it before in Australia...and it's only just begun. Perhaps we needed a lesson in how not to become complacent and take a healthy democracy for granted. Well, looks like we got our lesson..... Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 3:56:42 PM
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It must be very scary for labor tragics like you to see unleashed on the voters competent government, delivery on promises etc. It makes the ex union heavies such as power bill Shorten quake at the knees, as he knows that the corrupt Labor could never deliver the same. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 7 November 2013 11:07:09 AM
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Gross borrowings of $21.9 billion since 9 September, 2013. Hockey says: "The credit rating is what matters." Hockey says: "We're in good shape". Hockey and his cohorts deceived the electorate prior to the election. Any comments about Joyce's rorts to attend the NRL? Among his other rorts? Among the many rorts attributed to the LNP? They're a great mob, eh? Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 7 November 2013 1:50:01 PM
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With yet another ex Labor MP being investigated for corruption, Labor should be declared a criminal organisation.
As for the borrowing, every day new information turns up of Labor's hidden debt. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 7 November 2013 2:26:01 PM
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"As for the borrowing, every day new information turns up of Labor's hidden debt."
Pull the other one - it's got bells on it. : ) Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 7 November 2013 2:59:15 PM
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Not joking, the RBA's reserves have been looted, the ACCC funds are running out etc etc. The last Labor budget was a facade. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 8 November 2013 10:14:02 AM
Really, should the US not do something about its debt? And what are the alternatives to US foreign policy in economic terms?
Me suspect you don't know how the world really works. You just criticise and criticise and downplay just how difficult things really are.