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Humanity overboard : Comments
By Jeremy Lawrence, published 13/7/2012As a nation, most of us arrived by boat, many as refugees, and we should have compassion for those today who find themselves similarly placed.
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Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Friday, 13 July 2012 3:29:53 PM
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Thanks Jay.
But no errors or embellishments. The SS (formed around 1925) wore black shirts (pre war) and were known by many by that appelation. To distinguish them from the brown shirts. My gandfather was shipped to Canada as an enemy alien. He was interned with Anton Diffring. About 7000 internees were shipped to Canada. Many Jews were interned with Germans who were supportive of the Nazi regime. The Arandora Star was torpedoed in July 1940. The Dunera made it to Australia. It had Italian & German POWs, Nazi sympathisers and about 2000 anti-Nazis - many of them Jews - and some of them survivors of the Arandora Star. Posted by Rabsi, Friday, 13 July 2012 4:14:46 PM
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Rabsi, thanks for replying to my comment.
I stand corrected on the historical points relating to Jewish DP's , but are my other comments accurate in your opinion? I can only go by what I read and it seems that from the time of the anti transportation movements of the 19th century to the present day there has been little support for this type of migration among settlers or natives. Assimilating German Jews into a predominantly European society is also a far cry from assimilating Africans or Afghans, did the postwar migration of Jews lead to the formation of Jewish street gangs, did Jews commit pack rapes on White Australian women? Were there punchups and stabbings between rival factions at the synagogues , such as the violence between Sikhs witnessed here and in Canada? This also begs the question why are we still not admitting or sponsoring the poor and underprivileged of Europe in preference to third worlders? It seems that a middle class journalist or doctor from Khartoum or Tehran is given preference over an urchin from Dublin or a single mum from Glasgow, we know Europeans can assimilate easily, we know non Europeans can't or don't want to, so why should we be bothered taking the hard road? See if you took stock of the Jewish immigrant contribution to Australian life over the last 40 years you'd come out with a table weighted heavily on the "plus" side, what could you say has been the contribution of Vietnamese or Lebanese refugees and migrants over that same era? . Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 13 July 2012 5:04:19 PM
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I'd also like , if I may to prevail upon you to address the current debate in Israel surrounding African refugees, as an ethno Nationalist myself I'm interested in the views of people who may be able to give some insight into such current affairs. Here's a link to an L.A Times article which raises the issues to which I'm alluding: What's your opinion of the Israeli political figures who wish that nation to remain a distinctly Jewish state and to remove African refugees from the community? Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 13 July 2012 5:16:43 PM
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I find myself agreeing with Curmugeon This was not always the case, but too many lives have been lost; and every successful crossing organised by a criminal cartel, is one equally or more deserving refugee, pushed further back or delayed; or, even denied a place.
Not for nothing is it writ large, that justice deferred is justice denied! We need to deal with an endemic homelessness problem right here, before we try to place more refugees? How many more need to die before Dr NOONKANBAH, will give just a little ground, for a policy that has already passed through the lower house! If Tony's right and it doesn't work, as he personally prophecies, [well he was once going to be a holier than thou, pulpit pounding Priest, while he's not a Priest, little else seems to have changed,] then the Grandfather clause, will see it ended in just twelve short months! Sure, the mass drowning might be helping the coalition's political prospects, but what sought of people would want more of that? Cross the floor! We need to get back in charge of an orderly arrival of asylum seeking refugees. And we need to be more thorough in accessing who receives our largess, or a place. We simply cannot admit part of the people smuggling cartel, and then allow them to continue to profit from this tidal trade, of human misery. By all means lift the numbers we resettle, but offset those numbers by reducing the migrant intake; and or, seriously delay or refuse family reunions. We simply cannot, having found a place for an irregular arrival, further compound a patent injustice, by allowing his or her family members, to punish those waiting their legitimate turn in refugee camps, by being pushed further back or be forced to wait for a decade or two longer, than otherwise ought to be the case. We tell the world we believe in a fair go, then allow a criminal cartel to steal it from the more deserving, or those forced by untenable circumstance, to rot in refugee camps! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 13 July 2012 6:08:23 PM
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'We wish them to subscribe to the belief that all are equal with no discrimination on the basis of gender, race, caste or faith. '
Exactly Rabbi and that is why we must give those who have not paid people smugglers and thrown away documents an opportunity to share the great blessings of this country. Every illegal boat arrival puts lives at risk and robs a genuine refugee a place here. That is simply discrimination based upon deceit and bad behaviour. I personally would like to see those waiting in camps not gazdumped by illegal arrivals many of whom have no intention of sharing the n ations values. I can see easily that the leftist haters of democracy think this is okay but thought being Jewish you would see through this scam seen you produce so many incredible scientist and scholars. btw I have spoken to a number boat people involved in this scam and they think our current Government is a joke. Posted by runner, Friday, 13 July 2012 6:14:15 PM
Those who are forced to leave and seek asylum are not putting themelves in the hands of evil criminal gangs they are paying for transport to get to safety.