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A rancorous mood overtakes the country : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 15/8/2013

When 'none of the above' is the answer, where does that leave Australia?

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I plan to vote Katter in the lower house and Palmer in the senate.
Why Katter, well what you see is what you get? Arguably a homophobic redneck; albeit, one with a heart as big as the hat that shades what's left of his brains?
Why Palmer?
Well there's a man who shows something for all the money he seems to waste, be it another titanic or replica dinosaurs, probably recreated from memory? (More tea anyone?)
Alternatively, it's another way of saying, none of the above or a pox on both your houses!
However, given you can fool all of the people some of the time, Tony Abbott will probably win, at least in the lower house?
And Labour, with much sound and fury, will likely respect his mandate and grudgingly back most of his legislation through the senate?
Arguably to repay the greens for all their help and preferencing in recent years!
Sadly, things will have to get worse before they get better, and a real visionary is found, to lead the country out of the quagmire it seems to be in, whether it's domestic or foreign debt, or foreign ownership.
All of which point to a distinct lack of future vision or relying on other for the fix, usually very short term?
What we need are thirty years self terminating bonds.
That'll fix all the infrastructure probs, without also handing over cash cow services or our economic sovereignty to price gouging foreigners.
We need rapid rail and better connecting public transport not more roads, that invariably lead to bottlenecks and even more commuter gridlock.
We need to explore and exploit the reef, not lock it away, with the first net effect, the local creation of four times more carbon than what we would have made, had we just used the brains we were born with!
I could go on, but what's the point?
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 15 August 2013 10:39:31 AM
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There are two overdue reforms to our electoral system-

(1) The introduction of proportional representation in some form for the House of Reps.

(2) The abolition of the hare-brained compulsory voting system which forces politicians to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Posted by mac, Thursday, 15 August 2013 11:08:01 AM
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Wow. I can see the delimer. It must be really hard for rusted on lefties who;

1/ know the Greens are a useless, if dangerous rabble.

2/ Have finally admitted Labour are totally hopeless, & unelectable.

3/ Know the coalition are the only people that might be able to pull our bacon out of the fire.

4/ Can't bring themselves to break the old bad habits of as life time, & vote intelligently.

Then we get the totally delusional like mac, who think sticking a few ratbags into the mix, who represent only the far radical fringes of society, will improve the result of parliamentary deliberation. This latter should be charged tried & sentenced to live in Tasmania, until they recognize the folly of their thinking.

I would say god help us, if I thought there was one
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 15 August 2013 12:34:16 PM
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rancor..via thesaurus..:..


they arn't moods
they are the fruits of a bitter harvesting..globally*

as those lover'SSS..of the ill fruits of the moneychangers
get forced to pay ever more..[as much as a for private gain..bear market can bare]

bailing out the rich..but dead corporations
privatizing profit..but socializing its loss
by dead corpuss persona..[inc/ltd]..

sukking the life blood
from a captive helpless population

your basic colonization..101
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 15 August 2013 1:09:57 PM
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I was under the impression that a vote was valid and counted until there was a problem deciphering the next preference, so for example 1,2,3,4,5,5 was a valid vote but no preference allocated after 4. Or does this only apply in the senate ballot?

This at least means that I can vote for anyone but NOT liberal/labour (I ignore the agrarian socialists).

Like some have commented, I rather like Bob Katter. I would also provide succour to the disparate pirates sex and other minor parties who at least peddle honest visible policies. Even that arch narcissist Julian Assange just to stick it up the political control freaks in whatever government is elected.

But vote liberal/labour, I think I'll go find another banana.
Posted by dkit, Thursday, 15 August 2013 1:28:28 PM
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neverwas is trying to think again, if you were a little puppy it might be cute.

There is no stepping away from it, We get the Pollies we vote for.
For those conplaining about our voting rules, are voters in the USA any happier?
Posted by Cobber the hound, Thursday, 15 August 2013 2:46:26 PM
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