The Forum > Article Comments > Post-2012 Global Atheist Convention: a celebration of reason > Comments
Post-2012 Global Atheist Convention: a celebration of reason : Comments
By David Nicholls, published 18/5/2012For most attendees at the GAC it was a time of being reborn into the rational.
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The way you might like to run the AFA and how it is done, are, thankfully, quite different. Putting phrases into existence that are not fully representative of the AFA and creating strawman argument are somewhat desperate measures.
A couple of examples:
Lobby for “a fair go for atheists?” Really, can you justify that thanks. Standing by for more obfuscation?
“Your mission is to generate inanity and fear. I'll remember that.” How stupid of you to say that when I clearly pointed out that seemed to be an outcome, not an intention.
Sorry to let you know but atheism is very successfully represented in the public arena by the AFA. Maybe you can name a group doing that better than us.
And this is mind-blowingly dumb and not supported by anything the AFA stands for. “If you see your mission to convert the religious to atheism”. Some evidence in support of that would be nice.
‘So, what are you "in the mood" for, Mr Nicholls?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Sensible and intelligent comment for one thing.
“And you have achieved what, precisely?” Most would consider that placing another view into the public arena, that is, atheism, on a scale that has not been accomplished before in Australia is a reasonable achievement.
“A platform for self-congratulation and mutual backslapping.”
Mmmmm…. What rubbish. Another dull generalisation. I reported on a wonderful weekend in a manner which attempted to bring the reader into it. Obviously, some are incapable of getting outside their own immature thoughts to entertain that others are creating good and having a great time doing it.
You certainly are sailing close to wind on being placed on the ‘not to be taken seriously’ list. You will be in like-minded company with other ‘notable’ obscurantists.