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The election of a lifetime : Comments
By Everald Compton, published 12/2/2013My best personal analysis of the current state of play is that we will end-up with another hung Parliament, because most Australians simply do not want either of the major parties to govern them.
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Posted by Prompete, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:39:47 AM
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We need only look at the productivity of this current government, and the number of private members bills, to see that a hung parliament can and does actually work well. Only of course with a leader who can adapt, comprimise, conciliate, bargain and concede, all while looking towards the long term benefit of the nation, not the Party. And we have that in Gillard, who is the politician of our generation, as Roxon said. Not so in Abbott. No big picture stuff happened with the Howard govt (except the GST and the Iraqi war) and despite his apparent support for the disabled, Abbott did nothing for them when he was health minister. Ditto the plain packaging, maternity and paternity leave. Miners were given free rein. So another hung parliament suits me fine. It reflects democracy. I think the independants have done a sterling job and each deserves recognition. Even the Greens have had to adapt.
Posted by AMC, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:48:13 AM
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Hear, hear Everald, excellent points.
As the largest cash reserves on the planet, Superannuation funds need to be seriously looked at. If governments keep running themselves into virtual bankruptcy, I'm guessing sooner or later these funds will be nationalised (grabbed) one way or another. I for one would prefer a govt guaranteed superfund -even offering lower returns- to giving money over to fund managers so they can play silly-buggers on the stock market, charge fees and offer the real risk of going backwards. Perhaps a fund which offers regular fortnightly payments? We could give it a snappy yet recognisable name, like I dunno, 'Pension'? Govt. could also initiate genuinely innovative industries. You mention Airports; why not a lighter-than-air flight industry? Such vehicles would use a thousand times less fuel, be a thousand times quieter, and not require runways. Indeed, such vehicles could conceivably be loaded and unloaded on inner city skyscrapers. Such an industry could offer massive employment opportunities and major export income, -if we were the first on the scene- as well as all the obvious 'Green' benefits. Drought proofing and baseload electricity supply could killed with one stone by using wind/wave/solar energy to pump water to high level dams along the Great Divide, then reclaiming the energy with hydro-electric power stations. These sorts of innovative, visionary, massive projects can only realistically be undertaken by Govts, just like space exploration. Once the industry is established by guaranteed govt contracts, then private enterprise can pick up the ball and run with it. One thing is certain. Fiscal responsibility and Govt surpluses will not be reliably achieved by popular govts whose only vision is offering more services and lower taxes. Posted by Grim, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 8:09:32 AM
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The only bone I would pick with this thoughtful article is the assertion that Gillard has 'survived one of the most vicious personal vendettas I have ever seen'. This seems to imply that she alone was subjected to a personal vendetta. That's simply not true. Abbott has survived an equally vicious personal vendetta.
Gillard cops it from News Ltd., while Abbott rarely gets good press from Fairfax. I think you are right in saying we are all sick to death of the pair of them. Will either manage to rise above the knife wielding? That alone could determine the winner next September. Posted by halduell, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 9:11:08 AM
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< My best personal analysis of the current state of play is that we will end-up with another hung Parliament, because most Australians simply do not want either of the major parties to govern them. >
Yes yes yes, Everald! < Every government in the world must be fiscally conservative - get into surplus and stay there. Australia must lead the world in this. > YES!! !! !! < Infrastructure is the most neglected element of the economic and social fabric of our nation > Ah, now hold on… We are absolutely powering ahead with infrastructure! Always have been. The big problem is that we are just battling constantly to keep up with VERY RAPID population growth!! < It beggars imagination that this nation… …does not have a plan to drought-proof the Inland. Nor do we have a strategy to flood-proof the Coast > Not at all. We simply can’t drought-proof or flood-proof the nation! We could do some things to increase water-provision in the inland and mitigate floods, but it is only practical up to a point. You’ve missed the most important point of all – the imperative for us to live sustainably on this continent. That is, to make sure that the demand for all essential resources and services can be comfortably met in an ongoing manner. continued Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 9:29:01 AM
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If Liberal or Labor could just see this…. or could just divorce themselves from the terrible influence of vested-interest continuous-rapid-growth-driving big-donations, big-favour-buying big business, then we’d be on the right track.
