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The Forum > Article Comments > The problem of youth unemployment > Comments

The problem of youth unemployment : Comments

By Fiona Heinrichs, published 5/4/2012

The young face the highest unemployment rate with 18.5 percent of the 18 – 24 year old workforce unemployed.

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yes you can move west, big bucks to be made,
That scenario is part of the downgrading of morale & the upgrading of the me me mentality.
These jobs offer short-term opportunities for those who simply have no other desire than making good money. The outcome of this is instant rise in property values, increased rates, increased demands & increased misery for those who are not addicted to the money decease & who simply want to live a hassle-free live.
As the old saying goes, for one to win another has to lose. There simply can't be two winners.
The losers are the decent folk not afflicted by the money decease.
It's always outside interests who twist the arms of two or three individuals by waving the money carrot. The other 97% in the community get steamrolled. The quick money decease affects everyone, from the proponents to the opponents. Society is the #1 loser.
Posted by individual, Friday, 6 April 2012 10:03:00 AM
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The underlying problem is the fractional reserve system of banking.In 1976 our total debt was 3% of GDP.By 2008 it was 53% of GDP.All our new money for inflation + increases in productivity is created as debt when it fact should be created as a tax credit by our Govts.

The other problems are the purposeful destruction of manufacturing and over regulation and taxation by Govt.
Bill Still has made it freely available on youtube.This DVD by Bill Still has won many awards for best documentary.It reveals the true meaning behind The Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum.Dorothy in the Book wore silver slippers, not the ruby ones worn by Judy Garland in the movie.It was all about the crime of 1873 when the elites removed all the silver money from our economies and replaced it with their gold.The money supply was reduced by 80% and they created the great depression of the 1890's.The yellow brick road represented the gold of the elites which enslaved them.The Tin Woodman the factory worker,the Scarecrow the farmer and the wicked witches of the east and west were JP Morgan and Rockefeller,the two major banking interests of that time.

L Frank Baum was trying to warn us about letting private banks owning our productivity by creating from nothing all the money to equal it.This is the major reason why there is so much unemployment and poverty on all our planet.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 7 April 2012 2:28:02 PM
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Leaving aside for a moment the fairy stories about yellow brick roads and wicked witches, Arjay, let's take another look at your figures.

>>In 1976 our total debt was 3% of GDP.By 2008 it was 53% of GDP.<<

In 1976 our GDP was a shade over $300 billion. Today it is closing in on $1.6 trillion. So even if you consider, as you appear to, that our country's wealth is somehow the net of its GDP minus its debt, we are still well ahead of the game, wouldn't you say?

No, of course you wouldn't. But I'd like to hear your explanation anyway...

Over to you.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 7 April 2012 4:14:04 PM
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Our population of 1976 was half that of the present and we didn't have all the taxes to we have now to service debt.The only thing that has saved us was the mining boom.

Our economy is now with computers and robotics many times more productive than 1976.We also have the cheap products from China but still with over inflated house prices and longer working hours our real living standards continue to decline.You cannot deny that reality.The restriction of the money supply by the Central Banks have created all the Great Depressions.When they crash our economies they then cause hype-inflation by creating too much money.Presently their counterfeiting money is tied up in credit default swaps which they use to attack countries like Greece and Italy.When the deivative market collapses,then hyper-inflation will follow.

Pericles,you have to consider all the variables when assessing changes.The Fairy Tale has been used by people throughout history to portray meaning.L Frank Baum was a lot more perceptive and creative than you or I.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 7 April 2012 6:12:25 PM
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Every government job comes at the expense of three other jobs in the real economy.

It is the youth who suffer most from this in-escapable fact.
Posted by partTimeParent, Sunday, 8 April 2012 9:56:26 AM
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Exactly, Arjay.

>>Our population of 1976 was half that of the present and we didn't have all the taxes to we have now to service debt.<<

Now we do. Hence, the debt is more serviceable than it used to be.

>>The only thing that has saved us was the mining boom.<<

Are you aware of the amount of borrowing that was necessary in order to create this "mining boom"? It simply would not have occurred if the credit facilities - billions of dollars - had not been available.

But the point I was making was simply on the volume of GDP dollars that exceed our debt. Which surplus only came into being courtesy of the volume of credit that was advanced to the businesses creating that GDP. Such as - you guessed it - the miners.

>>Pericles,you have to consider all the variables when assessing changes.<<

Couldn't have put it better myself, Arjay.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 9 April 2012 5:21:43 PM
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