The Forum > Article Comments > Foxtel’s bestiality billboard is last straw: industry must be regulated > Comments
Foxtel’s bestiality billboard is last straw: industry must be regulated : Comments
By Lyle Shelton, published 2/5/2013If ethics is so confused that its teachers have no moral compass, why should we be surprised a large company seeks to cash in on the controversy it knows it will generate by advertising in this manner?
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Posted by wil, Thursday, 2 May 2013 7:04:16 AM
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The children, the children, won't somebody think of the children!Seriously?!?
Corporation are not run big kiddy eating boogey men. I am quite sure that the management of Foxtel didn't sit down and ask "what is the most offensive, innocence destroying thing we can put onto a billboard?" Lapses of judgement (and yes even good taste) do happen. Sometimes things slip through the inevitable gaps. We are after all only human - something you would know if you were truely a christian. If it happened every other week then fine, but don't peddle an patently biased agenda for a once off mistake. Posted by Arthur N, Thursday, 2 May 2013 7:41:32 AM
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While you are at it, try and do something about the ridiculous level of gambling advertising which is, in my opinion, a national embarassment.
We do need more regulation on certain issues, but not all. Posted by Chris Lewis, Thursday, 2 May 2013 7:55:26 AM
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Using a lapse of judgement by a likely Foxtel middle-manager AND an advertising exec or two as an excuse to repeatedly have a dig at Peter Singer - essentially a philosophiser who, surprisingly, philosophises (albeit in a challenging way) - at the beginning and end of your article is pretty low ethics too, Lyle.
How about a statement or three about church abuses, Lyle? Posted by McReal, Thursday, 2 May 2013 8:04:24 AM
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Firstly, how can the billboard in question not have been included in this article, either as an inserted image or a link??
It is of fundamental importance that the readers get to see it in order to make their own judgement, is it not? Very strange! Ok, so having chased it up and viewed it, yes I agree that it in appropriate and that self-regulation that can allow this sort thing is a joke. Where there is a likelihood of highly inappropriate stuff like this happening, it is surely incumbent on government to properly regulate it. That is afterall a fundamental role of government, is it not? . Here is another bizarre example of highly inappropriate signage. But this one is actually implemented by government, via one of its departments! These billboards appear all over South Australia… and on the back of busses. Now isn’t this interesting – I can’t post the link to it because there is a profanity included it. It is too rude for OLO!! I tried lots of links as there are lots of images online, but every one of them has this profanity embedded in the link! So you’ll have to go Google it yourself. Google: Don’t drive like a wank*r. Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 2 May 2013 8:05:00 AM
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"Don't drive like aw fixed wooden-stocked fluked ship's anchor"?
Doesn't make any sense. 'Keep both hands on the wheel' would have. Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 2 May 2013 8:50:11 AM
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'wil', what an obnoxious mis-informed anti-Christian rant! Christian organisations (including ACL) routinely get out and fight for people on the streets doing it tough. This happens to be another issue that many of us find very relevant. I don't want to have to explain to my kids why we have a photo of some twit shiving his tackle up a pigs backside out for all to see. If you must use that image, put it in a sealed magazine that my family can then choose (or not) to see. Lyle is spot on withe the opinion that 'self regulation' in advertising (an industry in which I work) has failed. He's pointing that out - along with looking after a whole range of other issues that you might think are more important.
Posted by Captain Kuhle, Thursday, 2 May 2013 9:59:18 AM
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'Arthur N' says: "I am quite sure that the management of Foxtel didn't sit down and ask "what is the most offensive, innocence destroying thing we can put onto a billboard?" Lapses of judgement (and yes even good taste) do happen. Sometimes things slip through the inevitable gaps." Wake up! I work in marketing and can guarantee you that this was no 'slip'. It was calculated and pre-meditated to gain maximum exposure. Think about it, why else would Foxtel ads promoting the show in question suddenly appear alongside articles on the issue? You think they magically appeared as an afterthought? Foxtel did this on purpose, and the Outdoor Ad industry is right with them on it!
Posted by Captain Kuhle, Thursday, 2 May 2013 10:02:49 AM
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I can see no case whatsoever for destroying the innocence of children, simply to satisfy the money faced greed of patent morons.