But as it is, if we get a hung parliament or a clear win for Lib or Lab, it is going to make stuff-all difference, because we are just going to power ahead (or power backwards) in the same old way. What the country desperately needs is for Gillard to come out and strongly back up her statement that we need “a sustainable Australia, not a big Australia”, elevate Kelvin Thomson to Minister for sustainability, and then announce a progressive reduction in immigration. Labor is heading for the wilderness at the next election. And yet they, much more so than the Libs, have the wherewithal to embrace the essential sustainability paradigm, and be believed by the electorate to be doing it sincerely. Ordinary Australians are thoroughly sick of the same old failing approach and are screaming out for a significantly different political environment. They WILL embrace a sustainability-oriented government if it is presented to them as a genuine alternative. And heaven knows, we DESPERATELY need it!! Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 9:32:38 AM
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A hung parliament you say? I say nahh.
I'm a child of the left and even I can see the writing on the wall. The ALP primary vote is wallowing in the low 30s which is extinction. The Australian public next time won't go mamby pamby, they will hurl the Gillard Government out comprehensively, most especially in NSW and WA. The question is, what will Abbott do? He will slash the Australian Public Service - I wouldn't like to be working in DEEWR now. Infrastructure spending will remain the same. Immigration will go down. Posted by Cheryl, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 9:45:43 AM
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Excellent article by the writer and I agree with nearly all of what he has written, except for one particular item, " boat people" if they wish to become Australian citizens then they must adopt to our way of life, not bring with them what they have left behind.
In an Adelaide Muslim school it has been reported that all teachers must wear the Hijab regardless of whether a teacher is not of that faith, if they do not abide by that rule then the teacher will be sacked, this then is bringing in an ideology which is not acceptable to our way of life and must be stamped out forthwith. I will be spending a few days in Dubai soon, I will while there respect the laws of that land and only too happy to do so. Illegal boat people or those in the legitimate cue must accept our freedom of life, the way it is, and not change it to what they have escaped from,or why bother to come here at all. Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 3:49:59 PM
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There is much one can agree with in the article, and or, that those surviving on a pension, will likely decide the outcome of the election?
Putting the sitting incumbent last on the ballot paper is a good plan. It won't change much except who sits in parliament, which will be blessed with lots of new faces, lots of new ideas and a take home message from the electorate! Focus on the national interest and Australians first, or else! Grim. Pumping water to great heights with the most expensive power options, will likely drive what is left of business offshore. And the quarterly power bill currently nudging $500, will climb to over $2000? It will reduce demand and take most pensioners off the grid and back to the dark ages. And to reiterate, pensioners as a voting block, could decide the outcome. I'm almost certain they will not vote for a substantial reduction in their pensions and other entitlements? And the GFC has quite dramatically swelled their numbers, as has the destiny of demography, will can only grow with the aging population. I think Tony Abbot needs to come out, minus the minders and the script, and tell us just how his magic pudding policies are to be funded? He as the alternative PM, needs to stop simply attacking Gillard, and or trying to blame her for the revenue write-downs, that have ruined almost any prospect of any sort of surplus. To be fair, that surplus was not promised or signed in blood, but rather the product of treasury advice. Or if you will, the same cohort of public servants, who also served the Howard govt! Maybe they should be the ones sacked for getting it so wrong? But then, who could have done better? The party that has done little else but talk the economy down or predict ruination? My plan is to place the incumbent last on the ballot paper, which is the only way to effectively say to both major parties, a pox on both your houses! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 4:38:06 PM
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He will slash the Australian Public Service
Cheryl, Somehow I can't see anyone "slashing" the public service because politicians aren't suicide jockeys. What they should & actually needs to be done is to reduce the numbers of public servants via natural attrition. That would ensure a gradual increase & easing into private enterprise of many who would otherwise become the next generation of pointless appointees being paid too much for pointless activities such as are aplenty within the public service & costing us a fortune. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 4:50:56 PM
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G'day Rhosty,
you might be interested in this timely article: Posted by Grim, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:16:50 PM
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Wind power may be cheaper than coal power but judging by the 99% of the time stopped wind mills up on Thursday Island Diesel generated power must be cheaper still. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:27:19 PM
