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The Forum > Article Comments > Trying in vain to reimagine Tony Abbott > Comments

Trying in vain to reimagine Tony Abbott : Comments

By Lyn Bender, published 11/9/2013

Now that he is a winner, it seems that most commentators are rushing to unearth and acclaim the hidden depths of the 'enigmatic' Tony Abbott.

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To quote Mark Kenny of the SMH:

"Those clinging to the view that the country's new prime minister is some kind of one-dimensional throwback to the 1950s simply haven't been paying attention.

Labor's case against Abbott suffered from this very misconception, which goes a long way to explaining why it has serially underestimated him.

The left's answer to the Abbott challenge so far has been to assume deceit. To posit that Abbott remains every bit the right-wing ideologue but has hidden his real desire to fully deregulate the workplace, wind back advances for women, re-oppress Aborigines and hand over the environment to big oil and big coal.

The idea that the Abbott offered in 2013 was not the ''real Tony'' was not merely soft thinking, it informed various overreaches of the Labor case - from the working assumption that, in the end, Abbott was unelectable to the embarrassing claim in the penultimate week of the campaign that Abbott had enacted a $10 billion fraud on voters."

So to DG and all the left whingers wondering why the sky has fallen on their heads, Please continue to live in your fantasy world. It is the reason your beloved labor/greens alliance was thrashed, and we would like this to continue.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 12 September 2013 11:52:24 AM
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Aristocrat - if you happen to come here again.

You could not possibly have checked out the all-encompassing breadth and depth of Adi Da's Luminous Wisdom Teaching in such a short period. Your response seems to be typical of the knee-jerk instantly dismissive response to Adi Da's Wisdom Teaching that is quite typical of professional philosophers and/or so called theologians.

There is nothing remotely similar to Adi Da's Luminous Wisdom Teaching within the entire corpus of the Western philosophical and religious tradition except perhaps in the kind of contemplative "philosophy" that Plotinus used to practice, and in the writings of Meister Eckhart.

Your choice of pseudonym is quite interesting, it perhaps suggests all kinds of aristocratic associations. That having been said Adi Da's last name (Samraj) means Divine King or Universal Ruler. He once pointed out that one possible way of understanding Who He IS, and the significance of His Appearance here would be to study the Indian Rama tradition. Rama being one of the 10 Vishnu Avatars. At one stage Adi Da used the name Da Kalki, Kalki being the yet-to-come tenth Vishnu Avatar. He stopped using the name because He did want to be associated with any traditional religion, East or West.

Meanwhile it could be said that T S Eliot was giving a prophetic premonition of the necessity for Adi Da's appearance here in the section from his classic poen The Waste Land titled What the Thunder Said.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 12 September 2013 3:12:13 PM
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Individual, Not at all. At my age you learn to take defensive people for what they are....cornered.
Posted by Francis, Thursday, 12 September 2013 3:18:04 PM
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Well, you're pretty confident for a cornered hanger-on. After all, to be against a conservative Government & defending an incompetent leftie crowd you'd have to be a hanger-on going by the law of averages.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 12 September 2013 5:50:19 PM
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Tony Abbott is a winner
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 12 September 2013 8:56:38 PM
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Individual, you have me in stitches. You lose the argument and revert to true form : nastiness. The joke's on you except you cannot see it. Besides, who said I'm a leftie. I'm truly independent and so I voted! Ha! Ha!
Posted by Francis, Friday, 13 September 2013 8:54:43 AM
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