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Post modern clap trap rules in schools : Comments
By Alannah MacTiernan, published 25/10/2013It is a scandal that Australian education is being held to ransom by a few hundred academics and mid-ranking bureaucrats who prioritise their own careers over the literacy of our children.
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Yes sure, one needs numeracy in science.
But given English is the international language of science and or commerce, it is as at least as important as excellent maths, for whole of life best scenario outcomes.
Most of the defenders of whole of language learning miss the most important point, which is our kids and the whole of life outcomes for them!
Our currently very flawed teaching systems, (fundamentally flawed intellectual concepts) imposes on our kids some shocking and entirely unnecessary whole of life, ultra-negative outcomes.
US studies show, kids who leave school as illiterates or semi literate, as the first visible consequence of flawed teaching systems, form the major part of our prison populations?
They form the minor percentage of home owners, but the major part of the working poor!
And we have to stop just shrugging our shoulders, or blocking our ears and singing la la la to ourselves, in the face of very constructive criticism, merely to defended a thoroughly disgraced intellectual concept.
We need to accept our responsibility for outcomes, rather than continue to whitewash or paper over the principle causative factors!
Some highly opinionated Professors think it's all about them?
And to them I say, no it's not!
The central issue here is our kids, their futures, and the best possible outcome, (and the best bang for our bucks) for them!
No private sector enterprise would accept the current results, without some very high profile heads rolling!