The Forum > Article Comments > Radiation and nuclear technology: safety without science is dangerous > Comments
Radiation and nuclear technology: safety without science is dangerous : Comments
By Wade Allison, published 13/5/2013Scientists are currently mired in a bogus safety culture that stifles innovation, acts as a brake on economic growth and actually makes the world a more hazardous place.
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 13 May 2013 9:00:47 AM
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Hear, hear Wade. Can you imagine, they were cleaning irradiated soil around Fukushima, with lower rads, than that produced by granite blocks in buildings, which have stood for centuries, without any observable harm, to any of the inhabitants.
This asinine absurdity can be slammed home to the ludicrous fear campaign and misinformation; put about by the eco-fascist, anti nuclear lobby, whose real goal, may well be anti-development and de-industrialisation? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 13 May 2013 10:08:07 AM
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Following the work of Marie Curie the health of people around the world today has improved out of all recognition thanks to radiation and nuclear technology. End Quote Yes and she died of aplastic anemia brought on by her years of exposure to radiation, which amply demonstrates that safety in in nuclear research is vitally necessary. The article takes a simplistic view of the world and them draws highly dubious conclusions. Typical internet rubbish with a veneer of scientific language thrown in just to con the ill informed. Posted by warmair, Monday, 13 May 2013 10:15:35 AM
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Wow, Rhrosty, well said.
Posted by spindoc, Monday, 13 May 2013 10:17:38 AM
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Of course safety in nuclear mattes is important and the case of Madam Curie underlines that concern, but as the article points out the public have extrapolated a healthy fear into a phobia over all things nuclear, to the point where the health results of the fear itself overshadow any health results from actual exposure. The same thing can be seen in the now passe public reaction to mobile phone towers where parents would keep their children indoors (and so more susceptible to colds and the flu). Their reaction created health risks that far outweighed any risk from the source, real or imagined.. . Posted by Curmudgeon, Monday, 13 May 2013 10:52:38 AM
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Meanwhile of course this one stark image sums up the world-view promoted by all the techno-optimists. As did the Avatar film of a few years back wherein having already destroyed the biosphere on planet earth, the techno-realists were compelled by the inexorable dominator logic/momentum of their "culture" to invade and plunder "virgin" territories, and to exterminate any resistance (including Black Ducks)- just like we always have.
Despite our obvious technological genius we are still essentially barbarians. Hence, we "play" with everything, but we cannot fully control our effects. We slaughter, exploit, poison, and spoil. We achieve power over great natural forces in the environment, but we cannot be the wise and loving masters of sex, or population, or industrial waste, or international politics. Therefore we are inevitably a destructive influence in the world. We presume and act to force every thing into degraded submission and to our own aggressive and stupid will to eat and use any and every thing that is technologically feasible, without any long-term regard for the future (while pretending otherwise). While perhaps waiting for some superior understanding to emerge in the future to clean up our wreckage, and perhaps hoping that a Cosmic Parent will keep everything in order or eventually "save" us. Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 13 May 2013 10:55:11 AM
Even at Fukushima To protect yourself from radiation, the most dangerous source is still the sun, and to make yourself safe you should never go outside, and should line your ceiling with lead.