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The Forum > Article Comments > Children and young people have different needs to adults > Comments

Children and young people have different needs to adults : Comments

By Stephen McDonald, published 2/5/2012

To date emergency management has treated all ages as having the same needs.

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Children have different needs to adults? Well it's self evident, of course they do! Most emergency workers, both active and former, are down to earth and very practical pragmatic people; and indeed, often unsung heroes. It is very hard to disagree with any part of this extremely objective article! Rhrosty.
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 11:32:40 AM
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<<It is very hard to disagree with any part of this extremely objective article!>>

It is indeed very hard to disagree with an article that says nothing.

Despite so, I found one point to wonder about: the article attempts to compare the needs of young people with those of adults - but other than the title it doesn't mention adults in a word. Only in the last sentence it briefly mentions "the elderly, frail and disabled" - should we assume that all adults are in the later category, or does the author believe that all others have no needs?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 8:57:06 PM
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