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Palestine - bring on the elections : Comments

By David Singer, published 11/2/2013

The people need to be the circuit breakers in this long running dispute but indications are they will not be allowed to have their say.

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Yes lets talk about elections.
The latest Israeli election rejected the settlement loving Jewish Home and voted in a huge shift to a moderate Israeli party which has an intention of making peace with the Palestinians.

How does that compare to your zionist ranting.

Are you going to reflect the new realities in Israeli politics?

Or are you going to continue to deny the voice of moderate and peace seeking Jewish Israelis?

You must have choked on your vegimite toast on the morning after the Israeli elections.
Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 7:05:24 AM
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#David G

Again you spout a load of codswallop with this statement:

"He gives advice to the Palestinians about democracy even when his Brutal Jewish Regime has not allowed the Palestinians any meaningful vestige of democracy or freedom since 1948."

The Palestinian Arabs in Israel have enjoyed democracy in Israel from the time of its establishment in 1948 and continue to do so until today.

The Palestinian Arabs living in the West Bank chose to unify it with Transjordan in 1950 and remained citizens of Jordan until 1988 when Jordan relinquished its control in favour of the PLO. They made that choice in an election.

The absence of democracy in the areas controlled by the PLO since the one and only elections held for the President in 2005 and the Palestinian National Council in 2006 and the effect that has had in preventing the two state solution being achieved is what my article is about.

Your previously identified Jew-hatred posts are only being confirmed by the drivel contained in your present post.


South Korea has to deal with North Korea and the world has to deal with Iran. Both of these cases show what happens when one has to deal with a non-democratic state. You have to make decisions based on that reality.

Israel has been doing that for the last 20 years with the Palestinian Authority, the PLO and Hamas. Surely it is time that all the oppressed people under their rule being given a say in their own future and be free to say what they like without disappearing overnight.

It happened in Russia, it happened in East Germany and it is happening in Tunisia, Syria, Yemen and Libya. It was brutally extinguished in Iran.

If the Gazan and West Bank Arabs decide they want more of the same -so be it.

Obama should be demanding they have the right to make that decision.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 8:47:33 AM
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To #Prompete

Your comments are spot on. Nice to see that at least a few people out there like you and mikk are prepared to look at the issue of free elections for Gazan and West Bank Arabs with an open mind.

Pity the Jew haters - who take every opportunity to vent their spleen every time an article of mine is published - are not similarly open minded.

To #imajulianutter

The democratic processes are well and alive in Israel with three different Arab parties with three different policies having gained 11 seats in free and fair elections.

That is Israel.

Who will be in the next Government and how it acts will be keenly followed by a free press and population without any fear of retribution for anything they say or write.

What is important is that Israeli Jews and Arabs got the opportunity to vote and will be able to do so again no later than four years from now.

Compare that to the lack of any outlet for Gazan and West Bank Arabs to protest and demand the right to vote for who should govern them.

These are core humanitarian rights that every individual on this planet should enjoy.

You should be shouting your support for free elections for these people from the roof tops. Freedom of choice and freedom of expression are being denied every day to these people by their own rulers - and the best you can do is talk about the Israeli elections.

Shame on you.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 9:36:04 AM
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awwwwah david you did not disappoint.

You avoided my questions and once again tried to turn the focus away from the wishes for peace of the moderate Israelis.

Why did you do that? Are you becoming so desperate that you cannot accept moderate Jewish Israelis really do think they can live in peace with Palestinians, who btw, are not arabic? The are semetic people just like you. Their only difference with you is religion . And that is not as much as you assert.

Hey Marilyn ask David about this

'Ethics Of The Fathers

5. Yosi ben Yochanan of Jerusalem said: Let your house be wide open and let the poor be members of thy household; and do not talk much with women. This was said about one's own wife; how much more so about the wife of one's neighbor. Therefore the sages have said: He who talks too much with women brings evil upon himself and neglects the study of the Torah and will in the end inherit Gehenna.'

hahahahaha Liberal Democracy in action? hahahahaha

Jesus you make me laugh David.

For anyone from we 21st century citizens and who wants a bloody good laugh have a read of the above scriptures which contain the beliefs of the modern Jewish people.
Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 6:02:58 PM
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To imajulianutter:

I think you had better re-think your foul antisemitic attitude. You are a disgrace.

How dare you compare the words of thousands of years ago to today's world and believe that people still live by that out dated rhetoric? You should be ashamed of yourself.

You, Marilyn Shepherd and David G need to read and learn and get your head around facts. You all need to re-think your racist comments. Yes antisemitism is racism

I have no intention of going into fine detail.

However David G said
"Brutal Jewish Regime has not allowed the Palestinians any meaningful vestige of democracy or freedom since 1948"

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

In 1948, no less than 5 Arab armies attacked the fledgling State of Israel and were beaten, instead of declaring their State, as Israel did, Egypt and Trans-Jordan took Gaza, and Judea and Samaria respectively from their Arab brothers.

Gaza was under Egyptian control for 19 years

In 1967, in a war Israel didn’t want Egypt, Jordan and Syria attacked Israel. Israel took back Gaza, and Judea and Samaria. Also it took the Golan Heights. Since then Israel has offered this land back but they don’t want it. They don’t want the troubles the Palestinian Arabs bring.

Jews and Arabs co-existed quite nicely together in Gaza, until Hamas arrived on the scene, so much so that Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005. People still speak of the good times they had in Gaza. My family I know still have Arab friends there.

Israel wants peace and if you think otherwise you have issues. The Arabs do not want it. If you bothered to read what they say you would know that. They want all Jews out of their land.

They refused peace in 1967, 2000 and 2008. Olmert offered Abbas a peace agreement that would have given them a State in virtually all the West Bank, Gaza, and part of Jerusalem
Posted by SF, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 8:24:36 PM
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Check out ‘The Battle of Gaza’ if you think Hamas has so won an fair election. If you call throwing rivals off buildings fair !!

David Singer quotes “Jewish settlements covering 2% of the area of the West Bank.” I think it is marginally less.

Palestinian built up areas cover 40% of the West Bank

Over 50% of the West Bank is empty

FYI 14% of land in Israel in privately owned, Arabs owning 67% of it.

David G you say you like ‘getting your facts right’. Do try harder.

“Crazy Benny has just announced the building of 6,000 more settlements in the West Bank.” Corrected to “6,000 settlement units”

Let’s put some perspective on this.
• This is not using any newly acquired land. It is land included In David Singer’s 2%, which has been planned for a long time. It just happens to have been announced now.
Since when does a country have to announce it intends building on its own land anyhow?

• All of the new units approved and those planned for E1 are inside the 3 to 5% of the West Bank that Israel will keep in any 2 State Solution.

• All of the new units approved and planned fall within the principle of no new settlements being built - they are all expansions of existing settlements.

• Note that Israeli Law also doesn’t allow building on private Palestinian Land if any exists within the planned settlements.

You should read this “NGO explains to Clinton why Israeli settlements are legal”

Prompete: “Perhaps some serious investment in education, as opposed to rockets, could be a usefull policy directive for Hamas.”

You make a valid point and it’s something I have said for years. Their leaders stole/steal money given by International Organisations and countries, whilst people suffer. Millions upon millions of dollars each year are given in aid.
Incidentally Israel is the highest donor of aid to the West Bank annually.
Posted by SF, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 8:35:47 PM
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