Children must be allowed to mature at a natural rate, and have their questions answered honestly, but only when they ask and then given only that information specific to their inquiry. We do have to maintain, what could be called community standards, and a line beyond which no decent civilised community can cross. I don't have a problem with exposed breasts, given they are the oldest drinking vessel in the world, and one of the first things I was exposed to, after leaving the womb. [Pass the udder udder to my udder brudder.] One would imagine a very different level of ramped up volumetric community outrage, if there had of been a simulated role reversal and the porker were placed behind the man, or almost unthinkable, a woman? If we allow this thin end of the wedge obscenity; via self regulation, where do our falling community standards stop!? [Its not the fall/long drop that hurts, but the sudden stop at the bottom.] Are we heading/hurtling headlong towards a future, where absolutely anything goes, and no image is too graphic, in the greedy quest for the almighty dollar? [Money faced greed must be an addiction like alcoholism surely, where one drink is one too many and a thousand never enough!] And think, moving image 3D holograms are already here, if still relatively rare or uncommon! Not so digitised surround sound! Self regulation has clearly failed, and not just in this area, but where gambling is concerned as well. But particularly in sport, which now calls into question, fair and honest, illicit drug free, competition? And what about those kids that were encouraged by patent unscrupulous stealth, to run up phone bills of thousands, while playing supposedly free online games! We really do need to turn a complete 180, and refocus on still unmet need, rather than completely vacuous greed. Given, that the advertising referred to, illustrates monumental greed, as well as anything could!? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 2 May 2013 10:18:47 AM
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Peter Singer a philosopher (intellectual)- well that says it all.Whether he said bestiality is fine I cannot comment but if he did then I can assure him that 99.9% of Australians say it is not - Christian or non -Christian. No excuses here, surely there own moral conscience should of told them that to promote the ad was wrong and would cause an outrage or maybe that was the whole intention. The world is sick enough without further promotions of depravity.
Posted by Sensesonfire, Thursday, 2 May 2013 10:26:47 AM
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I thought you would be interested in the, like you say "challenging philosophies" of Peter Singer: Atheist Peter Singer argues in favor of infanticide. Here are some choice Singer quotations on the subject from his books “Rethinking Life and Death and Writings on an Ethical Life” On how mothers should be permitted to kill their offspring until the age of 28 days: “My colleague Helga Kuhse and I suggest that a period of twenty-eight days after birth might be allowed before an infant is accepted as having the same right to life as others.” On why abortion is less morally significant than killing a rat: “Rats are indisputably more aware of their surroundings, and more able to respond in purposeful and complex ways to things they like or dislike, than a fetus at ten or even thirty-two weeks gestation.” On why pigs, chickens and fish have more rights to life than unborn humans: “The calf, the pig, and the much-derided chicken come out well ahead of the fetus at any stage of pregnancy, while if we make the comparison with a fetus of less than three months, a fish would show more signs of consciousness.” On why infants aren’t normal human beings with rights to life and liberty: “Characteristics like rationality, autonomy and self-consciousness…make a difference. Infants lack these characteristics. Killing them, therefore, cannot be equated with killing normal human beings.” Read more here: Atheism and Child Murder, Dinesh D’Souza Posted by Kacz, Thursday, 2 May 2013 10:59:13 AM
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Captain Kuhle, I am very awake thank you. I am also very well aware of the BS games played by marketer, such as yourself.
But are seriously trying to tell me that the marketers at Foxtel sat around and asked themselves "How can we destroy the innocence of youth today?" Seriously, is that what you are saying?!? Are you saying that marketers, such as yourself, are evil creatures lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce and steal happy childhoods? Seriously? Because that is basically what this article is trying to say. Is it possible that this was planned? Yes. Is it possible that this was a slip? Yes. Is it possible that a newspaper editor has placed the stories next to the adds to boost circulation? Hell Yes! It’s a poorly written article, trying to evoke an emotional response by bringing up the spector of the evil marketer trying to destroy childhood. Like some sort of vampire who feeds on innocence. It's just a poorly written article by someone with a vested interest. Posted by Arthur N, Thursday, 2 May 2013 11:33:30 AM
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Meanwhile of course all of the usual self righteous right wing double-minded Christians promote this unspeakably vile sado-masochistic snuff/splatter film in which the "hero" is systematically, and even "lovingly" beaten to death, as a great missionary tool. Scroll down for all the gory details. Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 2 May 2013 11:54:22 AM
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What agendas, real or imagined, are in play here?
