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Indonesia taking us to the cleaners through NT land purchases : Comments
By Brendan O'Reilly, published 8/10/2013All the indications are that this is just the start, and that a hefty chunk of Northern Australia is set to change hands from Australian to Indonesian ownership at bargain basement prices.
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Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 12 October 2013 5:57:41 PM
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No I don't side with them just as I don't side with Australians who behave like brainless morons in Bali & other asian centres invaded by blokes looking for little boys & girls to satisfy their own perverse desires at the expense of those children's future. The fact is I only side with what I consider sensible people. It may put a dent in many peoples beliefs here but Australians of all complexion are no different to people in other countries. Our only saving grace is there are only 22 million Australians. Indonesia has 220 million on sixteen thousand islands. I know Christians who are not an ounce different to Muslims or Budhists or jehova witnesses. I also know ALP supporters who are worse than any of the aforementioned. I know australian bureaucrats who are as corrupt as any in asian countries & cause just as much harm. All we have here is a small population & we must not let it get out of hand because the alternative is too frightening to contemplate. If we do bring in migrants we need to focus on letting overseas teachers in to help change the poor mentality that is in our schools now. Posted by individual, Saturday, 12 October 2013 6:36:44 PM
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WRT 'jizya tax', I wouldn't know since I am not a Muslim as is 15% of the Indonesian population. That's why Indonesia is not a Muslim country whereby our laws are almost entirely secular. WRT 'Boxing Day Tsunami', again where do you hear this information? As far as I recall there was never any tsunami warning system in Indian Ocean prior to 2004, because there was never a tsunami there in recorded history. WRT 'bombings', again even Obama praises Indonesia for its successful work against terrorists, whereby there has not been a bomb for 5 years. I suggest you subscribe to your big brother's USA pro-Indonesia sentiments. WRT land purchase, well face the new world, Indonesia needs food security and as such we will buy Australian land to vertically-integrate the beef food chain in particular. Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Saturday, 12 October 2013 7:32:06 PM
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We reap what we sow.
This is our penance for forcing Indonesians to lose face. Perhaps sentencing Lynne White, Joe Ludwig and some ABC employees to do a couple of years work experience on these properties, will bring closure to this sorry time in our countries history. Posted by carnivore, Saturday, 12 October 2013 8:11:44 PM
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Perhaps try to relax JayB and carefully consider what Individual is saying.
From my point of view Australian media and politicians are at fault here, their spin and self interest is catching up with them. They have failed to see and address Indonesia's serious food security problem with over 200 million people on islands having to be fed daily. Julia just stopped the live cattle exports at the whim of a money collecting organization. Were Indo consumers considered? Was food supply and demand and affordability and inflation in Indo considered? Not likely. Even now a new abattoir is being built at Darwin to 'supply Indonesia' with meat killed in Australia, but due diligence is lacking about the higher cost of Aus killed beef that will be un-affordable to Indonesians in need. Aus government and media ‘news’ is behind the times with communication required for Australian people to understand collapse of world seafood supply sustainability. Indications of such collapse are actually being gagged and covered up, I think because self-interest agenda is focused on billion dollar aquaculture and other white meat alternative supply/production. In my opinion the fishing boats being used for people smuggling are available on the cheap because lack of fish has resulted in those boats becoming very run down. Not many fish caught equates to not enough money for engine repairs, hull and deck water proofing, nets, fuel. PM Abbott talks of buying those boats but he does not realize how many of them are becoming available due to fish devastation. PM Abbott has failed repeated request to hear about fish devastation so he has no understanding of many aspects and consequences of the situation. What should be happening is Australians should be aware of Indonesia’s need for affordable protein food supply on a sustainable basis. The key words are affordable and sustainable. Australia should be increasing it’s herds in order to supply increasing world demand linked to dramatically decreasing wild fish supply. The four main tuna species in the Pacific are now at historically low levels. @Individual has a good outlook about Indo Posted by JF Aus, Saturday, 12 October 2013 9:03:17 PM
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Are you still about? At the following link you will find some background and insight whether or not fish are depleted. If not depleted and there is no supply demand link to alternative animal protein then no worry about selling Australian food and fibre business to overseas investors.;db=CHAMBER;id=chamber%2Fhansardr%2F1995-06-05%2F0017;page=0;query=%28Dataset%3Ahansardr%20SearchCategory_Phrase%3A%22house%20of%20representatives%22%29%20Decade%3A%221990s%22%20Year%3A%221995%22%20Date%3A05%2F06%2F1995%20Speaker_Phrase%3A%22mr%20bradford%22;rec=1;resCount=Default As for a beef fish link, note questions on notice at the following link. I think the questions should be asked in this day and age.;query=Id%3A%22chamber%2Fhansardr%2F1992-05-28%2F0212%22 Addressing a couple of points here and now, don’t you think it likely Japan would relax beef import restrictions if the ocean fish supply to Japan was becoming unsustainable? At the time these questions were answered an LNP shadow minister wrote to me and said the beef fish link was reality and did not need to be researched. I have the letter and can put it online if needed. As for Indonesia now, I expect Indonesia would also seek alternative protein supply because their island and lagoon and bay and near-shore fish supply is now unsustainable. Desperate fishermen selling their rundown boats for one way voyages by people smugglers, I think is a sign of fish devastation and no further future making a viable living from fishing. Indo needs to sustain protein food supply, complete protein, essential amino acid protein for 200 million plus people and also for feedmeal in chicken and pork production and beef feedlots. We should not be selling Australia because the ABC is not telling the story. Value of Aus rural industry should be known by Aus people especially at the FIRB. Posted by JF Aus, Monday, 14 October 2013 8:30:15 PM
When the Boxing Day Tsunami hit the Scientists wondered why they didn't get a warning. They found that all the Solar Cell had been stolen by Indonesian fishermen. The Scientists replaced the Solar Cell & put more Warning Buoys in place. Six weeks later they wondered why they weren't getting any signals from the Buoys. They found that they had all been stolen again. Yep, superior morals. I can see that.
When was the last time a white Aussie blew up an Indonesian Restaurant in Australia? Strangely I've never read about that in the Media. I have read & seen on TV lots of bombings in Indonesia killing lots of white people. Yep, it’s that lying Media again.
Australians don't want Indonesians claiming they own part of Australia down the track. Which they will inevitably try once they settle enough people here.
Hey Indy, not only are you siding with the Muslims lately you are starting to sound like one. (Jayb, I'm sorry but it sounds like too much of hard trying to destabilise.) What's going on?