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A rancorous mood overtakes the country : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 15/8/2013When 'none of the above' is the answer, where does that leave Australia?
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Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 15 August 2013 8:17:55 AM
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In the coming election people should remember that the Electoral Act specifically provides that in the event that a person fails to vote, and is sent a letter asking for the "true reason" (I love that) for their failure to vote, that if the person replies that he did not vote because it was against his religion, that response must be accepted as final and no further action will be taken.
Far from me to advocate that people should not vote or should cast an informal vote, as that would be against the law. But I can only say that any person who pays a fine for not voting is an idiot. Posted by plerdsus, Thursday, 15 August 2013 8:33:11 AM
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I am in the camp that wants a return to optional preferential voting. In the absence of that, all I can suggest is that How to Vote cards are ignored and that a few minutes be devoted to voting below the line for the Senate.
Given the low standing of politicians in lists of trusted professions I find it odd that so many of us apparently think it is a good idea to have our vote controlled by a political party through a how to vote directive or above-the-line Senate preference deals. Posted by Candide, Thursday, 15 August 2013 9:19:46 AM
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<< I might have voted if limited preferential voting had not been proscribed. >>
My thoughts exactly, Wm. If we had the democratic optional preferential voting system in place instead of the disgusting and complete anathema to democracy that is the compulsory preferential voting system, I might actually see fit to register a vote! But as it is, with a system that can take your vote and make it count where you specifically don’t want it to count, by way of compelling you to mark every square in numbered order and thus register preferences that you specifically don’t want to register, you can forget it! I’ll be registering a blank ballot paper, which I have for many elections now, as I will NOT allow my vote to trickle down and count for either Labor or the Coalition, both of which I specifically wish to vote against! I can’t understand the lack of concern about our voting system! It really is just about as rank as some of the antics we see in various pseudodemocratic elections around the world – votes recorded by dead people, people rolling up to election booths and finding that a vote has already been registered under their name, etc, etc. Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 15 August 2013 9:31:51 AM
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Dear Ludwig,
I don't think there's a lack of concern about our voting system at all. I think the attitude is more, "What's the use? We can't change it." I would like to see us have a representative democracy where the views of constituents, the conscience of the legislator and the good of Australia and the world can override the decision of the party room except for those issues specifically mentioned in the party platform. I would like to see our members generally connected with their electoral districts having the experience of living and interacting with the residents for at least five years before running for office. I would like to see Montesquieu's separation of powers with an elected executive to execute the laws, a separate elected legislature to make the laws and an independent judiciary to adjudicate the laws. I would like to see political parties that tackled basic issues such as peace, the environment, uncontrolled population and other growth rather then focus on less important but emotive issues like boat people. I would to see a ballot with 'none of the above' as an option. If that choice got a majority then new candidates must be put forth. I would like to see political advertising eliminated and the candidates obligated to face each other in debate with no moderator as Lincoln and Douglas did. I would like to see an informed electorate who would not need how-to-vote cards. Such an electorate could be created by having school children required to read or observe the media and discuss the issues in class. That is done in Norway. What's the use? We can't change it. Posted by david f, Thursday, 15 August 2013 10:10:14 AM
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Six years of LABOR has exposed their deep flaws, and Campbell Newman has shown us in Queensland just what the Coalition will do across Australia if they are elected!
This election is a farce, a choice between the lesser of two evils, and, largely, the fault for this has to rest at the feet of Julia Gillard and the factional fools. She has gone but the fools are still there! I am so tired of the lies and promises and insults engaged in by both parties as they seek power and glory. The Greens provide the only relief but they are too extreme. What to do? How has it come to this? Democracy is dead! Posted by David G, Thursday, 15 August 2013 10:18:39 AM
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I plan to vote Katter in the lower house and Palmer in the senate.
