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The Forum > Article Comments > Union of sameness versus union of difference > Comments

Union of sameness versus union of difference : Comments

By David Palmer, published 8/2/2012

Same-sex marriage is not going to happen any time soon, if at all.

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Very well said.
Posted by Trav, Wednesday, 8 February 2012 8:26:21 AM
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So, the religious lobby is more motivated than the so-called homosexual lobby? If one compares the lobbying of MPs to opinion polling, a stark difference is evident. In other words, a well-organised campaign by highly-motivate ideologues is not an accurate gauge of what the public actually thinks.

We also see here the old canard about marriage being about bearing and raising children. So, what does David have to say about heterosexual marriages that are childless entirely by choice? Not an insignificant number, judging by statistics that suggest as many as 20% of women in some western countries today are childless. By his argument, those are not marriages at all.

David conveniently ignores the fact that, at its core, marriage is a property sharing agreement. It is a legal contract. Sometimes it is celebrated with a religious ceremony, but in Australia today that is most often not the case (roughly 60-70% of marriages conducted in Australia today, if I recall correctly, were conducted by a civil celebrant).

There is no logical reason two legally consenting adults cannot enter into a legal agreement. Thus there is no logical argument against same-sex marriage.
Posted by Clownfish, Wednesday, 8 February 2012 8:59:19 AM
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I agree Trav. This is an insightful piece of writing on a very difficult issue.
Posted by Ian D, Wednesday, 8 February 2012 9:11:54 AM
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In the words of Mandy Rice-Davies "Well he would say that" !!
Posted by Kipp, Wednesday, 8 February 2012 11:30:11 AM
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Social conservatives couldn't care less about what gays do in the privacy of their homes. Social cons are mainly concerned about losing their religious liberty...what Americans refer to as their first ammendment rights - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".

Everywhere we see gay marriage legalised we also witness the loss of the freedom of religion, e.g. students suspended for not agreeing with gay marriage, counselors being fired if they don't advise same sex couples, charities closing down if they don't support gay adoption, pastors arrested for critising gay marriage in sermons the list goes on and on and on.

Again, gays should be free to do as they please but forcing religious people to approve of gay marriage, and thus, denounce Jesus is outrageous
Posted by progressive pat, Wednesday, 8 February 2012 11:54:19 AM
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Gay people are not and have never been against religion, they have argued against those extreme religions who would lobby government against equality for gay people.
When bigotry is used to denigrate gay people, then gay people will respond.
Posted by Kipp, Wednesday, 8 February 2012 2:28:18 PM
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