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I found this discussion interesting...not interesting enough to coax me out of abstentionism but thought provoking nonetheless:
The Future of the Left in Australia. Adam Bandt and Andrew Leigh Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:33:42 PM
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Rhrosty, you wrote:
<< Putting the sitting incumbent last on the ballot paper is a good plan. It won't change much except who sits in parliament >> A good plan that won’t change much?? ( :>/ Seems like a bad plan to me! << My plan is to place the incumbent last on the ballot paper, which is the only way to effectively say to both major parties, a pox on both your houses! >> So um, you will be voting for a party that you consider to be a pox then?! Because if you vote against one pox, you will in almost all cases be voting for the other pox, even if you put them second last!! Such is the DESPICABLE nature of the compulsory preferential voting system. So if you really want to vote for neither pox then you need to submit a blank ballot paper. Or you could just mark the candidate that you like the most and not number the other squares... or you could declare preferences to all candidates except the Libs and Labs and leave those squares blank. Except that in both these cases your vote will NOT BE VALID, even though the intent of your vote is clear!! Again; such is the DESPICABLE nature of the compulsory preferential voting system. If they are both poxes (and I agree; they are), then vote for NEITHER! And the only way to do that is to submit a blank paper, preferably with some very strong expletives directed at both major parties... and at the CPV system, written all over it in thick red marker pen!! Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 8:38:55 PM
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Slashing the Public Service by redundancies or by "natural attrition" is the same thing, only one is faster than the other but the result is the same.
This can only mean that government services will be cut correspondingly. My bet is that Abbott will quickly sell of Medibank Private and probably outsource Medibank itself to the private sector, just as Howard dumped the CES and started subsidising unemployment agencies under Centrelink. It was on their wish list last time around. It's also a fact that the size of Public Service grew much faster under Howard than under Hawke/Keating or under Rudd/Gillard and they are once again just being used as easy target scapegoats to create the impression of waste coupled with with a handy solution. Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 8:44:29 PM
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Wind power will never be cheaper than coal because something which produces nothing can never be cheaper than something which produces something.
"Gillard, who is the politician of our generation, as Roxon said." Hilarious: Posted by cohenite, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 9:54:05 PM
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Still struggling Cohenite?
Good for you. A machine which uses up valuable resources compared to a machine which doesn't use up valuable resources, for the same result. Hmmm, tricky. Posted by Grim, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 6:38:11 AM
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The only Angst ridden wails over who will win is among the undeserving who would rule. Inner city Lefties, rabid Greens etc. (takers, not makers), the victims of this shambles have made up their mind. The Labor brand (not a party), whose byline is the amoral "whatever it takes" is fetid from machine hacks, spivs, shonks, rock spiders, crooks, bag men, slush funds, nods, winks, kick backs, stand overs, thuggery, kicks, and of course Julia's speciality, Lies.
Posted by McCackie, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 7:25:26 AM
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The only Angst ridden wails over who will win is among the undeserving who would rule.
McCackie, you deserve a medal for this ! This is one of the most to the point & fact statements made here on OLO. What else can one say ? Posted by individual, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 7:37:04 AM
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"A machine which uses up valuable resources compared to a machine which doesn't use up valuable resources, for the same result."
You're delusional Grim; I mean I can understand the desire to believe in 'natural' power; the gentle breezes and dappled sunlight providing endless, environmentally stress free power; but you have to live in the real world not with the pixies down the bottom of the garden. FIT provides NO electricity used by the grid; the wind-towers of SA, well see for yourself: Match the output with demand; and bear in mind that just because a windmill is producing power doesn't mean it is being used as electricity. Wind is producing about 900MW of intermittent power while demand is over 20000 continuous MW nationally and about 6000MW in SA alone. People like you Grim would have us all living in caves. Posted by cohenite, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 7:38:59 AM
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It’s a shame such threads are so quickly shifted off topic but I suppose the left wing terror of not getting a hearing on all things population, wind farms and CAGW must take precedence. I suppose this justifies changing every thread to what keeps you awake at night.
