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The Forum > Article Comments > Thirteen reasons it is unlucky to be male > Comments

Thirteen reasons it is unlucky to be male : Comments

By Greg Andresen, published 23/11/2012

In today's world, who would want to be born a boy?

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That's more a tactic of the Left, Anti Racists do much the same thing all the time, create third person profiles on Stormfront and VNN or Facebook and post vile, racially abusive material then re post it to their own sites as "evidence" of "Racism".. The rule of thumb is that if someone is being truly obnoxious they're working for the other side, you could apply the same principle to any online interaction, it's a democratic space where people hear what they want to hear and rally to the demagogues who most accurately articulate their own tastes and prejudices.
My only area of skill in online debating (if any) is the formulation and reproduction of slogans and catchphrases, I'm no philosopher, I'm an autodidact and claim no real insight into the human condition, the mental exertion of sloganeering and dog whistling for me is already pushing myself way beyond my essential capabilities LOL
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 3 December 2012 7:40:54 PM
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Suseonline told me on 25 Nov.:

"Spend a bit of time in the emergency rooms of your local hospital and maybe you might see how it really is. Many frightened women won't even say who hurt them, so the problem is even worse than you can imagine.

We are still a long way from equality with men in our society, so pat yourself on the back for that fact."

Just listened on ABC radio, to a Dr Angela William whose professional interest is in forensic medicine, saying something like 2% of those presenting to hospital emergency departments are DV related. After subtracting men with injuries inflicted by women wielding saucepans etc from the 2%, the remainder I guess would be there just for minor stuff, like bruises and sprains etc and such visits merely needed to bolster DVO applications.

Considering only 2 in 100 in emergency are likely to be there because of DV, I don't think spending any time there would better anyone's understanding except to confirm the extent of rubbish being peddled by DV myth makers.
Posted by Roscop, Friday, 7 December 2012 5:41:50 PM
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