The Forum > Article Comments > Abbott nails Jakarta > Comments
Abbott nails Jakarta : Comments
By Tony Kevin, published 3/10/2013Morrison and Downer lost, but Australia didn't. The national interest will be well served by the PM's deft handling of a difficult situation.
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The morons are getting ahead of themselves, again as usual.
Posted by individual, Friday, 4 October 2013 6:31:50 AM
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Your only have to look at this piece of huffing and puffing in Murdoch's propaganda sheet to realise that Abbott and Morrison created the atmosphere which he now has apparently handled "deftly". All his own doing...and now he's being congratulated for defusing it. individual, Nice to see you're sticking to your charter. One sentence containing the word "morons". It's the kind of excellence we've come to expect from you. : ) Posted by Poirot, Friday, 4 October 2013 8:59:48 AM
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Julia Gillard's trip to Indonesia was barely reported in Australia because it was positive and that didn't fit the propaganda/agenda of the majority of Australian media outlets. Judging by what my friends in Jakarta tell me she was reported respectfully and warmly by the Indonesian newspapers. As far as Tony Abbott is concerned most Indonesian newspapers think he's a patronising clown who is trying to hide something. Posted by Phil R, Friday, 4 October 2013 9:19:04 AM
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FGS! Poirot you and few others remind me of the brats in this vid!
<<>> Abbott said: " Australia has every right to return asylum-[scammer]boats Indonesia" And while I personally don't think its the best move --since it leaves us open to squawks of indignation from left-wing media,every time little Ali grazes his knee--Abbott is correct. Abbott at no stage said we were going to intrude on Indonesian waters in the process. Although strangely enough, many who are implying he did and throwing a hizzy fit about it expect us to enter Indonesian waters each time we get a phoney distress call And our turning-around of Indonesian boats, crew by Indonesians, intent on illegal people smuggling should be of little concern to Indonesians --except for corrupt officials who work with & stand to profit from the furtherance of such smuggling. You lot really do remind me of the brats in the vid. With two exception, unlike the brats you guys don't want to go anywhere --AND I doubt you guys were ever that cute(in the nice sense of the word)! Posted by SPQR, Friday, 4 October 2013 11:04:39 AM
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Thanks SPQR is a truly cruel weapon that will hose pro-boaters into submission :-) Pete Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 4 October 2013 1:21:04 PM
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I never watch your youtube links. (Just sayin'...) Posted by Poirot, Friday, 4 October 2013 6:31:22 PM