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The election of a lifetime : Comments
By Everald Compton, published 12/2/2013My best personal analysis of the current state of play is that we will end-up with another hung Parliament, because most Australians simply do not want either of the major parties to govern them.
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Posted by Cheryl, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 9:45:43 AM
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Excellent article by the writer and I agree with nearly all of what he has written, except for one particular item, " boat people" if they wish to become Australian citizens then they must adopt to our way of life, not bring with them what they have left behind.
In an Adelaide Muslim school it has been reported that all teachers must wear the Hijab regardless of whether a teacher is not of that faith, if they do not abide by that rule then the teacher will be sacked, this then is bringing in an ideology which is not acceptable to our way of life and must be stamped out forthwith. I will be spending a few days in Dubai soon, I will while there respect the laws of that land and only too happy to do so. Illegal boat people or those in the legitimate cue must accept our freedom of life, the way it is, and not change it to what they have escaped from,or why bother to come here at all. Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 3:49:59 PM
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There is much one can agree with in the article, and or, that those surviving on a pension, will likely decide the outcome of the election?
Putting the sitting incumbent last on the ballot paper is a good plan. It won't change much except who sits in parliament, which will be blessed with lots of new faces, lots of new ideas and a take home message from the electorate! Focus on the national interest and Australians first, or else! Grim. Pumping water to great heights with the most expensive power options, will likely drive what is left of business offshore. And the quarterly power bill currently nudging $500, will climb to over $2000? It will reduce demand and take most pensioners off the grid and back to the dark ages. And to reiterate, pensioners as a voting block, could decide the outcome. I'm almost certain they will not vote for a substantial reduction in their pensions and other entitlements? And the GFC has quite dramatically swelled their numbers, as has the destiny of demography, will can only grow with the aging population. I think Tony Abbot needs to come out, minus the minders and the script, and tell us just how his magic pudding policies are to be funded? He as the alternative PM, needs to stop simply attacking Gillard, and or trying to blame her for the revenue write-downs, that have ruined almost any prospect of any sort of surplus. To be fair, that surplus was not promised or signed in blood, but rather the product of treasury advice. Or if you will, the same cohort of public servants, who also served the Howard govt! Maybe they should be the ones sacked for getting it so wrong? But then, who could have done better? The party that has done little else but talk the economy down or predict ruination? My plan is to place the incumbent last on the ballot paper, which is the only way to effectively say to both major parties, a pox on both your houses! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 4:38:06 PM
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He will slash the Australian Public Service
Cheryl, Somehow I can't see anyone "slashing" the public service because politicians aren't suicide jockeys. What they should & actually needs to be done is to reduce the numbers of public servants via natural attrition. That would ensure a gradual increase & easing into private enterprise of many who would otherwise become the next generation of pointless appointees being paid too much for pointless activities such as are aplenty within the public service & costing us a fortune. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 4:50:56 PM
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G'day Rhosty,
you might be interested in this timely article: Posted by Grim, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:16:50 PM
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Wind power may be cheaper than coal power but judging by the 99% of the time stopped wind mills up on Thursday Island Diesel generated power must be cheaper still. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:27:19 PM
I'm a child of the left and even I can see the writing on the wall. The ALP primary vote is wallowing in the low 30s which is extinction. The Australian public next time won't go mamby pamby, they will hurl the Gillard Government out comprehensively, most especially in NSW and WA.
The question is, what will Abbott do? He will slash the Australian Public Service - I wouldn't like to be working in DEEWR now. Infrastructure spending will remain the same. Immigration will go down.