Why Katter, well what you see is what you get? Arguably a homophobic redneck; albeit, one with a heart as big as the hat that shades what's left of his brains? Why Palmer? Well there's a man who shows something for all the money he seems to waste, be it another titanic or replica dinosaurs, probably recreated from memory? (More tea anyone?) Alternatively, it's another way of saying, none of the above or a pox on both your houses! However, given you can fool all of the people some of the time, Tony Abbott will probably win, at least in the lower house? And Labour, with much sound and fury, will likely respect his mandate and grudgingly back most of his legislation through the senate? Arguably to repay the greens for all their help and preferencing in recent years! Sadly, things will have to get worse before they get better, and a real visionary is found, to lead the country out of the quagmire it seems to be in, whether it's domestic or foreign debt, or foreign ownership. All of which point to a distinct lack of future vision or relying on other for the fix, usually very short term? What we need are thirty years self terminating bonds. That'll fix all the infrastructure probs, without also handing over cash cow services or our economic sovereignty to price gouging foreigners. We need rapid rail and better connecting public transport not more roads, that invariably lead to bottlenecks and even more commuter gridlock. We need to explore and exploit the reef, not lock it away, with the first net effect, the local creation of four times more carbon than what we would have made, had we just used the brains we were born with! I could go on, but what's the point? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 15 August 2013 10:39:31 AM
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There are two overdue reforms to our electoral system-
(1) The introduction of proportional representation in some form for the House of Reps. (2) The abolition of the hare-brained compulsory voting system which forces politicians to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Posted by mac, Thursday, 15 August 2013 11:08:01 AM
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Wow. I can see the delimer. It must be really hard for rusted on lefties who;
1/ know the Greens are a useless, if dangerous rabble. 2/ Have finally admitted Labour are totally hopeless, & unelectable. 3/ Know the coalition are the only people that might be able to pull our bacon out of the fire. 4/ Can't bring themselves to break the old bad habits of as life time, & vote intelligently. Then we get the totally delusional like mac, who think sticking a few ratbags into the mix, who represent only the far radical fringes of society, will improve the result of parliamentary deliberation. This latter should be charged tried & sentenced to live in Tasmania, until they recognize the folly of their thinking. I would say god help us, if I thought there was one Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 15 August 2013 12:34:16 PM
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rancor..via thesaurus..:..
spite/hate/hatred resentment/malice/ill-will.. male-volence/animosity/antipathy enmity/hostility/acri-money/venom/vitriol they arn't moods they are the fruits of a bitter harvesting..globally* as those lover'SSS..of the ill fruits of the moneychangers get forced to pay ever more..[as much as a for private gain..bear market can bare] bailing out the rich..but dead corporations privatizing profit..but socializing its loss by dead corpuss persona..[inc/ltd].. sukking the life blood from a captive helpless population your basic colonization..101 Posted by one under god, Thursday, 15 August 2013 1:09:57 PM
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I was under the impression that a vote was valid and counted until there was a problem deciphering the next preference, so for example 1,2,3,4,5,5 was a valid vote but no preference allocated after 4. Or does this only apply in the senate ballot?
This at least means that I can vote for anyone but NOT liberal/labour (I ignore the agrarian socialists). Like some have commented, I rather like Bob Katter. I would also provide succour to the disparate pirates sex and other minor parties who at least peddle honest visible policies. Even that arch narcissist Julian Assange just to stick it up the political control freaks in whatever government is elected. But vote liberal/labour, I think I'll go find another banana. Posted by dkit, Thursday, 15 August 2013 1:28:28 PM
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neverwas is trying to think again, if you were a little puppy it might be cute.
