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The Forum > Article Comments > Stable Population Party: a dead vote > Comments

Stable Population Party: a dead vote : Comments

By Malcolm King, published 10/4/2013

The SPP has one simple message, 'population is an everything' issue - there isn't a problem it doesn't cause.

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If anyone is interested in a factual representation of the Stable Population Party, please visit this website:

BETTER, NOT BIGGER: A sustainable Australia starts with a stable population.
Posted by PopulationParty, Wednesday, 10 April 2013 8:35:08 AM
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Incredible to think that in this day and age with the knowledge we have of how we are destroying this planet, our one and only home, that greedy and blinkered people who believe that infinite and continual growth is possible in a finite world still exist.
It is your grandchildren who will pay the price for such a short sighted view.
Over population is our ONLY problem.
Solve that and all others fall into line.
Vote Stable Population Party.
The ONLY party thinking of ALL our futures.
Posted by ateday, Wednesday, 10 April 2013 9:01:18 AM
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Let's hope the party does well in the next Federal elections. The government's obsession with "economic growth" at all costs is due to tunnel vision. They ignore the costs of our high rates of population growth, driven by record levels of immigration. It assumes that our country has unlimited social, environmental, financial and structural resources for millions more people. Already our cities are nearly at crashing point from population overload.
Population growth is an "everything" issue. Most countries have stringent permanent residency visas for foreigners, or none, and there are no reciprocal opportunities for Australians to live on other countries, even the ones our migrants mainly come from. Food security, climate change, living standards, energy shortages, biodiversity, costs of living etc etc are all driven by our record rate of population growth - and largely ignored by the mainstream media. Once we stabilize our population we can be prepared for the 21st century of scarcities - and what should be a period of de-growth!
Posted by VivienneO, Wednesday, 10 April 2013 9:13:13 AM
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Whose fault is it really, ateday?

"It is your grandchildren who will pay the price for such a short sighted view."

Which you can only have if you have children.

So, everyone who has... it is your fault!
Posted by WmTrevor, Wednesday, 10 April 2013 9:26:36 AM
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I made a conscious decision some 40 year`s ago not to breed and add to the problem.
I thought even then that there were enough bodies in this world.
Your story?
Posted by ateday, Wednesday, 10 April 2013 10:11:59 AM
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Australia has less pollution than ever as do many other developed countries. The rate of hunger and starvation is going down and incomes are generally increasing. Why do we need fewer people? The concept that we have excess people causing increasing levels of pollution is not verifiable. It is a meme.
Posted by Atman, Wednesday, 10 April 2013 10:34:40 AM
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