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Palestine - bring on the elections : Comments
By David Singer, published 11/2/2013The people need to be the circuit breakers in this long running dispute but indications are they will not be allowed to have their say.
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Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 11 February 2013 12:20:01 PM
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oops, Egypt and Israel forming an alliance, that was a settlement to far. Should have read Egypt and Iran forming an alliance.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 11 February 2013 12:22:23 PM
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David Singer, Hamas were elected in a free and fair election and it was the US and Israel who decided they didn't like it and denied the people of Palestine their voices.
Do go away. Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Monday, 11 February 2013 3:06:25 PM
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Watch out! The Singer is on the prowl. His prey is the Palestinians, and, like his bloodthirsty comrades, he has an insatiable hunger for them.
The Palestinians he talks about live either in a totally blockaded area called Gaza, where, day and night, the IDF patrol to say nothing about, in Gazan airspace, the drones and the fighter jets are endlessly on watch or firing missiles. In the West Bank, what's left of the Palestinians converge in small enclaves and wait to be thrown out on the street with their meagre furniture so that Israelis can move in with their bulldozers and level what once were homes. Then the area is filled with frantic builders working day and night forming huge settlements for Israelis to move into, them and Jew-only roads. Yet the Singer has the hide to talk about democracy. When the Palestinians voted in 2006, they voted for Hamas but Israel, and its Big Brother the U.S., didn't approve of the result so they manipulated Abbas and, without much effort, turned him into a traitor (every man has his price, it seems). So, for countless decades the Israelis have played the 'Two-State' thimble and pea trick. Never have they been serious about allowing a Palestinian State. They have used every trick in the book to sabotage it and quite a few that aren't there and the Yanks have backed them all the way. For the Singer to write the rubbish that is this article is unforgivable. For him to pretend to be an honest broker, a neutral commentator, a peacemaker is obscene. He represents an amoral State, a cruel, brutal, conscienceless State that has got away with murder far too long. The Singer should be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail! Posted by David G, Monday, 11 February 2013 3:16:37 PM
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Perhaps we should just stop commenting thus stop the oxygen to these litany of lies.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 11 February 2013 7:48:04 PM
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Interesting that no one so far is apparently concerned that the Gazan and West Bank Arab populations have not been to the polls for the last seven years.
Would you enjoy that in Australia? #David G What a load of codswallop. Hamas controls all of Gaza with not one Jew living in its territory. Hamas continues to refuse the right of its citizens to have a say in their own future. Your following claim is pure fiction: "In the West Bank, what's left of the Palestinians converge in small enclaves and wait to be thrown out on the street with their meagre furniture so that Israelis can move in with their bulldozers and level what once were homes. Then the area is filled with frantic builders working day and night forming huge settlements for Israelis to move into, them and Jew-only roads." 95% of the West Bank Arabs lived in 40% of the territory of the West Bank under the complete administrative control of the Palestinian Authority until Abbas buried the Authority on 3 January 2013 replacing it with the "State of Palestine" and new letterheads. Aren't the citizens of that "state" entitled to vote after seven years of enforced silence? When will the Arab Spring blossom in these Islamic areas? There was no problem holding elections in 2006. Why should there be any problem in 2013? The Jewish settlements cover 2% of the area of the West Bank. Try and get your facts straight. It does help run a civilized discussion. Now try and convince me why the population should not have a say on the future direction they want their elected representatives to take them. That is what my article is about. Address it. Posted by david singer, Monday, 11 February 2013 9:17:51 PM
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David. We live in a "multi cultural" society, whereby all cultural norms/practices are respected and accepted. As an Australian citizen I think you should also respect the right of others to their own 'systems' of governance.
In the case of the 'state' of Palestine, and others in the region, the cultural/historic 'norm' is that rule is vested in a specific 'tribe' and or family, maintained in the main through force of arms and the economic and religious suppression of other potential 'usurpers'. A change in government is effected in the 'traditional' fashion as recently demonstrated in Iran, Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt and most currently in Syria. "Now try and convince me why the population should not have a say on the future direction they want their elected representatives to take them" They are 'having a say', just not using the method preferred by you and other culturally narrow western societies. Do not mistake this comment with sarcasm, merely an observation of systems of governance within the region since at least the 6th century. Posted by Prompete, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 6:20:44 AM
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Ah, the cunning, wolfish face of the Singer is peering out from under his sheep's fleece.
