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When stoning is men's business : Comments

By Jocelynne Scutt, published 13/7/2012

For as long as one woman is at risk of death at the hands of a legal system devised and enforced by men, then men are responsible.

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But many, many more men die through acts of violence than women, by a factor of well over ten to one. Yes, stoning and other capital and corporal are barbaric and should be outlawed. Not because they happen to be directed at one gender rather than another, but because they are directed against fellow human beings. Let's not play favourites in deciding who 'deserves' to be protected from ideologically-motivated atrocities. EVERY human being deserves it.
Posted by Jon J, Friday, 13 July 2012 7:59:36 AM
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That should be 'capital and corporal punishments', of course.
Posted by Jon J, Friday, 13 July 2012 8:00:06 AM
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Wow Jocelynne, that’s quite a rant and I share your furious indignation with the appalling crimes against women, and indeed the history of their subjection by men under Man’s law. But I demur from your conclusion as it applies in the modern democratic West.
The first half of your harangue is designed to shame Men, indiscriminately, while the second half abjures men alone to take responsibility and to act to secure safety and equality for females.
In a democracy, women alone have the numbers and the power to initiate any reform they like, if they acted as one, but that’s about as plausible men acting as one, or indeed as plausible as your contention that men alone bare responsibility.
The truth is that woman, as a class, is complicit in its own subjection—it may me that women are innately passive, and not merely conditioned—and it’s just as much women you should be appealing to, to address the wrongs that still obtain, domestically and civilly, as well as internationally through bodies like the UN.
You can’t blame everything on men, and you can’t expect men alone to fix it; that’s the kind of “passive feminism” you’ve defended previously. Are women to just sit back and wait for justice to be delivered up? For men to realise the errors of their ways; essentially that women are saints and men are of the devil?
You should be working on a way to motivate men “and” women; if men have to learn to be more passive, women have to learn to be more aggressive, or at least pro-active; not merely for women, but in pursuit of justice. In that case you need to reflect on the part women play in the “dynamics” of domestic and civil violence; there’s more to it than “nagging”.
Finally, civilised men are just as appalled as women by violence meted out to women in the name of “justice” in some countries, and I think it’s a low blow trying to implicate all men in that, or indeed modern men in the dark history of patriarchy hitherto.
Posted by Squeers, Friday, 13 July 2012 8:39:12 AM
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For as long as one woman is at risk of death at the hands of a legal system devised and enforced by men, then [those men who devised and enforced the system] are responsible, [as are any women who devised and enforced the system].

There. That's better.
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 13 July 2012 9:00:35 AM
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I blame women.

Not all women. Just most women throughout most of history.

Never has a man given birth to a male child – only women have produced babies who grow up to be men.

So ultimately it is all their fault.

There. That's even better.
Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 13 July 2012 10:18:36 AM
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yes very barbaric just like abortion.
Posted by runner, Friday, 13 July 2012 10:18:58 AM
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