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The Forum > Article Comments > What the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse may reveal > Comments

What the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse may reveal : Comments

By Brian Holden, published 16/11/2012

Surely this is the final nail in the coffin?

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>> The 21st century is going to be the last century for all Christian faiths.<<

Well, sixty years ago my Stalinist teachers taught me that it was going to be the 20th century. :-)) 
Posted by George, Friday, 16 November 2012 7:31:08 AM
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"" >> The 21st century is going to be the last century for all Christian faiths.<<

" Well, sixty years ago my Stalinist teachers taught me that it was going to be the 20th century. :-)) ""

You're both right - the 20th C will be the last full century that christian faiths dominated in the West, but the domination has persisted numerically and proportion-wise into the 21st C b/c the religious have much higher birth rates (especially Catholics).
Posted by McReal, Friday, 16 November 2012 7:38:27 AM
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My teachers were certainly not referring to “Christian faiths dominating in the West”. Marx-Leninist atheism, i.e. dialectical and historical materialism, that they were basing their prophesies on, was not meant to be restricted to the West only, although both Marx and Lenin (I am not sure about Brian) could be excused for not knowing that e.g. in Africa the number of Christians would increase from nine million in 1900 to 380 million in 2000. This is a fact, irrespective of what explanation one might want to offer for it.

Nevertheless, I agree that Christianity is no more restricted to the West, where it used to dominate. For instance, in absolute numbers, there are more Catholics attending church every Sunday in China than there are in Germany. And with Protestants it is even more so.
Posted by George, Friday, 16 November 2012 8:20:00 AM
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exactly George, which is why I added the "in the West" qualification.

Marxism & Leninism were abruptly introduced in response to constricting religiously-based feudalism in the days revolutions were the only way to change societies.

Today, social media is doing it.
Posted by McReal, Friday, 16 November 2012 9:09:24 AM
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I think it is more productive to find ways of living together with those who believe differently from you than to assume those beliefs will disappear. The New Testament and many Christian predictions since then put forth the idea that the world will end soon. Some Christian Churches display signs telling us of the imminent return of Jesus. These are Christian fantasies. The idea that the disappearance of Christianity is imminent is a non-Christian fantasy.
Posted by david f, Friday, 16 November 2012 9:11:24 AM
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>> Marxism & Leninism were abruptly introduced in response to constricting religiously-based feudalism in the days revolutions were the only way to change societies. <<

Not Marxism, that is just a theory, but Marx-Leninism as it was put to practice. Whatever Marx-Leninism was a response to - after all, also Nazism was a response to something - what is horribly important is its practice that in both cases led to the death of tens of millions and the suffering of many more. And that not during the Dark Ages but in the (scientific, post-Enlightenment) 20th century.

>> Today, social media is doing it.<<
I agree, provided I understand properly what “it” refers to, although it will take some time to see whether this will lead to an increase in Christian self-awareness like it did in Russia and in East/Central Europe as a response to Marx-Leninist domination.
Posted by George, Friday, 16 November 2012 9:38:08 AM
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