The Forum > Article Comments > Please move sir, lest you molest > Comments
Please move sir, lest you molest : Comments
By Peter West, published 21/8/2012What is the risk posed to an 'unaccompanied minor' from sitting next to an unaccompanied male on a plane?
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It transpired that there was a shortage of volunteers to cook the breakfasts, so I was approached and agreed to help, along with a few of my Apex mates, on the understanding that we would not be close to or in contact with any of the girls. This was readily agreed.
Long story short - the head Guide chucked a fit, we were banned, some of the other ladies withdrew because of their embarassment and I have had nothing to do with that irrationally sexist movement since, either as a parent or as a helper. As a member of other community organisations, when any request for support is received from Guides, I always ask whether the anti-male policy still exists. Thus far, the result has invariably been that the request has been declined.
I note that the "problem" in my old town has been permanently resolved. The town concerned no longer has a Guide group and the regional campsite has not been used for ten years, although I know that the owners would, if approached, consider such a request favourably.
Qantas and Virgin, take note: you might be next.