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The Forum > Article Comments > Pure Greens? Not! > Comments

Pure Greens? Not! : Comments

By Greg Donnelly, published 31/5/2012

NSW parliamentary tactics show the Greens to be as opportunistic as any.

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The Greens are anti-capitalists who believe they are more equal than others. The Labor Party will rue the day it got into bed with them.
Posted by DavidL, Thursday, 31 May 2012 10:56:07 AM
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These are the people at Federal level that Ms Gillard jumped into bed with in order to cling desperately to power. She was willing to lie to the pulic to gain their vote. The Greens are chief hypocrites who think that a tree is of more value than a life and have no real interest in democracy. They seem to be at one with the homosexual lobby who have have infiltrated the media in mass (especially the National Broadcasters). They are very much the anti family party. Of course they want to redefine 'family' as they have redefined democracy. The amazing thing is that it has taken so much time for the naive to see what has been obvious for a long time. The Greens are not about the environment so much as being about deconstructing successful democracies built on Christian values.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 31 May 2012 4:10:42 PM
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The Greens are a blight upon not only Australian society but all nations; at their core they are profoundly misanthropic.

Australia needs a specific anti-Green party since both the major parties, particularly the ALP, are political sluts and will get into bed, at Australia's cost, with the Greens if it means getting into power.
Posted by cohenite, Thursday, 31 May 2012 9:20:53 PM
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LOL...plenty of bait.....but NO brains:)....why am I not surprised:) may as well be talking to Runner:)...right now, hes making more sence.

Posted by plant3.1, Thursday, 31 May 2012 10:06:01 PM
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I would take issue with the idea that homosexual marriage is a perogative of the Federal Parliament. Considering that the Buggery Act was still in force in 1901, the term "marriage" in the federal Constitution cannot include homosexual marriage, and therefore the federal parliament has no powers in this matter. It is therefore a matter for state parliaments. As the constitution says, it can only be changed by referendum, and this has not been done.

Of course if you believe this load of cobblers you will believe anything. The federal government has legislated in fields specifically denied to it by the people (aviation), and the high court has discovered implied clauses that were not approved by anybody.

No wonder people are very cynical about the whole setup, and vote NO at all referendums in the hope (mostly vain) that this will restrict the power of politicians.
Posted by plerdsus, Monday, 4 June 2012 5:40:59 AM
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