The Forum > Article Comments > IR reform - return to the Dark Ages > Comments
IR reform - return to the Dark Ages : Comments
By Carla Lipsig-Mumme, published 12/10/2005Carla Lipsig-Mumme argues John Howard's industrial relations changes spell a return to the law of the jungle.
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And yes it is true the relevance of weekend work and public holidays has diminished but not nearly as much as some might think; We remain a weekend-centric society still.
I am still waiting for the proof to support the assertions Howard and Andrews are sprouting.Better boys and girls than me have refuted with some authority what they speak is littel more than propaganda - but hey why worry about the facts when you can shift power to your mates?
How many family men will cash out annual leave without consulting their family? And for how long will be sunning ourselves in a "sellers market" with workers apparently having the whip hand - the take it or leave it option is just around the corner when it comes to employment and rates of pay.
And please spare me the crap about how hard Managers and CEOs work; epidemiological studies tell the higher up the food chain you are the healthier you are - the rewards are enormous, financially physically and mentally; part of the reason is you have choice, you can engage in discretionary activites whether it entail hard work or not, you work with minimal supervision - it aint as hard as most people think; certainly no harder than some one working on the shop floor with limited control over when they start work, how fast they have to work or having to put up with some dog monitoring your every move - Ive been a senior manager and ceo over a decade - so dont piss down my back and tell me its raining.
These changes are aimed at profit taking - since old Barnaby Joyce has shown some nuits over the recent Senate Bill on competition I might write him a letter -