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The Forum > Article Comments > Is there potential for greater Taiwanese involvement in the international community? > Comments

Is there potential for greater Taiwanese involvement in the international community? : Comments

By Sinclaire Prowse, published 7/10/2013

Under the 'One China' principle, China believes that their representation on behalf of Taiwan inevitably serves Taiwan's best interests.

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China could show she is not a nation we ought to fear, by offering Taiwan regional autonomy and the right to represent herself in international forums!
In any event, the rest of the international community know full well China can't speak for Taiwan or Tibet, any more than I can speak for my next door neighbor or the one just around the corner!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 7 October 2013 10:15:45 AM
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Looks like the current status quo de facto compromise is better for Taiwan than antagonising the PRC. Also better that the US is not forced by Taiwan to have to defend Taiwan.

Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 7 October 2013 10:09:30 PM
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The Peking thugs continue to claim that they represent one China and demand that the rest of the world never be so rude as to question this. The area they claim to be the "one China" they represent embraces Tibet, East Turkestan[1], Taiwan, a couple of former colonies like Macau and Hong Kong, and the actual China proper.

To go along with their sick joke, let's pretend that this conglomerate is "one China". It has only one government that represents it. This government resides in Taipei, that being the only government in the whole area that has ever been legitimised by a proper election.

Apt to be rude to bullying thugs who aren't confronting me with rubber hoses, I once remarked to some blokes in a visiting technical delegation from the Prison Republic who'd been bragging about how important China was (compared with untutored little us) with its five thousand year history:

"Wow! Five millennia of civilisation! Amazing! What wisdom you must have acquired! When's the next election by the way?"

Things got a mite frosty. I don't think I'll be Foreign Minister any time soon. But someone like that should be, as it was before Australia recognised the Peking thugs as the government of China, when they used to publish maps with ominous warning arrows pointing south from China. Less humiliating than all that fawning.

Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 7 October 2013 10:38:55 PM
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