He gives advice to the Palestinians about democracy even when his Brutal Jewish Regime has not allowed the Palestinians any meaningful vestige of democracy or freedom since 1948. He talks about the rights of Palestinians when Crazy Benny has just announced the building of 6,000 more settlements in the West Bank. Shakespeare must have had the Singer in mind when he wrote 'The Merchant Of Venice'. 'Beware of Jews bearing advice!' Posted by David G, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:00:03 AM
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P.S. I meant 6,000 settlement units of course. Unlike the Singer, I do try to be honest.
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:22:32 AM
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To #Prompete
You are perfectly right in your comments and it is indeed refreshing that you are prepared to discuss the issue of fair and free elections in Gaza and the West Bank and point out the intolerable situation that has indeed been prevalent there for decades that has prevented the population having their say. They did have a say in 2006 - but the PLO did not accept the results and fired the incumbent Prime Minister. The last time before 2006 was in 1950 when West Bank Arabs also had their say - when they agreed to unify the West Bank with Transjordan to create the new territorial entity renamed "Jordan" which continued to exist until 1967. 56 years between innings should serve as a reminder of the current time frame of 7 years - which has impacted very severely on the attempts to bring the Bush Road Map to fruition. Giving the people the right to vote in another election is well overdue. The necessity for building a practicing democracy was fundamental if the two-state solution proposed by the Bush Road Map was ever to be attainable. That includes principles such as a free press, the right to dissent without being detained without trial, and even the right to sell your own land to Jews without being subjected to the death penalty. The need for a Palestinian Arab state to be democratic was the centerpiece of the Bush Road Map - as the quotes in my article make clear. This one word "democratic" has disappeared from the political debate and I think it is time that it returned to center stage. The population is entitled to choose whoever it likes and Israel will have to live with that choice and react accordingly as it considers to be in its national interest. But whilst those Gazan and West Bank voices are stilled as they have been for the last seven years - any hope of the two-state solution still so earnestly being sought internationally as the solution to the Jewish-Arab conflict is only folly and illusion. Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:25:03 AM
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For once I agree with your views mr singer. But I also fear them. As should israel.
We have seen in Gaza and now Egypt that the most popular parties in the middle east are the fundamentalist moslems like hamas or the islamic brotherhood. Is that what you really want singer? As much as I respect democracy it is not the answer for the middle east at the moment. I wrote an article about it. Wow 7 years ago. Doesn't time fly. Pity change in the middle east is the opposite. Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 1:15:22 PM
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"The population is entitled to choose whoever it likes and Israel will have to live with that choice and react accordingly as it considers to be in its national interest"
I completely agree, a comparison could be made with Australia and PNG or Fiji or Tonga, we may find the electoral process at variance to our own and, in the case of Fiji, we may disagree with the outcome. As Marilyn says, and I agree, "Hamas were elected in a (somewhat) free and fair election and it was the US and Israel who decided they didn't like it". But I do not agree that US and Isreal "denied the people of Palestine their voices", they are expressing their 'voice' through their elected representatives currently and, like Australia and Fiji, the Australian government is reacting to the current military regime in a manner consistent with our national interest. For a functional democracy the imperative of elements as described by David above (free press etc) are essential. A democracy needs at least an 80% literacy rate. Perhaps some serious investment in education, as opposed to rockets, could be a usefull policy directive for Hamas. Posted by Prompete, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 5:34:41 PM
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Yes lets talk about elections. The latest Israeli election rejected the settlement loving Jewish Home and voted in a huge shift to a moderate Israeli party which has an intention of making peace with the Palestinians. How does that compare to your zionist ranting. Are you going to reflect the new realities in Israeli politics? Or are you going to continue to deny the voice of moderate and peace seeking Jewish Israelis? You must have choked on your vegimite toast on the morning after the Israeli elections. Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 7:05:24 AM
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#David G