There is no stepping away from it, We get the Pollies we vote for. For those conplaining about our voting rules, are voters in the USA any happier? Posted by Cobber the hound, Thursday, 15 August 2013 2:46:26 PM
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If is weren't for those "lefties" there would have been no political and social progress and no democracy, you need us. Posted by mac, Thursday, 15 August 2013 3:09:52 PM
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Democracy isn't dead, and the choice is simple for all who can weigh up the potentials:
a) Vote for the Liberal or National candidate for the Reps, AND for the Senate, if you want Oz to have any hope of digging itself out of its current mess; b) Vote for the Labor candidate in both houses if you want Oz to descend into such a black hole that you may then be finally convinced of your past and current folly; c) Stick your head in the sand and vote informal; d) Let your social conscience outweigh your common sense and vote for the Greens; e) If you have an outstanding Independent offered for the Reps or the Senate, go for it; f) If you refuse to vote informal, vote for Katter's or Palmer's candidate - it will amount to the same thing, but you can feel good about it; g) If you really don't give a hoot, abstain and take the choice of identifying yourself as a religious objector (as has been suggested somewhere in an earlier post on this thread), OR do everyone a favour and remove yourself from the electoral roll. It's really as simple as the Meerkat commercial; just open your eyes and ears, and exercise some grey matter. In three years Abbott can't do too much harm and, with just a little luck and good management, may actually do some good. With another three years, Rudd can bring Oz to its knees and see Labor go the way of the DLP - and that would be a shame, wouldn't it. With a hung parliament, Oz can only linger in the depressing and thoroughly unproductive doldrums, until we get to do it all over again. Your choice, but OURS and your children's future in the balance. Make it a good one. Posted by Saltpetre, Thursday, 15 August 2013 3:34:11 PM
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With a hung Parliament we get greater transparency rather than the 'going through the motions' committees with pre-determined outcomes. We get issues properly debated and as the last three years have shown things do get done. The worst possible outcome this election would be one party controlling both the House and the Senate. Fortunately the electorate seems to have an instinctive feeling that this is not a good idea.
Posted by Candide, Thursday, 15 August 2013 5:04:08 PM
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In 2001 I was in bed the entire day of the election due to a migraine and woke up to find that Howard had won.
When asked why I didn't vote I wrote back that I didn't want to vote in a racist election. I happily paid the fine. This year we have another racist election with two sets of rich cowards tormenting and terrorising innocent human beings to win bogan votes. Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Thursday, 15 August 2013 5:06:01 PM
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I actually think Abbott might surprise and turn out to be one of our better PMs - at least, that is my impression given the amount of demented bile that the Progressives are exhibiting over him here in Oz.
I find it amazing how much they fear and loathe Abbott. I mean I'm a woman and I really don't understand the fear and loathing, it seems quite irrational - he gives back to the community more than any politician out there and surely on Planet Rational that should be a good thing. He has a successful marriage with three well-balanced daughters, so surely on Planet Normal that would be a good thing too. The only thing I can surmise is that we don't live on Planet Normal and Rational, and instead live in a topsy-turvy world where the irrational is applauded, and decent, moral and honourable people are ridiculed. All I can hope is the immature, the irrational and the immoral stay at home in bed on election day, leaving us adults with the responsibility of voting in an adult, responsible Government. Posted by Voter, Thursday, 15 August 2013 6:28:34 PM
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Can anyone recall ever reading a post by Marilyn Shepherd where the words "racist" or "racism" aren't flung about? Occurred to me, don't think I have ...
I agree the choices are ordinary at best and abominable at worst. Shall be backing Abbott because I believe the LNP is our best bet at getting sound financial management and stability over the next 3 years. He's not 'charismatic' but nor was Howard. John Howard cleaned up after Keating then left us in a sound position after 11 years. The mess Labor has made in 6 years will probably take another 10 years to fix. As for asylum seekers - if they are coming through the front door via UN processing - yes, welcome to Australia. Please settle in and become Australian. Through the back door via illegal enterprise, costing us billions and giving b-all - No! I think the majority of Australian voters feel similar or even less sympathetic if Labors backflips and desperate attempts to stem the problem KRudd created are any indication. That's democracy for you Marilyn. Politicians realising they have to satisfy the will of the majority in order to win the right to govern. BTW - I will vote for any politician who vows to repeal the citizenship of any immigrant Australian who returns to the country of birth to engage in armed combat unless as a member of the Australian armed forces. I sometimes think voting should be non-compulsory. However, under our current system there cannot be any argument about outcomes based on percentage of eligible people who actually voted. Cast a 'donkey' vote in protest if so desired. At least you've given it that much thought. Posted by divine_msn, Thursday, 15 August 2013 8:10:16 PM
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Divine man, we don't have any obligation to refugees in the protection of other nations and it is not the UNHCR who suggests that refugees can or should go to any country.