Is it us, the marketers, Foxtel, Wendy Francis, ACL or the guy in the billboard photo who are trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's rear? Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 2 May 2013 12:31:58 PM
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>>Christian organisations (including ACL) routinely get out and fight for people on the streets doing it tough.<<
Where? When? I see a lot of Christian organisations out there doing God's work - organisations like the Salvos and the Vinnies - but all I ever see the ACL doing is whingeing. There's nothing wrong with that - they're entitled to their opinions and not the only lobby group doing the same thing - but it's not all that helpful to the sort of people that other Christian organisations care for. Cheers, Tony Posted by Tony Lavis, Thursday, 2 May 2013 12:35:47 PM
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Thankyou to the Australian Christian Lobby.
The Foxtel billboard was inappropriate and distasteful. As an Australian citizen, I am very proud that the Australian Christian Lobby was able to get it removed to help protect the innocence of our country. The advertising industry needs to take action earlier, so that advertisments like these are stopped before they go public Posted by Jessica F, Thursday, 2 May 2013 12:49:06 PM
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We take serious interest in offensive advertisements because they are an indicator of how society is shaping up. Is this really what people want to see, or are they so disengaged not to care? Either way is a concern. Sensationalism is increasingly on the rise, to create an acceptability of what is abhorrent. We the true believers will not fall for that. Keep up the good work ACL, for our nation's sake.
Posted by Longy, Thursday, 2 May 2013 12:49:22 PM
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I checked out the billboard and I honestly do not believe that any innocent child would have had the vaguest idea what it was inferring. A man standing behind a pig would appear just that to a child.
In any case, the author never even attempted to explain what is so wrong with bestiality. If the billboard had portrayed the man eating the pig, there would have been no complaint. If one can kill and eat an animal then what on earth is wrong with having sex with it? Posted by Rhys Jones, Thursday, 2 May 2013 2:35:46 PM
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It would help if a link were provided to show us what this story/outrage is all about. But no link is needed to see our many sporting teams advertising alcohol. Where, for instance, would our crickets be without VB, the Milo kids at lunchtime notwithstanding?
Now that's an outrage. Posted by halduell, Thursday, 2 May 2013 2:42:01 PM
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Interestingly, as opined earlier, the ACL (I can't bring myself to type the "C" word), have always had a capacity to overlook their own shortcomings, in favour of mote-picking in the eyes of others.
The writer talks about bestiality as a crime, but their originator of record, J. Christ, rode a donkey, and quite well from what I have heard. Where does that leave the ACL? Among their obsessions, is one which gives me particular pain, which is to cover the sins of the "fathers" by moving them on. A story in yesterdays Australian, about one of the "faithful", moved from Newcastle where he had white flavoured friends, to Western Australia where they were darker and not within whoopie of a policeman. Ahh yes, the ACL just makes kids feel all warm and snuggly. Posted by My Murdered Son, Thursday, 2 May 2013 4:40:52 PM
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Kacz, today, 2 May 10:59:13am
Yes, Singer has also philosophized about infanticide. Posted by McReal, Thursday, 2 May 2013 5:52:42 PM
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god haters have managed to enslave so many with pornography that a little bestiality sits comfortably with many. The total moral abyss displayed by many of our politicians who are comfortable with promoting perverted lifestyles shows exactly why western civilisation is rapidly coming to an end. The secularist are to blinded by their lusts to see it. Hopefully our future generations will be sick of the godless fruit of this generation. Most posters here confirm what I say.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 2 May 2013 6:50:25 PM
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Runner, You may be blinded by lust for livestock, but for most of us we are unlikely to be tempted by such beasts. Just like most of us heterosexuals are unlikely to be tempted into "unnatural" lifestyles, regardless of whether gay marriage is allowed or not.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Thursday, 2 May 2013 7:25:11 PM
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What's worse, Runner: bestiality or priest child-sex-abuse?
Posted by McReal, Thursday, 2 May 2013 7:35:21 PM
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' What's worse, Runner: bestiality or priest child-sex-abuse? ' I would suggest a secularist would really have no moral basis in order to be able to tell. Moral relativists always justify their depravities. Posted by runner, Thursday, 2 May 2013 8:42:03 PM
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Right on the money Lyle. I couldn't agree more. I have already contacted Foxtel to let them know that I will never subscribe, but proper (i.e. NOT self) regulation is what's needed for billboards at least and advertising in general.
Posted by cmpmal, Thursday, 2 May 2013 9:16:12 PM
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Poor old Kacz can't seem to the tell the difference between philosophy and incitement McReal.
Cheers, Tony Posted by Tony Lavis, Thursday, 2 May 2013 9:38:32 PM
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Self-regulation in advertising is a joke.