It must be awful when panic strikes and you suddenly realize that only your own side is listening. Everald, I’m inclined to go with the Bookies. LNP at $1.20, ALP at $5.00. Ooops! Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 9:32:10 AM
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“I suppose this justifies changing every thread to what keeps you awake at night.”
One can only assume Spindoc is referring to his idol Cohenite here, since my initial post referred to several points made in the article, whereas Cohenite's only contributions to this thread have concerned his struggle with modern technology -apart from offering a link to the ever unbiased, unprejudiced Pickering. “People like you Grim would have us all living in caves.” Fascinating how a person so vehemently in favour of a dirty fuel technology more than a century old, and so vehemently opposed to new technology still improving in leaps and bounds should claim to be pro-technology. Here's an apt quote from the U.S. Dept. of Energy: “Coal is the most plentiful fuel in the fossil family and it has the longest and, perhaps, the most varied history. Coal has been used for heating since the cave man...” Tell the truth, Cohenite. You feel safe in that cave, don't you? No need to adapt to changing circumstances, no need to change your thinking... I would also agree with Everald's assessment of the chances of another hung parliament. The only factor in Gillard's favour is bloody Abbott. And of course, vice versa. Posted by Grim, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 11:05:45 AM
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I'm no Luddite Grim; if solar and wind worked I'd have no objection; they don't, they are a scam; and remember the 1700's was the age of wind and Archimedes invented concentrating solar over 2000 years ago.
As for coal being dirty, yep, it has a dirty history with real pollution issues, NOT CO2, but vast improvements have been made in coal burning technology as China and India have discovered with Ultra SuperCritical technology: And I'm a great fan of Thorium which has a proven track record. Anyway the sledgehammer of CSG is going to beat the greens, alarmists and other sundry ratbags into pulp real soon. Posted by cohenite, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 11:22:03 AM
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alarmists and other sundry ratbags into pulp real soon.
cohenite, are you predicting an end to Labor ? Posted by individual, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 4:28:43 PM
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"are you predicting an end to Labor ?"
Seriously, I hope not; this nation needs a genuine labour orientated political party; the big guys cannot be trusted. But what we have now is an abomination; the ALP/Green hybrid is a political mutant where ideological extremism has married ultra self-interest. I have never seen such a bunch of venal, self-interested and corrupt pack of politicians as the current ALP; with the possible exception of McClelland who is operating to a large extent on that fine ALP tradition of getting square and any social altruism being a trickle down benefit from his more base motivation. To add insult to injury they are also incompetent to an extent not previously found outside the HSU. Nothing this government has done reflects any merit, vision or concern with and pride in Australia. The final irony is that this government, like NSW INC., has more in common with and demonstrates all the failings of corporatism at its most vicious. The pièce de résistance of this government, and a fitting epitah, will be the possibility of its leader facing criminal charges. But as I say, labour has to regroup and get back to its roots, ditch the collective stupidity of the intelligentsia which has hijacked it, and become once again a party looking after the interests of the working class rather than a party preying on them Posted by cohenite, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 7:10:46 PM
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Ahhhh at last Everald, you indicate you support the Labor diatribe.
