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IR reforms herald prosperity : Comments

By Paul Gollan, published 30/9/2005

Paul Gollan argues the success of the IR reforms will be based on employees' perception of them.

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I fail to see how Mr GOllan can see the proposed IR reforms - as poorly defined and articualted as they are as an opportunity for prosperity rather than a recipe for for insecurity - or how any employee could either.

THe nfair dismissal changes are simply a power shifting mechanism; no employer group or employer has - contrary to the cliams by the Minister or the PM - claimed that the changes will bring about employment growth.

No employer group has claimed that the changes will give rise to increased profitabiltiy per se; they might generate more profits as condiitons are compromised but they do nothing to enhanve productivity.

Far from being revolutionary as they are claimmed they are in fact retrograde. These starry eyed economists need to take a reality check. If the fiar wage Commission looks to profts as a sign post to wage adjustments employees should expect a windfall - but I cant see that happening

Claims of falling prosperity in this country are usuially linked to poor business planning associated with a failure to invest.

Some economist insist on looking to China and India as competetive benchmarks - wage points we will never match - although there are some employers who yearn for the day we do -.
Posted by sneekeepete, Monday, 3 October 2005 9:34:24 AM
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The unfair dismissal laws as they currently stand were introduced by Keating in 1993. Based on what some people are saying on this forum, the sky should have fallen well before 1993! It didn't.
Posted by FlipTop, Tuesday, 4 October 2005 12:54:09 AM
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Flipflop, you are right in that regard, however in this case it is the underlying agenda that is the real problem. We are at a point in history where an attempt is being made to take full control of the world. That has been attempted on many occasions with varying success.

What faces us now, is that our world is technically smaller than in the past and the forces involved in the struggle are huge and far reaching. It is like mass wrestling. In one corner we have the elite intend in global economic and social control, opposed to balanced sustainable growth and environmental responsibility.

In the other two corners the religious zealots from all sides fighting for psychological and physical control. All opponents are prepared to use whatever it takes to win and they don't care as to what casualties they produce, economically, environmentally or physically.

When you remove social and workplace standards for fiscal gains, you reduce the strength of the social fabric, resulting in confusion and economic downturn. We must remember that economics is a concept and in reality has a very limited lifespan, before drastic change brings reality.

Maracas, that site, is dominated by those with current vested interests, and are a part of the problem. Unions, feminists, journalists, academics and beaurucratic elite. All will stick together until they need to push their own barrow, then watch out. They have failed in the past, what should be different now. Especially as they have no idea as to what path to take, or what to do, just more of the same cloaked in semantic waffle.

Anyone with methods that would alleviate the problems we face, would be walked over by their massive and irrational ego's. They are a part of the ruling elite, no direction, no policies, just a desire for control.

I am afraid that it may take the total demise of society to change anything to a better way. As the saying goes, out of the ashes, new growth springs.
Posted by The alchemist, Tuesday, 4 October 2005 7:14:31 AM
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From just a bush thinker, who has studied a bit in his older days, congrats to most of the Posts, which would have gained full marks from great thinkers like Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill, and from Thomas Jefferson, incidently, who would not have had a bar of what Americana is up to now, along with her Anglipholic accomplices, the Brits and us Aussies.

The point is what can thinkers like us do about it? The worry is under the wartime anti-democratic kind of laws that are probably now necessary owing to terrorism, the true rational thinkers along with others in the same vein, are forced to become sort of comatose or dumbed down.

Not that we can get any help from our gallant Laborites, who with the fear of terrorism have just about joined up with the JohnnyHowardites.

However, though we could kind of agree with the Poster, who declared he or she was fed and "outta here", it is believed a Forum like we are mutually engaged in, must keep going, for it is - oh, so necessary - in today's messed up world.

George C - WA - Bushbred
Posted by bushbred, Tuesday, 4 October 2005 11:22:52 AM
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Employers are already dragging out their 'workers kit of terror'. Salespeople working for a Company in Melbourne (with branches in other states) being FORCED to sign an agreement that they will now accept lower commissions, keep the amount of their current retainer - minimal wage line, and, agree that, should they leave the job, they will not work within that industry for 12 months. No package payout, just whatever commisions owed to the date of leaving. A CEO in a multinational company can usually stand a 12 month ruling - their payouts alone will keep them and their families safe financially, they also receive a lucrative 6-12 month payout. Figure a commission salesperson who earns no more than $35,000 a year. What does he/she live on in the mean time? Consider if this happened in the car dealerships, retail sector. The mind boggles at these draconion rulings from employers. (These employees mentioned at the beginning of my post, have been told to sign within the next 7 days or get out).
To those who seriously feel that employers will care about employees, think again. Its about power. Pity the worker.
Posted by tinkerbell1952, Wednesday, 5 October 2005 7:31:48 PM
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Dare to struggle Dare to win Alchemist. ‘That Site’ isn’t dominated by anybody. Its open to all and anybody who have a desire to discuss alternatives to ‘ Advance Australia Fair, building Sustainability, Justice and Peace’.Those are the ‘vested interests’ and so long as there is an endeavour to reach those goals, they can dominate me.

I have heard your song before “ Quote…it may take the total demise of society to change anything to a better way..As the saying goes ..out of the ashes, new growth springs”.end Quote.

I remember my early days in left politics the notion amongst the anarchist element insisting that the workers lot had to get much much worse before they would fight, Therefore to act to improve workers conditions was counter-revolutionary….
To oppose the draconian laws of the Howard Regime we need to propose alternatives and 'NOWWETHEPEOPLE' looks like its on the correct path
Posted by maracas, Wednesday, 5 October 2005 8:27:58 PM
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