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The Forum > Article Comments > Rudd and Abbott both 'crap' on the 'greatest moral challenge' > Comments

Rudd and Abbott both 'crap' on the 'greatest moral challenge' : Comments

By Guy Pearse, published 6/9/2013

In truth there's little difference between the two sides. Modest domestic targets will likely be met, only with Aussie farmers receiving more checks than foreign carbon credit salesmen.

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Do the temperature records for the last 200 years, when compared to the past records covering the Egyptian, Minoan, Roman and Medieval warm periods, shows any hint of danger?

Do the sea level records from tide gauges and satellites show any hint of danger?

Do the climate models even agree with each other, let alone show any skill in predicting into the future on an decadal or regional basis?
Posted by Peter Bobroff, Friday, 6 September 2013 11:27:59 AM
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>"In truth it's Mr Rudd and those trying to dress up the climate policies of the Labor era who are being been intellectually dishonest. Australia can't have an effective climate response or be 'on the right side of history' while it disowns carbon exports.?

I have two problems with the main message in this article:

1. We cannot stop coal exports, any more than the Middle East can stop oil exports. The world needs energy. If we try to stop exporting energy those who need it will do whatever they need to do to get it - diplomacy, trade penalties, trade wars, and ultimately ultimate war. Blocking Japan's access to energy cause it to enter WW II. It is very naive to think that Australia can stop or restrict coal exports.

2. Nothing Australia does in the way of GHG emissions reductions will have the slightest difference on the climate. Anything we do will have no effect on global emissions - the reasons are explained here:

Carbon pricing cannot succeed unless there is an international carbon pricing scheme with near 100% participation. That means all countries participate, all GHG emissions sources in all countries are included, all raise the price (or restrict the caps) in unison, periodically, and continue to work in unison for as long as it takes - e.g. many decades or centuries. It is clear this is never going to succeed.

Renewable energy is a massive waste of money and will not achieve any significant reductions. We should stop all subsidies and regulatory support for renewable energy ASAP.

The costs of ETS, and renewable energy support are huge - $19 bn this year rising to $22 bn in 2019. And all for no benefit (an estimated reduction of 0.00007 C in global mean surface temperature in 2100).

How many are prepared to pay $58,000 over 37 years, in the hope of gaining an intangible benefit of $5,400 in ‘reduced climate damages’ over the next 37 years?
Posted by Peter Lang, Friday, 6 September 2013 11:48:49 AM
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Dear Guy,

Your case for alarmism and action against CAGW is base upon ignorance, both yours and what you have failed to tell the public.

So the EU Energy Commissioner is of the view that the EU’s Unilateral Climate Policy should be abandoned that they should get “fracking”? Meanwhile the USA and EU envoys have formally asked the IPCC for “clarification” on the lack of global warming over the last 17 years.

This puts the IPCC in a bit of a bind because for the very first time they are going to have to work with historical empirical data to explain why their “projections” were so wrong and explain where the “missing heat” has gone. I suppose it’s in the same box as the “ambiguity”.

The comments from Guenther Oettinger have put the final nails in the coffin of any hope of a replacement for Kyoto in 2015.

This follows last weeks announcement that Siemens Solar has closed in Germany with debts Euro 1.0 Bn. The global renewables index, RENIXX has collapsed by 90% and Kyoto passed away quietly on December 31st, 2012.

The EU Carbon Trading markets have collapsed from $45 pt in 2009 to $6 currently. The Chicago Climate Exchange folded in December 2010.

12 of the 18 Obama funded renewables corporations have declared bankruptcy after soaking up US$9.6Bn of taxpayer’s money and the remaining 6 have defaulted on their taxpayer funded loans of a further US$3.9Bn. China’s largest Solar Energy manufacturer filed for bankruptcy in March 2013, the largest wind turbine industry on the planet, the USA has lost 70% of its orders and Germany has increased its hard coal consumption by 17%. Add to this the fact that Germany’s Lignite as a percentage of fuel has climbed to 33%.

If you were aware of these facts you would resign immediately and if you did not know you should also need to resign immediately rather than trying to get Australain's to join this global train wreck.

You Sir are a fraud of the highest order. Which makes you eligible for both the Greens and Protective Services
Posted by spindoc, Friday, 6 September 2013 1:30:36 PM
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Guy, your fraud is so many layers deep, so deep and double-died in blatant mendacious dishonesty that it's just not funny.

But everyone, for an inkling of the scale of anti-human stupidity that is being peddled here, you simply must have a look at this short 50:1 video:

Guy and his fellow travellers are pious frauds of a kind that surpasses even the notorious selling of indulgences by the mediaeval church.

Instead of just repeating your too-much-refuted yarble-yarp, how about you either actually join issue for a change, or admit you were and are wrong, and even just shut up?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 6 September 2013 3:12:57 PM
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Do the temperature records for the last 200 years, when compared to the past records covering the Egyptian, Minoan, Roman and Medieval warm periods, shows any hint of danger?

Do the sea level records from tide gauges and satellites show any hint of danger?


Do the climate models even agree with each other, let alone show any skill in predicting into the future on an decadal or regional basis?


Even to the blinkered or corrupt paid observer.
Posted by Robert LePage, Friday, 6 September 2013 3:15:46 PM
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Surely you mean "ONLY to the blinkered or corrupt paid observer."

Can you provide any links in support of your claim?
Posted by Peter Bobroff, Friday, 6 September 2013 5:52:14 PM
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