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Palestine: the bi-national state that can work : Comments

By David Singer, published 4/7/2013

Anyone believing this proposal to restore the territorial status quo existing before 1948 can happen again in 2013 must have rocks in his head.

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"Anyone believing this proposal to restore the territorial status quo existing before 1948 can happen again in 2013 must have rocks in his head."

So where does that leave those who believe that Israel's boundaries can be based on the territorial status quo existing in Roman times around 2,000 years ago?
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 4 July 2013 3:10:21 PM
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Of course there is no prospect of a just solution over the next six months - that's just a straw man fashioned by the Hasbarist troll. But the right thing to do is to consider what justice requires, support every proposal or change in the direction of justice and oppose every proposal or action that preserves or extends injustice.

Justice can be summarised as RETURN. Return to their homeland of all people in exile from Palestine, and return to THEIR homelands of all settlers not born in the territory. All people born in the territory, of whatever ethnic origin, to be free to remain in it. A state covering all the land of Palestine (including the enclave currently sequestered as "Israel") to be a strictly secular democracy in which no citizen is qualified by ethnicity to enjoy enhanced status or condemned by ethnicity to suffer reduced status.

Those are the broad lines of a just solution, but there would be a lot of detail to be settled by negotiation. What is unsustainable and unacceptable is an exclusive "homeland" for any extraterritorial ethnic group whatsoever, including a global "Jewish people" or "Aryan people" or "Arab people", all of which are as ridiculous as a global "Celtic people".
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 4 July 2013 11:55:08 PM
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The Pailistinans will not be satisfied till they are the last man standing.Forget the rhetoric about a bi national state or two state outcomes.The Pailistinans don't want any arrangement that will see non Arabs in a position of autonomy. and anyone who thinks otherwise has >>rocks in their head<<
Posted by KarlX, Friday, 5 July 2013 8:00:37 AM
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KarlX: "The Palestinans don't want any arrangement that will see non Arabs in a position of autonomy."

So they don't accept a foreign enclave. Nor should they. Would we accept part of Australia being cleared of its inhabitants to be sequestered as a foreign enclave? British invaders already did it once, and we non-Aborigines who didn't invade it but were born into it are still along with Aborigines finding it a challenge to shape it as a nation of equal citizens because the invaders failed to even try.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Friday, 5 July 2013 12:39:32 PM
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Dear Emperor

**What is unsustainable and unacceptable is an exclusive "homeland" for any extraterritorial ethnic group whatsoever**

If you combined all populations of the region you would have a majotity moslim population and the long term look at history shows that any state ruled by majority Moslims will favor Moslims to the expense of any other group. If you doubt me ask the Egypruian Copts or whats left of the Iranian Bahá'í and how do you classify someone born in Israel foreign to the region?
Posted by KarlX, Friday, 5 July 2013 6:44:48 PM
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Mr Emperor

I not been hearin from you. Has de cat got yor tongue, man?

How de ya propose to guarantee the rites of non-moslims in dis big new moslim state of yors?

I see dat you talk big about **RETURN**
**Return to their homeland of all people** ya say.

Are ya in de travel industree or de transport sectore
and stand to gane big money from bringin all of em back, ay man?
Posted by KarlX, Saturday, 6 July 2013 10:06:39 AM
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Karl X: This is my third post. We are allowed four. I'm saving the last in case I need to reply to someone who has done at least a minimum of homework. Homework for now: Read the second paragraph of my post of Thursday, 4 July 2013 11:55:08 PM. Slowly. Every word.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Saturday, 6 July 2013 3:55:28 PM
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I think you have it back to front KarlX, it is the Palestinians who
are the foreign enclave.

The whole area was originally Jewish, and later Christian and then it
was invaded by the Islamists from Southern Arabia.
It was to recover the area from the moslems that caused the crusades.

The Islamists will only ever agree to a sharing for a period so as to
gain an advantage, as they are directed in the Koran.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 6 July 2013 4:36:48 PM
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Dear Mr Emperor

Whatz with you man? You just spent one post tellin me you couldna answer me because you only had two posts left. And anyway you be aloud 350 words each post, you used a meazilly 47 of dem.

Watcha been smokin, man?

I here print yore very important 2nd parygraph so you can go through it with me

**Justice can be summarised as RETURN. Return to their homeland of all people in exile from Palestine, and return to THEIR homelands of all settlers not born in the territory. All people born in the territory, of whatever ethnic origin, to be free to remain in it. A state covering all the land of Palestine (including the enclave currently sequestered as "Israel") to be a strictly secular democracy in which no citizen is qualified by ethnicity to enjoy enhanced status or condemned by ethnicity to suffer reduced status**

Taint no Harry Potter magic formula far as I can see

What the heck man? You think you sayin everyone haff equal rites make it ok? What guarantee can you give a poor non moslim, it will be so?

