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China 2030 : Comments
By Julie Bishop, published 1/3/2012China is a developing country that shares some of the problems of developed countries.
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Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 1 March 2012 8:47:07 AM
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Ms Bishop fails to point out the profound implications for Australia of a Chinese growth slowdown.
Australia allegedly benefits greatly from the current commodities boom. A major driver of the boom has been Chinese growth. If China slows the prices of many commodities of interest to Australia could, in inflation adjusted terms, fall back to where they were in the 1990s. Personally I think that's a good thing. I think the commodities boom has done this country more harm than good. But the transition after the boom to a more sustainable growth path could be painful. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Thursday, 1 March 2012 9:03:38 AM
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Excellent article by the Hon. Julie Bishop MP. Australia can indeed pay a positive and significant role in helping China to migrate to a modern, harmonious and creative high-income country by building on the existing links we have with China and opening new channels of communication, stakeholder engagement and co-investment. In the process Australia can also learn important lessons from Chinese strategic thinking and foresight and improve its own future.
Australia has to take China a lot more seriously and look at ways in which we can continue to deepen and widen the relationship beyond acting as a reliable of non value added resources which is also unsustainable. Posted by Macedonian advocacy, Thursday, 1 March 2012 9:08:50 AM
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If this thinking is that of the Liberal party as a whole, then it is a very good reason to not elect them at the next election.
It shows that they have not grasped that there is a looming end to the worldwide splurge of growth and that it will be ended forcibly by peak everything. Peak oil will be the main irresistible force and it is happening now. Other forces that will end the way we live now are scarcity of water, soil and a lot of vital minerals such as lead and copper but there are many more. To simplify this, it means that China along with all other growing nations such as India will never be able to reach “our” standard of living. In fact “our” standard will have to be reduced to cope with increasing shortages. The rosy world of business as usual is a pie in the sky dream that will wither and die in time. We should instead of dreaming up new ways to sell more from our quarry, be finding ways to persuade the whole world to face depopulation and actively pursue it. Posted by sarnian, Thursday, 1 March 2012 9:32:04 AM
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Sarnian, you took the words right out of my mouth. The sooner we get out of this growth paradigm the better. No longer can we expect to fund growth by continually increasing our debt. The high AU$ is strangling our manufacturing industries and we are heading for the recession that the clever buggers in the labor party think they have avoided. The corruption in the higher echelons of the so called Chinese Communist party will bring their economy crashing down shortly too and then we will all be in deep poo.
Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 1 March 2012 10:10:55 AM
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Sarnian is 100% correct, 'ENERGY IS EVERYTHING'
Unfortunately no one in the political realm seems to get this or if they do they certainly don't talk about it, probably for good reason, don't want to panic the masses. This whole article is a farce. May as well help by throwing an anvil at a drowning man! If this is Liberal thinking, the next election will be a disaster for this country Posted by Geoff of Perth, Thursday, 1 March 2012 12:31:27 PM
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Don't worry about China too much in the future. The pollution Asia will cause will turn it into a new Arctic by 2030.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 1 March 2012 6:28:38 PM
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Individual,there is a much greater pollution ie of Fukushima far greater than Chernobyl that still spews out radiation we are ignoring.
A Japanese journalist has revealled that the Stuxnet Viris was responsible for the safety systems failing at Fukushima.Who created the Stuxnet Virus and who released it? Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 1 March 2012 7:36:11 PM
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Who created the Stuxnet Virus and who released it?
Arjay, This kind of crap hasn't even begun to do it's rounds. Much more exiting stuff is waiting for starting gun. Posted by individual, Friday, 2 March 2012 6:46:05 AM
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C'mon Arjay, you can do better than that.
>>A Japanese journalist has revealled that the Stuxnet Viris was responsible for the safety systems failing at Fukushima.Who created the Stuxnet Virus and who released it?<< Here's the real story - proof that there wasn't even a major earthquake at Fukushima. It was... wait for it... a nuclear bomb attack. By... Israel! "...the phony 9.0 story was used as seismic cover for a tsunami nuke, which produced the tsunami of a 9.0 when detonated in the Japan trench (where no earthquakes of significance happen) as punishment for Japan offering to enrich uranium for Iran. The rest of the story, the concealment, is black ops." And why would they do this, I hear you ask? Well, it's obvious, innit? Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran, like the man said. Wrong! It was Japan's support for Palestine. "Jews sabotage Fukushima power plant as payback for Japan’s support of an independent Palestinian state" I bet you wish you'd found that first, eh? Sheesh. I guess it must be fiendishly difficult for you sometimes, Arjay, picking which particular wild-'n'-wacky conspiracy theory to adopt. But hang in there, it will be so gratifying when you are proved right, and you can say "I told you so". Oh, wait... Posted by Pericles, Friday, 2 March 2012 7:39:48 PM
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Do the people who peddle this tripe about Fukushima really believe what they're saying? Or are they just seeking to make a few bucks by catering to the predilections of people like Arjay? I've never been able to make up my mind about it. What do you think? There was a fellow I knew in South Africa who worked as a salesman. He never completed school but he is an incredibly intelligent guy. For reasons which will become obvious I don't want to mention his real name so I'll call him "Bob." In the mid 1970s Bob went to the USA. He returned with a diploma from an American bible college, rented some cheap premises and started what grew into a huge "megachurch." I attended a few "services" just to watch the show. He certainly gives a great performance. It helps that he is a handsome and well-built sort man. In fact he is something of physical fitness fanatic. In the early 1980s we renewed our acquaintanceship – I wouldn't call it friendship. By then he had grown wealthy as head pastor of one of the largest churches in South Africa. We were able to get along because we enjoyed each other's company and he knew better than to invite me to join his church. Prior to going to the US Bob had never to my knowledge displayed any interest in religion. I don't think he ever mentioned attending church. Finally I succumbed to temptation and asked him the question that had been bugging me for years. Did he, I asked, believe what he was preaching? After a pause he said (I am quoting as accurately as I can remember) "When I'm up there on the podium preaching I believe." I never saw Bob again. Last I heard he and his wife had divorced and one of his three Rolls Royce cars was part of the settlement. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Friday, 2 March 2012 10:14:02 PM
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Regrettably Julie,your article is too superficial and only highlights the fact that as a potential FM,it is insufficient merely to rehash outside,old and obvious information.
With the advent of Bob "Abie" Carr,some new original insights are absolutely necessary. about the whole China question? The inclusion of the last sentences are telling and indicate all the shallow,easy cliches which indicate the conventional thinking of the cliched classes.Not good enough,depth is required! Posted by mik, Monday, 5 March 2012 1:50:19 PM
We need to fix our growing move towards fascism.
China will continue to grow so long as it is free from the Western Banking system that expresses increases in productivity of all its people as debt.80% odf new money is created debt free by Chinese Govt Banks.They build all their infrastructure debt free and this iw what birks our private central banks who have destoyed western Economies.