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Right embarrassed by the truth : Comments
By Richard Stokes, published 26/7/2013Robert Spencer runs a website called Jihad Watch, and that makes him unpopular in some quarters.
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Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 26 July 2013 8:19:29 AM
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Might I also add that a great many conscientious Jews also condemn Spencer's work and that those who speak out are also targeted by Counter Jihad bullies
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 26 July 2013 8:23:05 AM
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I have never heard of either Spencer or Trifkovic before. However what I do know is that all religions are the same. Just fantasy, dangerous repressive fantasies. The Catholic are no better than Scientologist or Muslim.
I think the French attempt at going the secular route is probably best. The Russians under Stalin repressed but not to any great effect. I think thinking people should always be equal in their condemnation of all religions, rather than the Left's lickspittle attitude to islam. I despise them all! Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 26 July 2013 8:49:33 AM
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Jay of Melbourne,
First, a correction, Spencer is not Jewish, but Catholic. "All Anti Islam and counter Jihad activism has support for Zionism at it's core..." All? That's a generalisation, however I agree that Zionist propaganda and pro-Israel sentiments seem to be standard with counter-Jihad sites which obviously undermines their legitimacy with those individuals who are concerned with Islam but appalled by Israel's predatory policies. It appears from your comments that you don't consider anti-jihad activities, in principle, to be legitimate. Why? Islam is inimical to liberal democracy. Posted by mac, Friday, 26 July 2013 8:56:49 AM
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I don't buy Spencer's life story as he presents it, why would David Horowitz fund a Catholic theologian, he's a neo-con? I might well be wrong about Spencer but in the end he's a only subordinate of Israel, like Geert Wilders or Rob Messenger, the fact is that all these people do is attack or try to subordinate all dissent with their "defence leagues" and groups such as the Q society, Australian Protectionist Party and now it seems One Nation in Queensland: We also have this strange situation with the planting of an explosive device outside Campsie Police station, having some insight into the operation both "Counter Jihad" groups and Jihadists the information released so far seems to me to point to Anti Islamic activists: If it's proven that this was the work of Anti Islamic groups then we have a serious problem on our hands, the most extreme example (so far) of where this Spencer/Geller/Horowitz/Pipes milieu can lead people is the Utoya massacre carried out by Counter Jihad fanatic Anders Behring Breivik. Breivik qoutes these people at length in his manifesto and it's understood that he made contributions to their websites and attempted to convert others to his way of thinking via their media. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 26 July 2013 9:40:56 AM
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I dont have time to enter into this racist talk blaming Jews for everything so I quote directly from wikipeadia. "Spencer is a member of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, the Uniat offshoot of the ancient Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch.[4][5] It is a rite of the Catholic Church whose adherents are, according to Spencer, "mostly concentrated in Lebanon and Syria, also in Jordan and the Palestinian territories."[1] His grandparents were forced to emigrate from an area that is now part of Turkey because they were Christians.[1]" Just because someone is pro Israel or anti Jihad doesnt make them jewish and just because they are Jewish doesnt mean their opinion should be dismissed. I hate to say it but sometimes I really do feel like it is 1938 again.Wake up and look at the world around you. the chaos is NOT the jews fault
Posted by SC, Friday, 26 July 2013 10:17:54 AM
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Agreement or disagreement on the background or motive of Spencer is largely irrelevant.
What is relevant is freedom of speech and the ability to express truth or evidence as one finds it. That is being stifled to a great degree today as everyone is hung up on the 'isms' and being accused of committing crimes against idealogy. Therefore the truth and the evidence supporting it is often concealed under this blanket of fear of being labelled Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, Xenophobe and so on ... How the hell did we come to this? Islam is a religion unlike others. While the majority of MUSLIMS are peaceful folk just wanting to go about their lives happily - like the majority of everyone else, the religion of Islam proclaims that we non-muslims are basically non-persons. It also urges followers to defend Islam above all else including killing unbelievers. No other 'great' religion - Christian, Buddist, Hindu etc requires such actions from its adherents. While there have been numerous attacks and murders by Muslim fanatics on persons who have spoken out against Islam, I cannot recall an instance of the same being carried out against any prominent Muslim who has come out with inflammatory rhetoric against non-muslims. There well may be cases but very rare. On the other hand we have the global spectacle of muslims enthusiastically killing each other over differences of religious interpretation or 'culcha' and a good many fleeing to other countries to escape the danger. Trouble is, an hour after unpacking they are usually looking for ways to make their new home just like their old home that they left. WTH? Bottom line: I too fear for my children and grandchildrens futures if we continue to 'shoot the messenger' because someone shouts 'racist' or the like. Wake up Australia! Posted by divine_msn, Friday, 26 July 2013 11:22:00 AM
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Richard Stokes has tried to draw attention to a real and present threat to liberty, and scrambled his warning out of all recognition by forcing it into an invented framework beloved of social engineers - “left” and “right”. In the watershed of human understanding labelled the Enlightenment, a process that began in the mid-17th century, the power of liberty has become increasingly apparent and has brought along with it science, truth, justice, equality before the law, national self-determination based on geographical boundaries, representative government leading towards democracy. The great threat to the Enlightenment process is from the throwbacks. Liberty, to be real, has to be the property of every individual, not just of groups which are the plaything of social engineers.
By counterposing the monstrosity created in a fourth century deal with the Roman tyrant Constantine against the monstrosity created by the murderous seventh century desert paedophile Mohammed who “heard voices”, Stokes leaves us vulnerable to both deadly threats to liberty. Who has slaughtered the most people in a bid to silence dissent, who has slaughtered the most Christians with the same throwback purpose for that matter - the Islamic theocrats or the Church of Rome? For a record of the tyranny of the Islamists, try the works of Ibn Warraq [1]. For a record of the tyranny of the Church of Rome, try Ellen Gould’s “The Great Controversy” [2] or the modern history of Spain and Latin America. Stokes’ implied apologia for Zionist racism is another false dichotomy counterposing racism against theocracy and asking us to choose. [1] Google Ibn Warraq Amazon Kindle. [2] Google Ellen White Amazon Kindle (Ellen White was a superstitious kook – interesting historian though a phoney prophet). Posted by EmperorJulian, Friday, 26 July 2013 2:50:18 PM
Believe me, these people are no friends of "the right", they are enemies of both Right/reactioary and Left/progressive thinkers and seek to subordinate all points of view and channel them to one end, support for Israel.