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The Forum > Article Comments > Attack on Malala raises serious questions > Comments

Attack on Malala raises serious questions : Comments

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan, published 19/10/2012

What happens to rest of the Pakistani children who are at the mercy terrorists?

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Very smart, brave and deep analysis, excellent piece to read on Pakistan
Posted by Malik, Friday, 19 October 2012 9:25:39 AM
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The problem here is that the Pakistani Govt itself, speaks and acts
with a forked tongue. Without their support, the Taliban in
Afghanistan would no longer be an issue.

We saw what happened when the doctor who helped the Americans
establish the dna of the people living in bin Laden's house, was
jailed for many years. One would have thought that Pakistan would
be thrilled.

Pakistan is facing what many Muslim countries face, ie the clash
between moderate and radical Islam. Sadly this will result in
many casualties, nearly all of them Pakistani and Muslim.
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 19 October 2012 7:05:09 PM
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You have a long way to go when you have two interpretations of the same book. It makes for a problem that may never be solved.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 21 October 2012 2:59:18 PM
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Quotes: "The history of Pakistan shows that Pakistani’s are ignorant of what has been happening within the country" and "It is now the time for the people of Pakistan to open their eyes, analyse and think who Taliban are".

No, the Pakistani’s are not ignorant and they know who the Taliban are.

The problem is that what is happening is done in the name of Islam and its not just the Taliban doing it... Islam is the reason for Pakistan's existence and that ideology affects every aspect of life there -- and nobody has the honesty or courage to question Islam. In Pakistan, people are abused everyday in the name of Islam.

Muslims can talk all they want about an innocent girl or human rights, but if the subject is wrapped in Islam, it immediately becomes off limits. You will notice the lack of the words "Islam" and "Muslims" in the article -- it is as if the taliban were just unhinged Rotarians, or misguided boy scouts.

Until people can criticize and debate Islam freely, nothing will change, and this brave little girl's life will have no meaning beyond a few headlines for a few days.

And that is the way it is...

I hope Malala stays in the UK. There she will be relatively safe, maybe.
Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 21 October 2012 3:12:17 PM
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Yes, 579, but the followers of both interpretations will both tell you Islam and the Quran are perfect, even when simple facts demand an explanation as to why something that is "perfect" is so confusing that its followers can't agree on the basics.

Yeah, real perfect...

Oh wait, that is logic -- and logic is not Islam's strong point.
Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 21 October 2012 3:20:43 PM
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Agree with kactuz!
The people who make war on an entirely innocent unarmed child, in the name of Islam, because she had the absolute audacity to voice her opinion, are not Muslims serving Islam!
Just satan's servants, thugs and murdering bullies.
Surely it's time for mealy mouthed "politicians" to stop their self serving, divide and rule tactics; and stand united, with every decent human being, against these, mass murdering criminal thugs, who hide behind/among entirely innocent flesh and blood, rather than a true soldier's sandbags!
While they murder in the name of Allah, from a very safe, craven cowards' distance!
Lower than a snake's belly, slippery slime, criminal miscreants, who hide behind women and children, simply to avoid confronting righteous justifiable repercussions or returned fire!
If Pakistan was not truly a very safe haven for border hopping Taliban terrorists, these sort of crimes against humanity, or genocide, would simply not be possible!
If it were entirely down to me, drones would be dispatched in far greater numbers!
Even as Imran screams his outrage, and or, shows his true colours!?
Moreover; but only after proper warnings; and given my druthers, I'd use some very small but very high yield tactical nuclear weapons, not against populations per se, just in a few parts of the completely uninhabited Atlas mountains, which we know are popular crossing points for Taliban terrorists, as they carry on their, six months or so, killing season, or completely mindless extermination of non-combatant women and children!
[Nuetronian bombs don't blow up anything, just irradiate everything inside a square mile, which is then safe to re-enter in protective gear, in just 6 months or so!?]
Imran endlessly repeated electioneering slogan is, take all their wickets, with just one ball!
The one ball for Taliban terrorists', being a car or truck bomb, or brainwashed suicide bomber!
There ought to be repercussions, for this never ever justified, mass murder, such as a terminal dose of self inflicted radiation poisoning? The sooner the better! But particularly if Malala's attacker is amongst their number!
Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 21 October 2012 5:27:54 PM
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