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Humanity overboard : Comments

By Jeremy Lawrence, published 13/7/2012

As a nation, most of us arrived by boat, many as refugees, and we should have compassion for those today who find themselves similarly placed.

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Windy Feminista here,

Kaep you should be careful what you wish for. If we feminists all voted not to have babies then the human species would also be wiped - how did you put it - off the face of the planet.

We don't have babies because we are bored or because we want the big Government handouts or because it spares us the agonising oversexualisation of more than one screw a week/month. We have babies for the prosperity of Australia and Islam, Islam and Australia. And we could pull the plug any time so you be quiet Mr KAEP or we will pass laws to get you good!

Windy Feminista

Director of the Institute of
Government handouts and Baby bonuses
And Lesbian Relations
Federal Labor Plaza
Posted by KAEP, Monday, 16 July 2012 3:22:24 AM
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Firstly I am not racist and do feel sorry for genuine refugees but at the same time I, like many other Australian people, have concerns on our future and the future for our children.

Australia is fundamently based on christian values, regardless if you are christian, agnostic or athiest.

Many of the current refugees are from an entirely different culture and religian which is their democratic right in a free society.

They have come to Australia as refugees for a better life than they had in their own countries, many fleeing persecution and poverty.

The problems I find most disturbing are that they are attempting to replace our Australian culture with their culture such as they are attempting to have Sharia Law added to our laws, so far they have been unsuccessful but they keep trying.

They appear to congregate and reside in suburban areas. This may be due to companionship of their own people and culture.

Their culture and religion is based on Islam and the Koran and our culture is based on Christianity and the Bible.

For many centuries there have been wars and crusades between followers of Islam and Christians and in a sence is still occurring to this very day in many middle eastern countries they are arriving from.

In those countries christians are persecuted and some are executed just for being christians.

Continued next comment
Posted by gypsy, Monday, 16 July 2012 12:10:57 PM
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What happens when their numbers grow here in Australia and they form their own political parties and many of their own politicians by their votes are elected into parliament? Will Sharia Law then be enacted and passed? If so what will happen to our christian culture? Will we be persecuted as is happening in many of their countries?

At present we honestly cannot say or prove who is arriving here by boat as many of them have either dispossed of their papers or they cannot be authenticated. For all we know they may be soldiers of Islam invading Australia to occupy us and eventually take our country by stealth.

At least with the refugees who are following the correct and process we have a better idea.

Smuggling in any form is a criminal offence and if we were to aid and abet the crime the law says we are as guilty as the purportrators, so are the boat refugees immune from the same laws we must adhere to?.

Compassion for our fellow man is being shown to the genuine refugees which follow the proper protocol to migrate to Australia.

Our current Government and politicians are have an obligation and duty of care to foremost the Australian people and then the refugees who follow the proper protocol to migrate to Australia.

By allowing refugees who have not followed the proper protocol, such as the quew jumpers, the ones arriving by boat into Australian Territories has not acted as a deterant but opened the flood gates.

Our Government has an obligation and a duty of care to the Australian people, who vote for and elect them into Government, to set in place and enact a Law to deter people smugglers and refugees who do not follow the correct and proper protocol. They should be deported back to where they came from on the next available flight, this would be the start of a deterrant.
Posted by gypsy, Monday, 16 July 2012 12:11:58 PM
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Humanity overboard!

Now if we can just get the humanities to go after them, it would sure help our higher education sector.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 16 July 2012 12:20:47 PM
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Gypsy, I'll just give you a couple of points to think about.
-It doesn't matter if you're not trying to be racist, political correctness teaches that you are subconsciously Racist if you oppose any of their dogma and anti Racism is just a code word for Anti White anyway.
-It's Judeo Christian morality that's the problem and the churches are the biggest advocates of open borders, there is no such thing as a "Secular" pro refugee position.
-Well may you ask about the orthodox Christians and Catholics who are being ethnically cleansed from the Middle East by Western Backed Islamists such as Al Qaeda, you'd think they'd have priority but it seems fundamentalist Christians from Sudan, China, India, Korea and Oceania are being favoured.
-Why would Asylum seekers and Third World migrants even want to start their own political parties when they have Labor, the Coalition and the Greens on their side?
-Sharia is no threat, it's not even fully implemented, much less respected in Islamic countries, Third World people don't have the same relationships with the state as White people do, they don't respect the law and pretty much do whatever they want as the mood takes them. The only way Sharia could be implemented here is if millions of White people converted to Islam and took over direction of all the mosques and congregations, Third worlders have neither the energy or the intelligence to "take over" Australia.
-If you value a cosmopolitan, European style democracy then worry about the numbers of fanatical Third World Christian fundamentalists coming here, they do have millions of White ministers, supporters and apologists, as they grow in numbers and influence you can say goodbye to tolerance, egalitarianism and a "fair go".
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 16 July 2012 3:33:14 PM
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I've asked you before and you've never answered.

Given that there are millions of refugees across the world, at what point will you support Australia saying enough is enough?

20,000, 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 ... 5,000,000 p.a.?

If you refuse to answer you are intellectually bankrupt, and should no longer enter this debate.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 16 July 2012 6:51:54 PM
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