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The Forum > Article Comments > Palestine: Gaza conflict sure to resume > Comments

Palestine: Gaza conflict sure to resume : Comments

By David Singer, published 23/11/2012

Close reading of the ceasefire document suggests war will shortly resume.

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while 'all'..attempts at lordable..
and david singers post is full of contradictions..[too many to point out..but his abuseive use of all..surfices..i was willing to let it wanderd off to read todays 'a course in miracles'

it was relitive to this i came post a link to it

as it reflects a grownup attitude..we may be the wholly holy lands..

quote..>>""I choose..the second gain the first.""

What seems to be the second place is first,
for all things we perceive are upside down until we listen to the Voice for God.

It seems that we will gain autonomy
but by our striving to be separate, and that our independence from the rest of God's creation is the way in which salvation is obtained.


To join with His is but to find our own.
And since our will is His, is to Him that we must go to recognize our will.

There is no will but Yours.

And I am glad that nothing I imagine contradicts what You would have me be.
It is Your Will that I be wholly safe, eternally at peace.
And happily I share that Will which You, my Father, gave as part of me.""...

i would add my doudts to mr singers doudts
but heck the messiah got it spot on..even to the timming.

so like many bite my tongue..
hoping..trusting..we finally have grown mature...but*..still feel it was only allways meant to be a quick..cast lead type the big one..nuking iran..but..we shall see.


bite your tongue..see that at the pre-dawn..
a black thread and a white thread..BOTH*..look the same shade of gray...

but when the light comes..
their true hue/ revealed?
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 25 November 2012 6:32:59 AM
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To #Rhrosty

I believe the three state solution (an independent Arab state in the West Bank between Israel and Jordan) is dead and buried.

The two state solution - Jordan and Israel - dividing sovereignty of the West Bank between their respective States still is feasible.

Indeed as I have written previously there are signs that Jordan is readying to replace the Palestinian Authority as Israel's negotiating partner on the future of the West Bank.

To #JohnBennetts

Israel made two substantive offers in 2000/2001 and 2008 which were rejected and involved Israel ceding its claims to more than 90% of the West Bank and 100% of Gaza.

Whilst the PLO demands 100% of both territories and a capital in East Jerusalem involving the removal of 600000 Jews living in these areas - the prospects of any settlement with the PLO is hopeless.

On the other hand a settlement with Jordan where no one - Jew or Arab - would have to leave his present home - remains a last hope for ending the Jewish-Arab conflict.

The stumbling block in negotiations with the PLO was not on the question of the issues you raised in your response to #Rhrosty. It was the PLO insistence on the following:
1. The right of return of millions of Palestinian Arabs to Israel
2. The uprooting of all Jews living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem

Neither should be an issue in negotiations between Israel and Jordan to draw a new international border between their respective States.

To #csteele

Nice to know we can at least agree on some things.

But it is clear that the cease fire Understanding was breached by the hundreds of people who entered the 300 metre buffer zone and refused to withdraw when warned by Israeli soldiers to do so.

The fact that Gazan police removed them after consultation with Egypt indicates that their premature enthusiasm in entering such territory was the catalyst for the tragic events that followed.
Posted by david singer, Sunday, 25 November 2012 9:19:24 AM
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anyhow some more backgrounds
davids confusion is a sign

if this is how it is in uk
then how much worse in israel/gaza?

In true zionist spirit, Israel is doing its darndest
to make sure the ceasefire between itself and Gaza does not last.

thus its time for those who love try to love
>>his whole creation..[or be revealed liars/decievers/satanist.

There will be no repeat of Operation Cast Lead,..the previous invasion of Gaza.

Mr Netanyahu has allowed diplomacy to take precedence,
even though both his aerial bombardment of Gaza and his subsequent negotiations with Hamas have given his foes the international legitimacy they have long craved.


The message you hear from the news media in the West is one sided … in fact, in most cases, the other side does not exist.

