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To hijab or not to hijab? : Comments

By Leslie Cannold, published 18/10/2005

Leslie Cannold considers the spiritual, cultural and political meaning of the hijab and other religious symbols.

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Is this debate still going on? Are we revisiting it to celebrate Bronwyn Bishop's birthday or something.

It is headwear - who cares if they wear it or if kids are forced to wear it when they are little. My mum used to make me wear sandals to school with socks and i bloody hated it. Does that mean i am oppressed.

As I said when the hijab issue first arose. Have a headscarf which is in school colours and has a school logo. let whoever wants to wear it, wear it to school. They are probably warm in winter and provide sun protection in summer.

They look better than a flap hat, any way.

Can't we argue about something constructuve like banning Collingwood jumpers - they offend me far more than a little girl in a hajib.

(Actually, why don't they have footy team inspired hijabs as well for all those Muslims who go to the footy. The Canterbury ones would be popular)

Posted by the usual suspect, Thursday, 20 October 2005 11:37:25 AM
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Leigh is concerned.

Using Fellow Humans 3-5000 2yr conversion rate and selecting the higher number - after all it is an avalanche we are facing here , assume its 50:50 gender split and the marry and they have a 60% fertility rate and none of thier babies die or are eaten by any of us and they have three children per couple that 5000 will be about 9500 in three years. Lets assume the conversion rate stays at 5000 new islamists and they are as fecund as their fellow converts after ten years ( assuming the 5000 conversion rate holds and they marry and they breed ) by year ten we have 57000 new muslims with offspring up to 8 years of age; add the trickle through immigration and the odd one or two who sneek in and we might have 65000 new muslims in our midst! go back to your villages and lock up the children!

Leigh...maaaaate...wotaryugonnadooabowtit? - ban the religion?, make conversion of anything other than a car from petrol to gas illegal?, sterilze them ?, put them in detention camps ( we already do that, silly me) gas ovens ?

we need to know what the final solution to the dreadfull problem is - cleary us snivel libertarians havent a clue; us here amidst the putrifying ides of the left are bereft of imagination when confronted by a problem of this magnitutde - help us out here.

I mean Spain never had it so good when run by the Moors; they were sophisticated, cultured, tolerant - now theres a word I aint heard lately - then Queen Isabella rocked up and gave us the Inqusition, persecution of the jews and raft of other things seemingly better than what the Muslims were doing.

In the mean time I am going to open an Halal hamburger joint and muslim attire outlet and call it " A burkah with the lot" - among fear and loathing I smell an opportunity here.

I am sneekeepete; and like so many others really tire of the hysteria surrounding these matters.
Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 20 October 2005 12:42:44 PM
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The Hijab That Wasn't
By Robert Spencer, | September 20, 2005

"Friday night I went on Alan Colmes' radio show to discuss Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's suggestion that American mosques be wiretapped. Romney was right, I said, because American Muslims hadn’t taken any steps to separate jihadists and sympathies from their ranks. Colmes was aghast, and invoked the condemnations of terror by the Council on American Islamic Relations. Several times during the half-hour I was on the show, Colmes chided me for not taking CAIR's condemnation of terrorism at face value. Colmes seemed unwilling to consider, the possibility their condemnation might not be all it appears.

Much of what CAIR produces is not all it appears to be - as was graphically illustrated this week by a photo retouching at CAIR's website. A photograph posted at CAIR's website depicted "leaders of the interfaith community gathered for an interfaith candlelight mark the fourth anniversary of the 9/11." One of these leaders - who appeared to be Samina Faheem Sundas, editor of the American Muslim Voice - was standing prominently between the male speaker at the podium with two Muslim women. Those women were standing submissively with hands clasped in front and eyes cast downward, hijabs showing prominently in the picture. But there was something suspicious about the hijab worn by the woman resembling Sundas: she wasn't actually wearing one. The one she had on in the picture was crudely drawn on her head by a retoucher. What's more, two women in the crowd also sported drawn-on hijabs. Someone at CAIR evidently thought that posting a photo of bareheaded women would cast doubts upon the organization's Islamic correctness.

I posted the photos illustrating this at my website, Jihad Watch ( ), CAIR within hours replaced the retouched photo with the unretouched original. But the damage was done: soon Michelle Malkin, Little Green Footballs, Instapundit, Roger L. Simon, Protein Wisdom, and others had spread the story over the blogosphere. If this were the only example of CAIR airbrushing the truth, it would be innocuous enough. But it isn't:............."
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 20 October 2005 10:55:07 PM
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Sneekeepete said ‘ ban the religion?’
No..that is not what Leigh said, but what needs to happen is that the Mullahs, Imams and Sheiks that preach this religion, and the religon its self, needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century and the Koran interpretated along the lines of human rights and dignity. Not taken literally ie: a woman has committed adultery…therefore under Sharia Law she is to be stoned to death.. …or kill all the infidels that do not convert to Islam. They have to realise that the laws of this country are are made by and passed by man and are to be adhered to, not by some so-called 7th century warlord prophet and expounded by radical Mullahs, Imams and Sheiks. If they don’t like it, then they can go back to where they came from.
Why is it that the Hindus, Jews, Buddists and Christians can get along with each other but the Muslims cant? Why do we have to afford Islam special ‘privileges’?
For eg:

Deeming the "religious vilification" of Islam to be illegal in Australia.

The solution is in this quote:
"It's a mistake to blame Islam, a religion 14 centuries old, for the evil that should be ascribed to militant Islam, a totalitarian ideology less than a century old. Militant Islam is the problem, but moderate Islam is the solution."
~Daniel Pipes

I could go on and on but buggerit…Im going to get another beer.
Posted by yowie, Thursday, 20 October 2005 11:26:45 PM
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An industrious idea! Quote, "I am going to open an Halal hamburger joint and muslim attire outlet and call it " A burkah with the lot" - among fear and loathing I smell an opportunity here."

Be careful to change the filling from hamburger to halal beef burger, otherwise you might have the local Jihadist police close you down because of pollution from pigs.

What about this idea to confuse the terrorists: All Australians wear black mourning cloth, both male and female covered from head to toe. It would confuse the Muslim terrorists, they'd think we have all converted to Islam. There is more than one way to skin a cat [Ive nothing against cats, just an aussie expression] If we are to win this clothing war lets us all get into the act and this would confuse them. Anyone got a monoply on black cotton bolts. Watch the share price rise as this industry takes off.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 20 October 2005 11:27:30 PM
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I noticed you are seeing Islam/ Muslims through the eyes and comments of the likes of AbuBakr Bashir and Al Qaeda.

That is like asking me to see, Christianity for example, through the eyes and writings of Nazi Germany and Hitler speeches.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Friday, 21 October 2005 10:08:37 AM
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