Again you spout a load of codswallop with this statement: "He gives advice to the Palestinians about democracy even when his Brutal Jewish Regime has not allowed the Palestinians any meaningful vestige of democracy or freedom since 1948." The Palestinian Arabs in Israel have enjoyed democracy in Israel from the time of its establishment in 1948 and continue to do so until today. The Palestinian Arabs living in the West Bank chose to unify it with Transjordan in 1950 and remained citizens of Jordan until 1988 when Jordan relinquished its control in favour of the PLO. They made that choice in an election. The absence of democracy in the areas controlled by the PLO since the one and only elections held for the President in 2005 and the Palestinian National Council in 2006 and the effect that has had in preventing the two state solution being achieved is what my article is about. Your previously identified Jew-hatred posts are only being confirmed by the drivel contained in your present post. #mikk South Korea has to deal with North Korea and the world has to deal with Iran. Both of these cases show what happens when one has to deal with a non-democratic state. You have to make decisions based on that reality. Israel has been doing that for the last 20 years with the Palestinian Authority, the PLO and Hamas. Surely it is time that all the oppressed people under their rule being given a say in their own future and be free to say what they like without disappearing overnight. It happened in Russia, it happened in East Germany and it is happening in Tunisia, Syria, Yemen and Libya. It was brutally extinguished in Iran. If the Gazan and West Bank Arabs decide they want more of the same -so be it. Obama should be demanding they have the right to make that decision. Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 8:47:33 AM
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To #Prompete
Your comments are spot on. Nice to see that at least a few people out there like you and mikk are prepared to look at the issue of free elections for Gazan and West Bank Arabs with an open mind. Pity the Jew haters - who take every opportunity to vent their spleen every time an article of mine is published - are not similarly open minded. To #imajulianutter The democratic processes are well and alive in Israel with three different Arab parties with three different policies having gained 11 seats in free and fair elections. That is Israel. Who will be in the next Government and how it acts will be keenly followed by a free press and population without any fear of retribution for anything they say or write. What is important is that Israeli Jews and Arabs got the opportunity to vote and will be able to do so again no later than four years from now. Compare that to the lack of any outlet for Gazan and West Bank Arabs to protest and demand the right to vote for who should govern them. These are core humanitarian rights that every individual on this planet should enjoy. You should be shouting your support for free elections for these people from the roof tops. Freedom of choice and freedom of expression are being denied every day to these people by their own rulers - and the best you can do is talk about the Israeli elections. Shame on you. Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 9:36:04 AM
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awwwwah david you did not disappoint.
You avoided my questions and once again tried to turn the focus away from the wishes for peace of the moderate Israelis. Why did you do that? Are you becoming so desperate that you cannot accept moderate Jewish Israelis really do think they can live in peace with Palestinians, who btw, are not arabic? The are semetic people just like you. Their only difference with you is religion . And that is not as much as you assert. Hey Marilyn ask David about this 'Ethics Of The Fathers 5. Yosi ben Yochanan of Jerusalem said: Let your house be wide open and let the poor be members of thy household; and do not talk much with women. This was said about one's own wife; how much more so about the wife of one's neighbor. Therefore the sages have said: He who talks too much with women brings evil upon himself and neglects the study of the Torah and will in the end inherit Gehenna.' hahahahaha Liberal Democracy in action? hahahahaha Jesus you make me laugh David. For anyone from we 21st century citizens and who wants a bloody good laugh have a read of the above scriptures which contain the beliefs of the modern Jewish people. Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 6:02:58 PM
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To imajulianutter:
I think you had better re-think your foul antisemitic attitude. You are a disgrace. How dare you compare the words of thousands of years ago to today's world and believe that people still live by that out dated rhetoric? You should be ashamed of yourself. You, Marilyn Shepherd and David G need to read and learn and get your head around facts. You all need to re-think your racist comments. Yes antisemitism is racism I have no intention of going into fine detail. However David G said "Brutal Jewish Regime has not allowed the Palestinians any meaningful vestige of democracy or freedom since 1948" Wrong, wrong, wrong. In 1948, no less than 5 Arab armies attacked the fledgling State of Israel and were beaten, instead of declaring their State, as Israel did, Egypt and Trans-Jordan took Gaza, and Judea and Samaria respectively from their Arab brothers. Gaza was under Egyptian control for 19 years In 1967, in a war Israel didn’t want Egypt, Jordan and Syria attacked Israel. Israel took back Gaza, and Judea and Samaria. Also it took the Golan Heights. Since then Israel has offered this land back but they don’t want it. They don’t want the troubles the Palestinian Arabs bring. Jews and Arabs co-existed quite nicely together in Gaza, until Hamas arrived on the scene, so much so that Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005. People still speak of the good times they had in Gaza. My family I know still have Arab friends there. Israel wants peace and if you think otherwise you have issues. The Arabs do not want it. If you bothered to read what they say you would know that. They want all Jews out of their land. They refused peace in 1967, 2000 and 2008. Olmert offered Abbas a peace agreement that would have given them a State in virtually all the West Bank, Gaza, and part of Jerusalem Posted by SF, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 8:24:36 PM