You definitely haff rocks in you head man!
Posted by KarlX, Saturday, 6 July 2013 5:39:42 PM
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Hi Emperor Julaianne

If "justice" requires "the return of all Palestinians born in exile" in other countries to "Palestine", how would that principle not apply exactly to all Jews born in exile in other countries? What makes a Jewish "settler" living in "Palestine" who was born in Russia, any different from a Muslim "settler" born in Kuwait? You are not a racist, are you?

Since the Muslims have ethnically cleansed almost all of the Jews from "Muslim" lands in the Middle East and North Africa, and are now working on the Bahai and the Christians, why are you so against one of their former victims returning the complement, returning from exile, and taking back their ancestral lands from these repeat offending, expert ethnic cleansers?

Especially since the Muslims are now trying to ethnically cleans the Jews in Europe?

And they are so successful so far, that Jews in Malmo (Norway) and France are fleeing to Israel, validating the Jewish belief that they will never be safe unless they have their own country, where they can keep most of their traditional persecutors on the other side of the fence.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 7 July 2013 8:25:00 AM
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Re Lego

1. Camps for exiles driven from their homes by Zionists are in Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan but not Kuwait. They were exiled by the Zionist ethnic cleansing of their homeland. Kuwaitis weren’t. A Jew who settles in Israel does so under the racist "law of return" which is similar to the Hitlerite plan for Germans to ethnically cleanse the eastern lands and settle Germans there. It's like a sort of White Australia Policy on steroids, meticulously codified to see that those invited to seize and occupy Palestinian land are ethnically suitable to do so. Globally, the ethnically suitable, some of them claiming blasphemously to be chosen by God, number about 13 million, or 0.2% of humanity.

2. Malmo is in Sweden. I know the place. A lot of Moslems have settled there. More fool the Swedes. Islam is not a race or an ethnicity, just a vile cult. Its mission is a world caliphate, imposed by force. When Moslems reach enough numbers in any district there are increasing demands for Islam to set the rules for all. Yet they exceed 90% in Egypt and their bid for power is being turned back. The answer to Islam is to stand up to its demands on the basis of non-racist secular democratic principles, not to steal Moslems' homeland and prattle about a mythical ancient "people" with God-given entitlements to do so. Read Shlomo Sand. Zionists wouldn’t know about non-racist democratic principles but will in the end have to learn no race is special or it’s compulsory Friday prayers, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer mob.

3. European, American, Canadian, British, Irish and Australian Jews do each have their own country. Racist ones won’t accept equal status with the other citizens. No sympathy.

KarlX: Repeating gibberish and demanding that people use up their allotted space on repeated responses to the same point is a troll technique for shutting down debate. Once bitten twice shy.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 8 July 2013 6:56:26 PM
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Almost all Muslims in Israel were expelled (or left of their own accord) by Jewish ethnic cleansing which is similar to Muslim ethnic cleansing, which expelled almost all of the Jews from everywhere else in the Middle East. But you concentrate entirely on the Jews and give the Muslims a free pass, even though the scale of their ethnic cleansing is much greater than the Jews and exceeded Jewish ethnic cleansing in effectiveness.

After WW2, the Romanians, Poles and Czechs ethnically cleansed their German citizens and either mass murdered them or drove them back into Germany. Like the Israelis, the governments of these countries considered the minority to be too dangerous to continue living among them. Why aren't these ethnic Germans now living in "camps" in Germany where their citizenship of Germany is denied by the German government? Why aren't the Germans now shooting Katyushka rockets over the border into the Czech republic, Poland and Romania, bombing airliners and committing acts of terrorism? The answer is, that the Germans want peace while the Arabs want war. The Arabs are not the least bit interested in living side by side with Israel. Nothing less than its total destruction of Israel by Islam will satisfy them.

"Non racist demographic principles" is going to see the complete destruction of these principles by the Islamic world, who will use the freedoms and tolerance of western nations to infiltrate them and take them over through birth rate differentials. You have the wit to understand the evil intentions of Islam, but you are so wrapped up in your own notions of human rights that you do not have the will to fight the people who really do want to destroy your civilisation and return the human race to the 7th Century.

Just in case you haven't noticed, the Muslims are undergoing a Reformation. Just like the Christian Reformation, they are turning back to the original scriptures of their God for guidance. But unlike Jesus Christ who preached love, forgiveness and peace, their God and prophet preaches religious war, genocide and intolerance of anyone not a Muslim.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 9 July 2013 5:52:20 AM
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