As we don't have any doors or windows and we don't own the ocean and it is perfectly legal to sail on it why do you keep whining about garbage? Every refugee was an asylum seeker who entered another nation and asked for protection, just as they do here. Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Thursday, 15 August 2013 8:32:21 PM
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Well done Marilyn! No use of the "R" words ...
The following paragraph was copied from the Australian Immigration & Citizenship site concerning the Humanitarian intake. It seems to suggest that refugees/asylum seekers who come through the front door are "identified & referred" by UNHCR. "Refugee—for people who are subject to persecution in their home country, who are typically outside their home country, and are in need of resettlement. The majority of applicants who are considered under this category are identified and referred by UNHCR to Australia for resettlement. The Refugee category includes the Refugee, In-country Special Humanitarian, Emergency Rescue and Woman at Risk visa subclasses." Back to your rubbish bin ... Posted by divine_msn, Thursday, 15 August 2013 9:01:24 PM
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devine_msn, we should remember that the Howard Government's "surplus" was funded by the sale of public (ie: yours and my) assets. I can't think of much more that Abbott could sell to fund his, so far uncosted, policies.
No, I won't be voting for either of them and will take the only method remaining to state my dissatisfaction with the present system. I will vote informally. Posted by dmisso, Friday, 16 August 2013 10:45:10 PM
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i understand...why we had to have high definition digital tv
i now have over twenty..CHANLES..but wait..half of em..are just the same..[or selling wall to wall adverts ].. just to fill the al*..dig it? or rather just to claim..the space in ya face*..[dis-grace] in short want it so has affectingly digitally killed it... so he can bill the mugs wanting..more of it.. for fee..but not for free* plus a true sports rort thus <<..A rancorous mood overtakes the country..>> how come we dont get easy access to it? cause it was never for us and because of the colluded/deliberated..*lack of it to us thus A rancorous mood overtakes the country so be it* as ye planted..[bluff and bluster shall ye reap..[the ill wind..bitter harvest..of a world going bust we need rancor no more life will become a bore Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 August 2013 11:17:13 AM
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wonder if it relates
Wikileaks Released 3 "Insurance" Files overnight. On Torrent to Download. Wikileaks Facebook page has the following: Please mirror: WikiLeaks insurance 20130815-A: 3.6Gb B: 49Gb C: 349GB For a reason that has not been explained they have released "Insurance" files overnight. They are huge. They are 3.6 GB, 49GB and 349 GB (larger than my hard drive) I am downloading the 3.6 GB right now. Please download and seed. Someone in a comment said the password is password on the page. It should be very interesting what is in the files. Update- I downloaded the first file and opened it up. *It is encrypted. I am trying to find out what the decoding is to be able to read it. If anyone knows what the code is, please let me know and where the software is. I am thinking they have released the files right now but not the code for them. I am still searching. If anyone knows this answer, please let me know. Update - I have been searching and searching for the code. *It seems that the code for actually reading the insurance files has not been released. So, I don't understand why they released the files without the code. Unless something is happening we aren't aware of and they need these files downloaded onto many computers. I believe they should release the code when they release the files. The games need to stop and the Truth needs to be released about all subjects.>> Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 20 August 2013 4:39:47 PM
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Then there are intelligence agencies in the US,
which require billions of dollars worth of funds from the Congress and the government every year. This funding issue was not a big problem till the existence of the former Soviet Union but after that the budget of these agencies has been in danger. They needed an enemy. So, they first started propaganda against Usamah and Taleban and then this incident happened. You see, the Bush administration approved a budget of 40bn dollars. Where did this huge amount go? It will be provided to the same agencies, which need huge funds and want to exert their importance. Now they will spend the money for their expansion and for increasing their importance...for lobby public public places.. bribe/kickback recording devices..on police vehicles..number plate recording/recognition..and lots of data storage..*computer banks of peoples records..searches at airports/gatherings/concerts..illegal searches/dogs guns bull-its..[ie shovel ready oppression]..and fear mongering/beat-up/spying and spin follow the money Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 21 August 2013 8:35:35 AM
Then, I had planned to attend a polling place, have that registered and then leave without submitting a ballot.
Now I intend to create and tick a box on the ballot as 'none of the above' (or 'those below' as the case may be).
Then, whatever happens won't be my fault.