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The Forum > Article Comments > Trying in vain to reimagine Tony Abbott > Comments

Trying in vain to reimagine Tony Abbott : Comments

By Lyn Bender, published 11/9/2013

Now that he is a winner, it seems that most commentators are rushing to unearth and acclaim the hidden depths of the 'enigmatic' Tony Abbott.

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I'm not sure there is any longer a left or a right? Just an up or down, or good policy versus bad policy. Sure Tony has his detractors, (myself included) and foibles?
But hey, he is nowhere as devious or deceitful as former PM Rudd?
All of Labor's current troubles, I believe, can be laid at the doorstep of this man and his carefully stage-managed leaking?
Julia Gillard picked the Party's prospects way up, and looked like gaining an unexpected solid win in 2010, until the leaks and the routine undermining started.
This turned a virtually guaranteed win into a rout, only rescued by Julia's consummate negotiating skills.
The fact that the undermining continued, lead to this recent consequence and the very worst slump in Labor's primary vote!
Labor needs time in the political wilderness to fix and clean up its brand; starting one would suggest, in throwing Labor leadership, open to a members ballot.
Such a result would show that Labor has finally started to listen!
And there is no reason why the current deputy, can't continue to act as an interim leader, until the result is finally decided by the RANK AND FILE!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 11 September 2013 6:24:45 PM
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Apart from the dubious psychoanalytical angle, this essay has little to offer.

I'm really getting bored with the supposedly left-wing blogosphere railing against the Abbott-Coalition win mainly in terms of climate change, stopping the boats and same-sex marriage (for which its policies are barely distinguishable from the ALP).

I'm at pains to find anything much at all about what this conservative election win might mean for worker rights, the unemployed and underemployed, the working poor, and the welfare state, as well as the Coalition track record on profligate spending to make the upper middle classes even more relaxed and comfortable.

It seems as if all that right-wing disdain for latte-sipping, inner-city lefties might have some justification. I suppose social equality and the class struggle are sooo last century.
Posted by Killarney, Wednesday, 11 September 2013 8:27:27 PM
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Dear Lynn,
In context:

Noting that Melbourne is to grow by 2 million? more people, means more traffic jams, more stress, poorer services ,increase in taxes/cost of living/housing, less bushland and farmland.

In addition it means a massive increase in debt , as everyone of us on average, is consuming more than we are producing.

It is a toxic design problem, with Australians “ asleep at the wheel”.

Last financial year, Australia sold $130 billion worth of assets overseas, masking our parlous financial state.
It is like selling the garage and the 2nd and 3rd bedroom of your house just to pay the bills but still borrowing on top .

Congratulations to the Population Stabilisation Party for their attempt to bring rationality back to politics and for responsibly
taking down their advertising so promptly.

Congratulations to Tony Abbott and I have hope, that he takes these facts into account, in his powerful decision making processes.


Posted by Ralph Bennett, Wednesday, 11 September 2013 9:26:35 PM
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Did I hit a nerve ?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 12 September 2013 5:47:22 AM
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I reckon that the inability to reimagine Tony Abbott is due to a lack of imagination, or the inability to remove the Rudd tinted glasses.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 12 September 2013 6:17:01 AM
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Phoney's severe limitations will begin to show very shortly. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, now can you!

Put Phoney in the Sports Portfolio where he can hide behind talented sportsmen and women!
Posted by David G, Thursday, 12 September 2013 9:15:34 AM
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