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The Forum > Article Comments > Indonesians dying in the Southern Ocean > Comments

Indonesians dying in the Southern Ocean : Comments

By Duncan Graham, published 24/4/2012

Crew on foreign shipping operating in New Zealand waters are virtual slaves.

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So, the author apparently believes that what is required is megaphone diplomacy. Actually, more is achieved when addressing recalcitrant foreign Ministers/Asian Leaders, by a little plain speaking, in face saving private conversation, over a convivial cup of tea.
While it may well be a problem occurring in NZ's economic zone, it is still international waters and the ships sail under various flags of convenience! Why should NZ expend resources she clearly doesn't have to police foreign fisher folk, basically invading and taking rich resources, that are only there because decent law abiding NZER's obey their own laws, without the need of stand over tactics or surveillance!
Besides, this is after all a matter for Indonesia, which is the largest muslin nation on earth, with the largest standing army in south east Asia.
And possessing military equipment as modern and as large as its nearest neighbour Australia. They are not short of influence over their other near neighbour, Malaysia.
Our NZ cousins are amongst the most decent, caring and generous on earth, and simply don't deserve the bagging handed out by the Author, who arguably seems more interested in political spin and or blame shifting; than any fair and honest representation, of the actual reportable facts, which speak much more eloquently; and or, for themselves? Rhrosty.
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 24 April 2012 11:57:26 AM
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This is largely a matter for Indonesia, in terms of regulating labour recruitment (and recruiters) and policing any who default. Yet NZ as a liberal democracy accepts (by that very fact) a duty of care that actually extends beyond the limits of strict law. That's what the NZ argument is about, and quite properly so. If foreign charter vessels are operating under any form of NZ licensing, then there exists an NZ responsibility. In this case, at least up to now, that responsibility seems to have been largely ducked.
Posted by Scribe, Tuesday, 24 April 2012 2:19:41 PM
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