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Check out ‘The Battle of Gaza’ if you think Hamas has so won an fair election. If you call throwing rivals off buildings fair !! David Singer quotes “Jewish settlements covering 2% of the area of the West Bank.” I think it is marginally less. Palestinian built up areas cover 40% of the West Bank Over 50% of the West Bank is empty FYI 14% of land in Israel in privately owned, Arabs owning 67% of it. David G you say you like ‘getting your facts right’. Do try harder. “Crazy Benny has just announced the building of 6,000 more settlements in the West Bank.” Corrected to “6,000 settlement units” Let’s put some perspective on this. • This is not using any newly acquired land. It is land included In David Singer’s 2%, which has been planned for a long time. It just happens to have been announced now. Since when does a country have to announce it intends building on its own land anyhow? • All of the new units approved and those planned for E1 are inside the 3 to 5% of the West Bank that Israel will keep in any 2 State Solution. • All of the new units approved and planned fall within the principle of no new settlements being built - they are all expansions of existing settlements. • Note that Israeli Law also doesn’t allow building on private Palestinian Land if any exists within the planned settlements. You should read this “NGO explains to Clinton why Israeli settlements are legal” Prompete: “Perhaps some serious investment in education, as opposed to rockets, could be a usefull policy directive for Hamas.” You make a valid point and it’s something I have said for years. Their leaders stole/steal money given by International Organisations and countries, whilst people suffer. Millions upon millions of dollars each year are given in aid. Incidentally Israel is the highest donor of aid to the West Bank annually. Posted by SF, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 8:35:47 PM
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"This most recent assault on freedom of expression does not seem to bother the Western countries that fund the Palestinian Authority. The crackdown on Palestinian journalists in the West Bank is also fine as long as Israel is not involved. In another story the Western media apparently refuses to cover, any Palestinian who dares to criticize Hamas or the Palestinian Authority risks being arrested or summoned for interrogation. Palestinian journalists are now hoping to bring this to the attention of President Barack Obama when he meets with President Mahmoud Abbas next month. The journalists say they want United States and the rest of the world to know that the crackdown on freedom of expression in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip is designed to hide the fact that Palestinians are governed by two repressive regimes that have no respect for human rights and democracy. Over the past few weeks, several Palestinian journalists have been arrested in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for reportedly criticizing the policies and leaders of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. But this most recent assault on freedom of expression does not seem to bother the Western countries that fund the Palestinian Authority or Hamas supporters from all around the world. As far as many Western governments and journalists are concerned, physical assaults on Palestinian reporters in the Gaza Strip are fine as long as they are not perpetrated by Israel. The Palestinian Authority crackdown on Palestinian journalists in the West Bank is also fine as long as Israel is not involved. Most of the assaults against journalists took place in the Gaza Strip, where Hamas continues to display zero tolerance towards critics or anyone who dares to say something "controversial." In the past few weeks, at least 16 journalists from the Gaza Strip were arrested or summoned for interrogation by Hamas authorities in the context of a campaign aimed at intimidating the local media." Posted by SF, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 9:45:55 PM
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SF Me anti semetic? The Palestinians are Semetic people. I support them. Are you a halfwit or just bloody stupid. Your foolishness is obviously limitless. Singer continually refers to Palestinians as Arabs and generalises them as terrorists. That SF is an example racism. Now I expect an apology and to see you criticise Singers simpleton racism. The words I quoted are the words of the scriptures of the Judean religion of the Hebrews. I find them stupid in the extreme and I have never seen Singer or any other propagandists reject them. To my knowledge there has only been one relatively modern rejection of those scriptures. The Hebrew priests, the same priests who had custody of these teachings of the Hebrew religion, had the bloke who rejected them, crucified ... you dimwit. (No this is not abusive Graham, this fool has accused me of being anti semetic when I am obviously not. I think religion, any religion containing mysognism should be ridiculed.) His name was Christ and western liberal democracies are founded in his teachings. We are not mired in the rot of these ancient Hebrew teachings which are promogulated in the Israeli Jewish 'constitution'. Oh the same scriptures tell us the Jews have legitimate title to all the land between the Euriprates and The Nile. Ditto my rejection comments also apply to that stupidity. Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 14 February 2013 5:12:32 PM
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Seems Singer has called up the reinforcement.