'Regulatory' bodies like the Advertising Standards Board, the Press Council et al are actually proud of the fact that less than 6% of complaints they receive are followed up and less than 1% of those are acted on. With such a track record, how on earth can these people claim to be reflecting community standards? As for the predictable comments here from the free-speechers, try and get your thinking processes out of the 1960s. We're not dealing with innocuous stuff like Lady Chatterley's Lover anymore. We're dealing with a social tolerance pendulum that has swung way too far beyond the 'pushing boundaries' extreme and is either ignoring or wowser-shaming those who express their justifiable concern that things have gone too far. The more the free speechers resist the groundswell of public concern, the more the extremists in the wowser camp will fight back. Should they win, you can guarantee that we'll be back to living lives straight out of a 30s post-Production Code movie. Posted by Killarney, Thursday, 2 May 2013 10:02:52 PM
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Ahh the ACL...
One minute they're whinging that "freedom of speech is under threat", the next they're demanding stricter censorship! I do agree the billboard was in poor taste, though. But then again, across the road from me there's a church which proudly displays a huge statue of a man being tortured to death on a cross. And they even let little children in there to take part in the human sacrifice it depicts! Talk about sick. Posted by Jimmy Jones, Thursday, 2 May 2013 11:05:46 PM
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"Corporation are not run big kiddy eating boogey men"
The first things we learn as adults is that there is no Santa Claus and Corporations ARE run by kiddy eating boogey men. Of course for a corporate executive salary I COULD change my mind about that! Posted by KAEP, Friday, 3 May 2013 12:10:54 AM
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Classification Board: "Films will be classified RC if they contain depictions of practices such as bestiality"
RC = Refused classification. The irony of the Foxtel smartypants, telling people to "Watch The Forbidden" is that Foxtel could never actually show what they're promoting. Real clever, guys. Nothing on Foxtel is "forbidden". It's all approved by the Board. I think the market itself can "regulate" this kind of thing. Just look at all the anti-Foxtel sentiment it's generated. Other companies may now think twice about making the same "mistake". Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 3 May 2013 1:18:21 AM
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The broader issue is the new totalitarianism of sexual permissiveness, i.e. unhinged from any substantive mooring outside the ideology of Power - which basically means the government will administer sexual lives, family and procreation. The sexvote amounts to "enslave yourselves to lust, while we accrue to ourselves total power". Note how they are abolishing marriage, freedom of speech and the press, invent climate catastrophe's to get money, and train their own 'experts' in universities to lobby government into making government bigger!
"If we're made to believe we're just rutting animals they will have even more power over us." Tracey Rowland. This is not a conspiracy, it is simply what happens when late stage democracies and their hyptertrophied central governments, corrupted by markets that respect nothing, are too-big to fail and too-big to be accountable. Certain ideas just seem to gather prestige around them and go unquestioned because they grease the tracks of power. Our political culture has taken on an uncontrolled preternatural life of its own. That this billboard could get passed multiple levels of scrutiny is deeply disturbing. Why does it always have to be Christian organisations that speak up for families, no one else seems to be doing it, where is everyone? Have they *all* been assimilated? I mean we're being directly attacked by power and money stuffing themselves with our money and children. Don't we have any dignity? Posted by Martin Ibn Warriq, Friday, 3 May 2013 10:02:48 AM
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"There was no ethical consideration by Foxtel of the mental health effects on children of being exposed to something like this, let alone that of adults"
As opposed to the abomination that is Religion foisted upon so many children without their consent ? Let alone the disgusting way the ACL attempts to foist their perverted moral views upon the nation by lobbying Politicians. One only has to look to the Catholic Churches current hand wringing about abuses over the decades to see the true nature of religion. Posted by Valley Guy, Friday, 3 May 2013 7:59:49 PM
I think of all the pain, suffering, poverty and injustice - the only time ACL goes public and writes op-ed its about sexual morality.
Take 'Christian' out of the lobby and you have the 'Australian morality lobby group'.
Get over it, widen your agenda, get real, get relevant, get a life and for god's sake get in touch with what people care about.
Hospitals? Equality? Homelessness? House Prices? Disease? HIV? The intervention? The rate of the dole? Wealth redistribution? Unemployment?
Of course not - its the Australian Christian Lobby - they think the bible is a prudish guide to sexual morality with nothing else in-between.
I think God's about more things than just sex, perhaps if you got some every now and then you might too.
Your lobby is a waste of space and a waste of money.