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The critical election issue: population : Comments

By Jenny Goldie, published 12/8/2013

With one or two notable exceptions, our political parties are not acknowledging that population lies at the heart of most issues.

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Jenny Goldie’s article has touched on the biggest issue facing humanity. The world’s ballooning population and insatiable demand for resources is creating a looted and desecrated planet which can only end in disaster. Australia is in no way insulated from this process.
Australia already has more people than it can support without the profligate use of fossil fuels and we should take immediate steps to remedy this situation. The cessation of all immigration from any source should be implemented.
Australian politics is in a state of almost Spenglerian dysfunction (as is most of the world), acting in the interests of those other than the people who vote for them. It is good to see the emergence of political parties who can address this issue.
Posted by Imperial, Monday, 12 August 2013 12:33:04 PM
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Good morning Divergence,

what no reference to the Productivity Report and GDP? Neither of which the SSP believe in. I'll give just one example which gives the lie to most of their statements. This is William Bourke, the head of the SPP, commenting recently on the Party Facebook page.

"We completely support foreign students coming to Australia to study, and vice versa. Economic migrants posing as students is a different matter and this issue requires an urgent review."

Yet the SPP - and I quote for the SPP policy website will:"... reduce annual permanent immigration from around 250,000 (including NZ) to around 80,000, and include flexible skilled, family reunion and humanitarian (refugee) components."

We take about 200,000 international students a year. There will be no international student market if your mob of sociobiologists get in. I have also noticed you change the SPP website at a whim to suit the prevailing winds.

Your party is up there with the Bubblers - in fact, the Bubblers have some runs on the board for honest disclosure, unlike the anti-pops whose main existence appears to be to split the Green vote.
Posted by Malcolm 'Paddy' King, Monday, 12 August 2013 12:58:23 PM
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the critical issue is a credible party to lead the country
i have lost faith in Labor
kevin showed me he can be undermined by nameless men using an incompetent woman
he revealed his true self in attending church and then mocking God by blatantly disobeying God's commandments on homosexual practices

i am watching the liberal and nationals
so far they are the lesser of 2 evils
Posted by platypus1900, Monday, 12 August 2013 1:00:53 PM
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here are my views on population

1. australia must have a reasonable population increase to sustain economic growth
2. the fertility rate of 1.8 has to be increased substantially
3. we should have policies to encourage working parents to have more children. NOT provide handouts to non-working parents who abuses the system by reproducing like rabbits for the dole. They will not bring up responsible children anyway, given the wrong value systems they have in the first place
4. we need to have more migrants but this should be done sensibly and in controlled numbers
5. we must say NO to boat migrants.... they must join the Q like everyone else. We cannot afford to have the world's economic refugees flooding our shores. For those who preaches compassion and gracious society, I would like you to give up your job to them and I will salute you. The argument that women and children are drowning in the open sea is just not valid. A nation should not be held ransom to such threats and bullying and blackmail. It is liken to a poor homeless family staging a hunger strike outside a rich man's house for rights to occupy a room in the huge 20 room mansion. How ludicrous.
6. migrants should recognise that this is a white christian society. all races and creed and religions are welcomed but they will have to integrate, not demand for the social landscape to be changed. No...we will eat and serve any food in any place we like. We will not have faceless women in public areas and planes and trains as that pose as a security threat to all. We will not have public roads closed for prayers. Public roads are not worship places.
7. serious thoughts should be given to policies for migration to specific state and specific cities for say the first 10 years
Posted by platypus1900, Monday, 12 August 2013 1:33:04 PM
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The idea is to balance immigration and emigration. When international students go home, they add to emigration numbers, provided that they have been in Australia for more than 12 months. You can then take in more new international students. It only becomes an issue if the university is really selling immigration and just giving the "student" a few hoops to jump through before he or she gets that PR visa. There are also the issues of why a rich country like Australia can't fund its own universities, as is done in other rich countries, and of the corrupting influence of treating a university like a profit-making business. If you spent any time talking to academics at a university, you would have some understanding of the pressures to admit students with inadequate English or to pass students who deserve to fail. The customer is always right.
Posted by Divergence, Monday, 12 August 2013 1:41:25 PM
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Jennie always forgets to mention her 6 children doesn't she? WE cannot be like Canute and hold back the humans, that is just deranged and selfish thinking.

We already grow enough food here to feed 70 million people and if we get smart can grow a whole lot more.

To pretend that we can sit here on our golden soil and not share it is fairy tale stuff.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Monday, 12 August 2013 2:58:06 PM
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