Sadly they are not even as capable as Singer. Really SF, we've heard it all before. None of us believes the Israeli propaganda. lol. Do you even live in Australia? Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 14 February 2013 5:19:42 PM
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SF. hmmm... Touched a nerve there I think. :)). Really, I am at quite a loss for word, I think you may have said them for me so, I will say nothing. Cheers.
Posted by Prompete, Thursday, 14 February 2013 6:53:53 PM
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imajulianutter. I don’t know if you are just an idiot or ignorant. No matter which, you are a vile excuse for a human being and an antisemite.
Never mind telling me you are not antisemitic, I think I am in a better position to be the judge of that. Here my friend you have just posted another fine example. As has your friend Marilyn Shepherd who has posted elsewhere, who you’ve referenced above. ‘Antisemitism’ was coined in 1873 by the German journalist Wilhelm Marr. The word "Semitismus" indicated either opposition to the Jews as a people, or else opposition to Jewishness or the Jewish spirit, which he saw as infiltrating German culture. In 1880, Marr developed his ideas further and coined the related German word Antisemitismus – antisemitism, derived from the word "Semitismus". That word has been in common usage since and in no way reflects on Semitic peoples. Never mind what is to your knowledge or not, as far as the Jewish religion is concerned, you haven't a clue. Getting your information from antisemitic web sites does you no credit. As far as people called Palestinian are concerned, there are no such people. I hate to burst your bubble and you can research anywhere for that information. In 1964 the Soviets developed the word when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the PLO. The term "Palestinian People" as a descriptive of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. On June 4th 1967 Arabs started to call themselves Palestinians. Check out the Mandate and UN Resolutions. They all call for an Arab State alongside a Jewish one. Not a Palestinian State alongside a Jewish one. I doubt Singer refers to all Arabs as terrorists. The way you twist the truth you are a pathetic joke.. As for ‘racism’ you have rocks for brains. You cannot be racist against people who are not a race. Fast forward to 1.32 I suggest you read this sound and accurate article. Posted by SF, Thursday, 14 February 2013 9:02:44 PM
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In 1977, a PLO leader, Zahir Muhsein, head of the as-Sa’iqa Organization revealed the truth in an interview to the Dutch newspaper Trouw. Here are his words:
“The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism for tactical reasons. Jordan, a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. As a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.” In 1974, the late Syrian President, Hafez al-Assad,declared, “It would be fitting for us to mention to the responsible Israeli authorities that we view Palestine not just as an inseparable part of the Arab nation, but also as a part of southern Syria.” In 1987 he reiterated this at a conference in Amman by saying, “A country named ‘Palestine’ has never existed.” Jordan’s King Hussein responded, “The appearance of the national Palestinian persona serves as a response to Israel’s claim that Palestine is Jewish.” The prize goes to Yasir Arafat who, in 1970 with candid simplicity, told the reporter Arianna Palazzi, “The question of borders doesn’t interest us… From the Arab standpoint, we mustn’t talk about borders. Palestine is nothing but a drop in an enormous ocean. Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it… The PLO is fighting Israel in the name of Pan-Arabism. What you call ‘Jordan’ is nothing more than Palestine.” Posted by SF, Thursday, 14 February 2013 9:08:53 PM
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You have revealled yourself as a person with a huge chip on your shoulder, completely brainwashed and that you have absolutely no understanding of how democracy works. Where do I start? I have simply ridiculed one of the written ethics of Jewish religion. That is not hate. It's is fair and I have a right to do that. That you object and name call and attempt to label me says more about you and your dimwittedness than anything about me. Antisemitic is a corruption it pretends only Jewish people are semitic. You didn't say you were using the German meaning. The German meaning is a narrow intrepretation. I naturally take a much broarder and more accurate intrepretation. You are too small minded and brainwashed to see that. That in fact is the start of the evidence you have been brainwashed. Instead of carrying on with that brainwashed stupidity why didn't you just come straight out and say 'Imajulianutter you hate Jews'. If you had Graham would have had to delete all your posts because, you see that would be a libel. Nowhere, in anything have I said, is there any evidence of hatred ... of anyone. You don't have a 'truth' defence. In fact logically it could be successfully argued you just painted yourself as someone devoid of truth in this matter. My information didn't come from an Antisemitic website. It came from a Jewish website referenced here on OLO by Shira Sibban in an article titled 'The Life in Our Years'. Here is the quote, '...ancient wisdom teaches that 40 is when we attain understanding, 50 when we can offer advice, and 60 when we finally reach seniority (Ethics of Our Fathers 5:24).' What was it you said about 'out-dated rhetoric?' Seems some still apply it. It is part of the Jewish religious litergy. Your imputation that that I trust the words of people who hate Jews is incorrect and another libellious and actionable lie. Your assertion people today do not apply the 'Ethic's of Our Fathers' is clearly nonsense. They do. I have shown you proof. Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 15 February 2013 11:56:30 AM
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Hey Singer, is SF an example of how your fabulous Israeli Democracy works?
