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Radiation and nuclear technology: safety without science is dangerous : Comments
By Wade Allison, published 13/5/2013Scientists are currently mired in a bogus safety culture that stifles innovation, acts as a brake on economic growth and actually makes the world a more hazardous place.
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The stochastic risk (the chance that some ionising event will occur) increases with increasing time, activity and type of radiation exposure. It's a bit like saying that spending more time driving in heavy traffic increases the risk of having some form of accident.
However, not all such events will have a measurably deleterious effect, just as most car accidents are merely fender-benders, not catastrophic or fatal. For example, a beta particle will be stopped by the epidermis, which is dead, and will be very unlikely to cause any negative effect at all unless one happens to inhale a source. The same applies to alpha particles. On the other hand, high-energy neutrons can do a lot of damage, although most of them are going to pass straight through a body doing no harm at all and the same applies to gamma. The chance of actual harm occurring during an ionising event is the "deterministic risk". To use the driving analogy, this is the chance that an accident will cause an injury and we take steps, such as seatbelts, airbags,crumple zones, to reduce that risk, as well as speed limits, signage, road rules, driver training to reduce the stochastic risk, with the result that an intrinsically hazardous activity is now so safe that we do it with our kids routinely.
Radiation workers are allowed about 50 times the annual dose of the general public and this is monitored using film badges. It is so much higher because they are few in number - raising the stochastic risk in a a small number of people is not going to lead to an explosion of cases of radiation-induced illness/injury. In the same way, we allow emergency workers to ignore speed limits, provided they do so in certain ways that limit risk to others. This is where the "reasonable" part comes in. [cont]