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The Forum > Article Comments > Please move sir, lest you molest > Comments

Please move sir, lest you molest : Comments

By Peter West, published 21/8/2012

What is the risk posed to an 'unaccompanied minor' from sitting next to an unaccompanied male on a plane?

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I would have been moved away from unaccompanied kids long before some officious cabin crew could have accosted me, or have left the plane. I do not pay to travel with kids.

I really am surprised & disappointed that they are not already in court over this insult.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 21 August 2012 4:35:18 PM
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We are currently living in Cambodia. There is possibly no country the Western world has pariahed as being "paedophilia central" as Cambodia. The Australian Government has Federal Police here for that exact reason, never mind the Billions in corruption fritted away by corrupt politicians, that sees 1000's or more die a year, let's target paedophilia.

My partner volunteers at a small centre, 4 local Khmer teachers and her. They are insistent on me being there and interacting with the children but there is NO chance of me being involved while there are NGO groups (APLE being the most notorious) going around hiring local Khmers to "dob in a a paedophile" or taking photographs (and publishing them) of those they suspect of being paedophiles.

I have no intention of putting myself in harms way. Does it occur, of course it does but like in the West, 80% or more of child abuse is family/friends, not roaming gangs of pirate paedophile going from village to village, raping and pillaging, like you would think if you listened to loons like Braveheart.

Here's a local example:
Posted by Valley Guy, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 1:45:48 AM
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Hi there VALLEY GUY...

An interesting thread I must say. Not so many years ago a very high profile VIP attended Cambodia (I must exercise great care here) ostensibly for the purpose of observing just that type of unlawful behaviour that you've so precisely described herein.

This person's propensity to be attracted to just this type of disgusting activity, was well know amongst us. But knowing something and proving it, to the required standard demanded by a court, is another matter entirely.

Further, this individual excercised a great deal of 'positional' power.

Thus, any attempt to bring this person to account, without first possessing evidence of a kind that was both exceptional, and irrebuttable - well it was nigh impossible, even if you caught this person cold in the act !

I must apologise for my poor syntax, I don't wish to even identify the gender of this individual. Such is the enormous power and influence this person can if necessary, brandish and wield.

I'm retired now, and I want to enjoy the balance of my retirement, in some degree of relative peace.

I suspect, the only real justice these sad young victims may ultimately be given. Is when this iniquitous individual irrevocably passes through the curtilages of Saint Peter's 'Pearly Gates'? Provided of course that you share a belief in such things.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 2:50:42 PM
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Some posters are angry at 'feminists' for 'causing' this situation on planes.

Shouldn't they direct their anger at the paedophiles who have been the sole cause of society's distrust in some men?

Sorry, but unless I was sitting with my child in the other seat, I would not want them travelling next to an unknown male.

I wouldn't like to take that small chance of there being a problem just to please some militant male groups.
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 7:08:23 PM
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>>Sorry, but unless I was sitting with my child in the other seat, I would not want them travelling next to an unknown male.

I wouldn't like to take that small chance of there being a problem<<

I can understand why you'd want to be protective of your child and not want to take the risk of them being molested by an unknown male. What I don't understand is why you don't seem to care if they get molested by an unknown female. I would have thought all molestation was bad regardless of perpetrator's gender. Why is molestation by men bad but molestation by women OK?


Posted by Tony Lavis, Thursday, 23 August 2012 1:25:49 AM
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You have to wonder how this would play if nominal skin colour was substituted for gender. Sexism is a alive and well in some circles.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 23 August 2012 6:42:21 AM
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