It seems SF does not understand the very basic tenet of Liberal Democracy. We are free to question beliefs that sit outside the thrust of our christian western liberal democracies. In fact we can question anything, right or wrong. In fact we do. Continuially. It is what we are. Liberal Democrats. That goes to the very heart of democracy. Singer you'd better take SF aside and point out how SF has undermined your propaganda of Israel being a Liberal Democracy. hahahahahaha. 'I have no intention of going into fine detail.' No of course you won't ... you have nothing but the lies and propaganda of a brainwashed hack. Is it any wonder the moderates were so seccessful in the recent Israeli elections. They obviously are not totally brainwashed. Now SF, for the second time, do you actually live in Australia? Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 15 February 2013 11:56:40 AM
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It's actually no concern of yours where I live. But to ease your little brain. YES
Hope that makes you happy. That is it before I explode. Posted by SF, Friday, 15 February 2013 12:13:08 PM
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Which city? Tel Aviv?
Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 15 February 2013 5:26:59 PM
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>>Now SF, for the second time, do you actually live in Australia?<<
<<YES>> >>Which city? Tel Aviv?<< Here is a map of Australia: If you could just pencil in whereabouts you think Tel Aviv might be located? Cheers, Tony Posted by Tony Lavis, Friday, 15 February 2013 6:14:46 PM
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SF would be asking is that a map of Australia? lol Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 15 February 2013 6:51:02 PM
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Carry on idiots.
Little things please little minds and yours are pea sized. Posted by SF, Friday, 15 February 2013 7:04:31 PM
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>>is that a map of Australia?<<
Yes, imajulianutter. There are some less obvious hints - like the national capital being called 'Canberra' - and some more obvious ones - like the westernmost state being called 'Western AUSTRALIA'. But due to your evasion of my question to display your further lack of geographical education we are still no closer to discovering just where you think Tel Aviv is supposed to be. So let's try to narrow it down: is Tel Aviv supposed to be in a state or a territory? Cheers, Tony Posted by Tony Lavis, Friday, 15 February 2013 11:41:31 PM
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Thanks for the map link Tony, that's a good one to keep.
Maybe Tel Aviv is in that pointed part in the north east?. Hey Julian you nutter, here's a great map for you to play with. Wow and this one should suit you better A talking map Posted by SF, Saturday, 16 February 2013 6:59:17 AM
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Is Tel Aviv anywhere near Ramla?
I know where that is. Posted by imajulianutter, Saturday, 16 February 2013 6:02:55 PM
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it is very pleasing to see you have dropped the libelious statements. That is admission enough you are wrong. I did not really expect an apology. I never expect apologies from gutless bullies. Posted by imajulianutter, Saturday, 16 February 2013 6:20:36 PM
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Speaking about ones self are we now imajulianutter?
Posted by SF, Saturday, 16 February 2013 7:34:29 PM
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Yep that confirms it. You really do have a problem with English comprehension.
Posted by imajulianutter, Sunday, 17 February 2013 9:20:20 AM
It is only Israel and the US who propped up the puppet Abbas.
And now even he's doing deals with Hamas.
The israeli's must be themselves.
Egypt and Israel forming an alliance. Hamas in control of a united Palestinian people. All the manulipative machinations of the clever Israelis are falling apart.
No you haven't a nuclear option David. Israel could make peace with the Palestinians and withdraw to the 1948 UN proposed map.
That might be the only option soon.