The Forum > Article Comments > Risky business: war on the Greens will hurt Labor > Comments
Risky business: war on the Greens will hurt Labor : Comments
By Robert Simms, published 16/7/2012The political antidote Labor proposes to the Greens is in effect a shift to the right in the form of a Labor/Liberal pact to 'lock-out' the Greens.
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it was western liberal democrats that provided the advances that have led us to the freedoms we all, in the west, enjoy.
That you spruik all the usual anti western liberal democratic propaganda says much about your disconnect with the realities here.
Those organisations you cite as your alternative reading are linked to and supported by all the usual single issue leftie focused groups. eg. a multitude of greens groups, Gay and Lesbian groups, climate change groups, democracy for America groups, labor and human rights groups.
Now while many of the articles and issues in your news outfits are reasonable and would draw my support the overall aim of the news outfits seem the same as their supporting groups. ie not so much to change things on particular issues but to pull the whole Western Democratic structure down.
Western Liberal Democracy with, as you say, 'all of its warts, failings and limitations' is the most superior form of social organisation the world knows or has ever known. Of course it can be improved but not by destroying it.