My Granddad used to tell me about betting. He was a gambler. He always said if you don't think a horse will win why would you back it for a place? 'Now, although the Coalition is still clearly in front, it is a genuinely contestable election that may yet provide the biggest political upset in our nation's history. Such a boil-over is worth a punt of a reasonable number of dollars down at the bookmakers, but don't put your house on it.' If you are not prepared to put your house on the coalition, then my Grandddad's logic says you are backing Labor. Jez Everald you think you are clever but the logic of my granddad shows you are pretty dumb. I've already put more than one of my houses on Tony Abbott. Seems you've ommitted Eddie, Macca, Moses, Craig, Michael, Bruce, Ralph, Joe, Paul,and their faceless mates, Kevvy, Wayne and Julia as well as 'There will be no carbon tax', and 'We will return to surplus in 2012-13', from your analysis. The following I agree with; 'The crucial point to bear in mind about this election is that it will be held in an atmosphere where the voters are utterly switched off by politics - indeed disgusted by it wholeheartedly.' Yes Everald and they are disengaged and are increasingly telling the 'semi-official' polsters, on whom you are obviously basing your opinions, to f-off. Those particular 'labor hating ingrates' are not being included in the current poling and they all despire Gillard and her racist Asian woman prefering mysognist mate. They are not telling anyone for who they are voting. You need to assess their numbers before you spill your guts. Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 8:12:34 PM
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Cohenite. Hear hear. A loathsome crowd they have become. (From a previously 'rusted on' labour supporter.). We do need a viable alternative to the coalition, for the health of our democracy.
Posted by Prompete, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 9:03:58 PM
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Cohenite, I agree (with your political assessment, at least).
While I would much prefer to see co-operative share ownership of large businesses/corporations than this ridiculous and destructive us/them, aristocrats/serfs paradigm which persists today, until such time as this archaic perception finally dies, unions and collective bargaining is a very necessary evil, and the only way to combat the ever widening gap between those with power and those without. And no one in the history of this country has ever done more to emasculate the union movement than the two Labor heroes, Hawke and Keating. Not content with that, they betrayed the basic tenet of the Labor party, replacing Social Democracy with Neo Liberalism in the guise of “Economic Rationalism”. King O'Malley and the founding fathers of the Labor movement must have squirmed in their graves to see their party turned into a branch of the conservative party. As far as the Greens... Although I have never voted for the Greens, I well remember the 60's and 70's when Australia could justifiably claim to be a middle class, if not classless society. I remember Jack Mundey and the union green bans. Many people thought they were outrageous at the time, but in hindsight? The sad but simple fact is, it takes extremists to drag the conservative centre, kicking and screaming, into the future. Posted by Grim, Thursday, 14 February 2013 7:13:13 AM
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A mate just sent me an email, which struck me as relevant to this conversation:
Oxford University researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, Governmentium (symbol=Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called pillocks. Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from 4 days to 4 years to complete. Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2 to 6 years. It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganisation in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganisation will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as a critical morass. When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium (symbol=Ad), an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium, since it has half as many pillocks but twice as many morons. Posted by Grim, Thursday, 14 February 2013 11:05:41 AM
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There is a lot of water to go under the bridge in this election. The race will tighten and leaders will make blunders. Every day people will walk away from their traditional political beliefs and hope that they can find a way out of their dissolutionment. There is no longer a viable number of voters who are rusted on to either Party.
Posted by EVERALD, Friday, 15 February 2013 12:17:31 PM
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The Labor government made a big mistake spending money to prop up our economy during the GFC. Now they have no money for things that really need doing and because we got off so lightly during the GFC we are powering ahead and our dollar is too high. This is causing unemployment to soar to unprecedented levels as manufacturing industries go to the wall.
It is too late to do anything about it now, but we can only blame our "too smart" Labor government for getting into this mess and we should get rid of them at the earliest possible opportunity. David Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 19 February 2013 1:26:09 PM
I have some doubts the independents will get back, perhaps others in other electorates as, as you say, pollies in general are 'on the nose'
The fact that the PM is going the full term is not, as you imply, to honour the written agreement to the independents, her relationship with agreements with both independents and the electorate are purely contingent on political and personal expediency. The 'trust' element of this govt, particularly Glillard and Swan is why the electorate holds the opinions you suggest.
Your thoughts on infrastructure are visionary and, at the same time, as obvious as the nose on your face.
I would suggest the notion of a 'special economic zone' in the north of Australia as one of the great infrastructure possibilities for the future.
A thoughtfull read.