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Blundering through : Comments
By Murray Hunter, published 9/8/2013Effectively, the opportunity to put forward a new vision for the country has been deferred perhaps to a time when it will be too late to talk about it.
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Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 10 August 2013 10:59:13 AM
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but still..let the crooks..*make false_money.>> the the federal/reserve its not false* much as its built..upon a con/lie/treason [when treasury..* were..infact..bonds..[promising silver..or a guinie/sovereign[weight]..of gold or a shillings..*weight*..of silver or a penny..*weight of..*copper but..when govt went broke [after bankers..bought up war/bonds.. and DEMANDED..the promised weight..IN GOLD SILVER..IMMEDIATLY ..sending the govt the banker..NOW..*holding the CON-troll..over mint/fed treasure.. then[the first..thing...bankers demonetize/stole gold bankers made fortunes next..they stole the..pure silver[post ww2] they stole..our sterling silver[50% silver]..in1966 next [90;s]..they stole..*EVEN the one/two cent copper coins notes became bank..*bills!*! [we know a..bill=debt..right?] our money..*now is a debt-receipt..PAY-ABLE* the fed* but fools has value*..[so it we wake up] ..<<Deposit $ a bank and it can/does..lend MANY times..that amount out>> yes fractional/reserve_lending..BUT ONLY FOR BWANKERS if THEY*..deposit..1$with the debt bill* fed will gladly issue..THEM..twenty times the original debt bill in credit/debt*bill value thus bankers..can sign us up..for DEBT/bills.. KNOWING,..every dollar we give them..GIVES the bank acces to 25dollars/credit/to lend to..yet others.. to yet again..get the leverage/fractional reserve..then lending <<even does not *physically have..the metal/money.>> they do..have a thing..THAT LOOKS*LIKE..MONEY-note except..its DEBT*note?BILL*..not value..but proof off fraud/treasoon* debasing the queens coin=TREASON* and by issuing..inflated paper..the value theft. .of the metal value of the coin..has been debased..HIGH TREASON my exposing all of to restore true value*..BACK INTO COIN..[ie let a paper/plastic 5 dollars=5$] but cent be deemed* one_dollar and 2 cents =2 dollar 20 cent COIN=$20.. 50 cent COIN=50$ dollar coin=100$..2 DOLLAR COIN=200$ which is only restoring..true face to hrh traditional historic VALUE*..stolen debased and despoiled by fed corruption ..AND restore back honor..and truth back to US HeR sacred TRUST*..RETURN..true values back to the people return..the traditional coin AGE values then bailout the poor with a few 50 CENT*.. or dollars..iN coin [ie fixed in paper dollar values.. \then deem coins back to true traditional values as previously postulated.. thus leveraging the people out.. so we can yet again..bail..out the criminals i wrote about it..'wikiseed/wikigeld' Posted by one under god, Sunday, 11 August 2013 2:55:16 PM
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this articles responses..reveals..there is a lack..of vision even here at olo.or rather no lack..but a reluctance to talk of visions...thus we get the same lame..blundering through
like its clear tony will sell nbn [likely to murdoch..or via a default clause to return..the lot to telstra..[who also hold cross holdings in the fox.. thanks be to howard SELLING OFF our biggest ASSET..telrecom/telstra the..last time the libs..*SAVED,us..and featherd their new super beu/auto/kroceratic super scam/sceme..with the peoples assets when the commies went broke..they gave the people shares when the aurtocrats looked like they were going broke..the their own foul nest's plus..added free solar and insult insulation.. new blue tie halls..and infastructure guilding.. further insulating their secret tax-free trust's..set up by the same untrustworthy lawyers making laws what must change is lawyers making more laws think separation of religion..separate lawyers from making laws [with built in keep themselves and their pals away from sic*king the police to pol;icing the people..petty crimes./.BUT NEVER THE MASTER*$$$$.. with power to corrupt representatives.. this is to say to mean self reperation via a second/3rd party/trust self serving selfish presentation yeah..blundering through indeed but thats the plan../.man*..welcome to sataNS REALM* where we sort..the wheat from the chaff..the tares from the wheat at death* then those who deceived..go to the deceiver let thee who be tamperd/tempted by satandS$$$ temperde in the fires Posted by one under god, Monday, 12 August 2013 8:36:19 AM
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ok..lets kreep our heads in the sand..again
Young woman's..ovaries..destroyed by Gardasil: Merck 'forgot to research' effects of vaccine on female reproduction A newly-published study has revealed that Merck & Co., the corporate mastermind behind the infamous Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), conveniently forgot to research the effects of this deadly vaccine on women's reproductive systems. or the lies of big c02..melt The past two weeks normally produce the fastest Arctic ice loss of the year, about 750,000 km². This year, less than half that much ice melted. It also was the coldest and shortest summer on record at the North Pole. President Obama thinks the poles are melting down, like his credibility. foo0de shortages needs water..frack the lot of us and govt installs the pipes wires ports for free..["no worries mate"] doubt..i know you..will look after me..after the mug voters wake-up..if not..i got immediate super*..and telstra shares or a blackbook n the day before she was found dead, she was making arrangements for someone to take care of her condo, made sure the payments were arranged to be made while she was in prison. The attitude displayed by her behavior was of a woman resigned to going to prison, but already thinking about how she would get her life going again after her release. This is totally inconsistent with someone contemplating suicide. In addition, the medical examiner's report, although concluding she died of the hanging, noted a large contusion on the back of her head as if she had been struck from behind to render her unconscious. read between..the lines Posted by one under god, Monday, 12 August 2013 9:32:45 AM
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There has been a deep structural shift in the last decade which only accelerated since the recession engulfed the nation. Corporations have increased profits largely by chopping wages and other compensation to employees. This is part of a global low wage trend that is now fully rolling over the United States. New data reflects this deeper morphing of our economy and also explains why many working and middle class Americans are finding it harder to keep up with the changing winds of the economy. Suppressed wages, higher corporate profits, and less compensation Judge Rules: Stop-and-Frisk Practice Violated Rights In a repudiation of a major element in the Bloomberg administration’s crime-fighting legacy, a federal judge has found that the stop-and-frisk tactics of the New York Police Department violated the constitutional rights of minorities in New York, and called for a federal monitor to oversee broad reforms. Apple patent could remotely disable protesters' phone cameras a product of the central banks’ (the Federal Reserve in the United States) low (virtually zero) interest policies, which allow Wall Street to borrow cheaply and speculate, activities which puff up stock prices but do not generate employment, and furthermore depress industry and polarize the economy. As a result the gap between the top 10% and the bottom 90% has widened. Wages and salaries have declined in relative and absolute terms, as employees take advantage of high unemployment (7.8% official) underemployment (15%) and precarious employment. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 13 August 2013 4:12:23 PM
If the gold is not in your hand you really don't have anything but a piece of paper or some numbers on a computer.
The Governments are preparing to bail out CROOKS but still let the crooks make false money.
Deposit $1 in a bank and it can lend MANY times that amount out even though it does not physically have the money.