I am speaking specifically about news reports from the Middle East, all pro Israel despite whatever atrocities which might have been committed by them. Palestine is assumed to be the bad guy no matter what the situation might be.
The recent atrocities committed against the people of Gaza are the latest example of what the Western News Media wants you to see or hear. You mustn’t allow this to continue. Demand to know the truth!

what was the war REALLY for?
USA Cancels the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit

US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement released Friday, November 23, 2012, that the US "regrets to announce that the conference [The 2012 Nuclear Security Summit] cannot be convened because of present conditions in the Middle East and the fact that states in the region have not reached agreement on acceptable conditions for a conference."

the fruit of war

"Acceptable conditions" = "Nobody is allowed to mention Israel's nuclear weapons."

what has israel [ALL*..settlers]

whiners? and looser$
Posted by one under god, Monday, 26 November 2012 5:39:41 AM
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The fear..of actually..the unconscious nightmare..what everyone..around your back..

Israelis..not just now..*admitting their themselves,..unaware..of now being seen as a bunch of arrogant,cowardly and helpless barbarians.

By the becom's clear..that the Pillar*
wasn’t even semi-erect..and the Cloud..couldn’t cover even that embarrassing truth,..!*!*!..Netanyahu,Barak and Liebermann as well as the whole of Israeli society realised..that nothing was left..of Israel’s power of deterrence-via fear/spin/lies/bombs..for the Palestinians
have lost their fear.

Israel Working to Silence
the International Press in Gaza

Israel on Sunday of targeting journalists in the Gaza Strip,..after Israeli warplanes..bombed two media buildings.

Israel is..trying to silence the press..and its crimes against journalists must not go unpunished.” their own*

statement,.“strongly condemn the..Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip..and the direct targeting of a number of journalists and media institutions.” Palestinian Center for Human Rights said 10 journalists..and media professionals were hurt in the bombings

so much lost..for so little gained
The eight-day Israeli assault..on Gaza
has resulted in $300 million in ..*economic damage$$

You can always tell..when members of the Israeli ministry of defense are words..come out of them.

there is no such thing as..a "surgical strike".

flash foward..via a flashback

how was peace..established so fast?

just to prove there is a media slipups

the Visible Darkness
of the Unyielding Night.

live links at link

If you can't fight/Satanic monsters like this,

then you will never master..nor control monsters like this
[look inside of you...]

That's just how it is.

I can't be responsible for people..not getting things.

True,..there are things I don't get either
but some things I do get and you could get them too,..if you sought the god of life/living/love/logic..not death/destraction/destruction/dissinfo/war-mongers/..'t'-errorists=?

who knows..god so loves a repentant sinner
with the huge proviso..'GO...and sin no more*

but we are all a different 'him' sheet?
yet all life..all logic..all of him and for him..

lets give 2013..back to..>>>him..!*!

[whoever you concieve.."him" to be..
if not love..then destroy us all now!..

if god isn't..the light over being nice.]
Posted by one under god, Monday, 26 November 2012 6:17:42 AM
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the only thing that can keep the peace
is truth..

further notings..

dont forget to read the extensive cliff notes

noting the exumation of arrafact today

..lets keep putting the facts out the errors can be the reasoning..or the spun spin/spin spun[web woven]lies spun[no pun intended]

FLASHBACK - Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews

The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.

According to Yosef, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.

"The most shameful day in the history of the Jewish people"

1. Why a "two state" solution is a fantasy that will never happen

2. Why one state - with democracy for all - is the solution just as Switzerland and Belgium managed to pull disparate nations together

3. How Israel rules its territory and why, given how it operates today, it is a racist, terrorist state

4. "The most shameful day in the history of the Jewish people" - and it took place not long ago

5. Why Israel will never attack Iran (only an idiotic US can be drawn into such a misadventure)

inbed with the goyum

Abbas’ longtime collaboration with Israel.
He sold out long ago for whatever benefits he derives.

He’s Israel’s enforcer. He ill serves and insults Palestinians. His presidency is illegitimate. Israel rigged his 2005 election.

In January 2009, his term expired.
what when did he know of operation 'cloud piles'
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 3:36:06 PM
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