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The Forum > Article Comments > Israel set to extend its sovereignty into the West Bank > Comments

Israel set to extend its sovereignty into the West Bank : Comments

By David Singer, published 4/7/2012

A number of recent events means that Israel will take a closer hold of the West Bank.

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You know things get bad when the nauseating feeling one gets when reading another of Mr Singer's pieces has one so revolted it is almost impossible to finish.

The acceptance of Israeli violence, oppression, killings, assassinations, torture, brutality, subjugation, the theft of land, the stripping of dignity, the disregard for human rights and decency, all so implicit in his words is mind-numbingly horrific.

Though ham fisted at best his writings do remind one of the great propagandists of the past.

Apparently in his world it is okay for Israel to refuse to act without a prisoner swap but not the Palestinians.

In his world if 10 million Chinese landed in Australia, set up permanent settlements, remained subject only to Chinese law, stole the bulk of our minerals, and had their army oppress us then we would be racist for wanting them to leave?

At what stage do we get to say someone's shamelessness is pathological?

Any thought that the government of Israel has ever been truly serious about peace and an equitable two state solution should have been ripped from the mind of any right thinking person.
Posted by csteele, Wednesday, 4 July 2012 1:56:42 PM
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So much for all the Israelis who voted for their largest political party - Kadima, on the assumption and hope that if elected, it will rid Israel of the West-Bank, as originally stated in Kadima's election platform and propaganda. So much for Kadima betraying its voters, joining this coalition that is about to perform the above atrocity which David is so proud of.

What an ambush!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 4 July 2012 2:24:30 PM
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Singer the Psalmist! But his song is so raspingly off-pitch, so misleading, so untrue, so one-eyed, it defies even a shred of credibility.

But the most ridiculous claim of all is that the Palestinians are not under occupation by Israel.

Graham, why don't you get a few Palestinians to write weekly articles on your forum, something to counter our weekly injection of spurious, fallacious, deranged Israeli propaganda?
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 4 July 2012 4:53:18 PM
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Dear David G,

<<Graham, why don't you get a few Palestinians to write weekly articles on your forum, something to counter our weekly injection of spurious, fallacious, deranged Israeli propaganda?>>

Aren't David Singer's articles ALREADY the worst anti-Israel propaganda one can get?

Ordinary Israelis are held hostage by madmen with ideas like this and politicians that promise peace + an end to the occupation before elections, then change their skins the day after.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 4 July 2012 7:43:23 PM
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Yes, of course, Mr Singer is really a pro-Palestinian propagandist posing as a Zionist there is no other logical explanation.
Posted by mac, Thursday, 5 July 2012 8:20:09 PM
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To csteele

True to form - yet another rant and another rave without any attempt to address or comment on my article.

I again ask you:

Why do you continue to refuse to answer these questions I have specifically addressed to you on three previous occasions :

"Do you know the term "Palestinians" does not include Jews,non-Arab Christians and any other secular non- Arab citizens?

If you do - how can you object to my use of the term "Palestinian Arabs" to clarify and identify who the "Palestinians" are?"

Answering these two questions will be a far more constructive use of your time and my time than doing everything you can to avoid answering them.
Posted by david singer, Thursday, 5 July 2012 10:13:26 PM
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To Yuyutsu

You incorrectly state:

"So much for all the Israelis who voted for their largest political party - Kadima, on the assumption and hope that if elected, it will rid Israel of the West-Bank, as originally stated in Kadima's election platform and propaganda."

The 2005 policy platform of Kadima stated:

"Jerusalem and large settlement blocks in the West Bank will be kept under Israeli control."

The 2009 policy platform stated:

"Favours keeping the 'major settlement blocks' (Ariel, Gush Etzion and Ma'alei Adumim) within the final borders of Israel."

If you have any information to the contrary to enable you to make the statement you did then please advise me as to the source.
Posted by david singer, Thursday, 5 July 2012 10:41:12 PM
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Well I have found the wherewithal, and some mint gel for under the nose, and set to to dissect the carcass.

Let's investigate why Mr Singer has decided to prosecute Israel's supposed right for such an open and brazen grab for sovereignty over what remains of Palestinian land in the West Bank.

Indeed who is this committee that “has reportedly found that the West Bank is not under occupation rule”? A report that “will be a smack in the eye to the international community and many Non Governmental Organizations in Israel which have long held the view that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal in international law?

As Mr Singer has stated the committee, appointed by Netanyahu, was “Chaired by Retired Supreme Court Justice Edmund Levy and including District Court Judge Techiya Shapira and former Ambassador and Foreign Ministry Legal Advisor Allan Baker”. It found that because there had been no country granted recognised sovereignty over the West Bank then there was no occupation and therefore no restraints implied by the Geneva Fourth Convention applying to the territory.

This obviously flies in the face of international law, UN Resolutions, and common humanity, but nothing new in that. So why did Netanyahu go through the hoops? Purely because he wanted to be free of the admittedly slim restraints of the Sasson Report, “an official Israeli government report published on 8 March 2005 that concluded that Israeli state bodies had been discreetly diverting millions of shekels to build West Bank settlements and outposts that were illegal under Israeli law.”

Posted by csteele, Wednesday, 11 July 2012 12:24:08 AM
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The Sasson Report was “commissioned by the Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, and was headed by the former head of the State Prosecution Criminal Department Talia Sasson.”

It basically slapped the government over the wrist for aiding and abetting the construction of settlements on private Palestinian land in the West Bank. Yet however anaemic it was it at least offered something for the Israeli NGO's such as Peace Now to fight for the return of private Palestinian properties with some small successes.

So Netanyahu whacks together this group to give him some legitimacy in ramping up settlement construction and get him around the Attorney General and recent Supreme Court rulings calling for illegal homes to be demolished. Talia Sasson had warned ““The government is not supposed to instruct the State Attorney’s Office but precisely the other way around,”

How did he ensure the report would support the illegal settlements? Easy, appoint to the chair the only Supreme Court Judge out of the eleven to oppose the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Justice Edmund Levy basically rewrote his minority position from 2005 and Netanyahu got exactly what he wanted.

By our Mr Singer can't help himself. Still banging on about “The decision by UNESCO last October to recognize and admit Palestine as its 195th member State effectively ended the claim that the Palestinian Arabs are homeless and stateless.” he effectively neuters Justice Levy's argument since it only flies if there is no sovereignty over the West Bank.

Sadly typical I'm afraid.
Posted by csteele, Wednesday, 11 July 2012 12:25:56 AM
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