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Premier could care a bit more : Comments

By Scott Prasser, published 7/2/2012

Premier Bligh should invoke caretaker arrangements as a sign of good leadership.

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"Premier could care a bit more"

The problem is that Bligh will do anything to influence the vote, and in reality the Premier could care Less.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 7 February 2012 11:44:07 AM
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What rot Scott, the opposition has been in election mode for ages, even going so far as to put CanDo Newman, an unelected person who is not a member of parliament, up as leader.

I for one am happy that Anna is still in government as usual mode with the floods etc. It just makes action a little bit smoother.

I am someone who was affected by Yasi, and was helped in a small way from the generous donations made to the Premier's appeal (a heartfelt thank-you to those who gave to the appeal. The most significant help we got after Yasi was the premier's office talking on our behalf, with our permission, to our insurance company. Without Anna Bligh's office workers help we would have got nothing from our insurers - the insurance call staff in different states all commented on how well Anna has been keeping the pressure on them. 12 months after Yasi, instead of getting nothing (or a tiny ex-Gratia payment)our home is going to be rebuilt.

As Premier, not caretaker, Anna Bligh can act on urgent issues like the flooding, without delay.

I think that Anna Bligh should remain in Govt mode until required to go to caretaker mode. I was very unimpressed with the invisibility of the opposition leaders during the summer of sorrow, unprecedented floods and cyclone - Anna showed real compassion and leadership.

As far as leadership goes, I say thank god for Anna Bligh.
Posted by Aka, Tuesday, 7 February 2012 12:17:11 PM
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Aka, you are obviously among the minority, but that's your choice.

Although I do agree with you on the issue of the LNP already being In elction mode.

Sadly, I believe that Anna is reveling in the latest tragedy, western Qld as it gives her one last chance to once again shine at the expense of others, something she learned well from her predecessor.

The old, never let an opportunity slip by, when it comes to the media.

You see really bad governments have an advantage over good ones in the sense that when you are so bad, the slightest achievement gives the perception of a grand mile stone, but it's only because they were so bad in the first place.

You know, if the most hopeless, I'll disciplined kid in the class, all of a sudden hands their homework in on time, first time ever, they often get rewarded, when in fact, all they are actually doing is catching up to the others who do it week in week out, without reward.

It's a funny world.

I think Bob Katter is the one to watch, especially if the other two try to kill each other with the blame game over the flood enquiry.

The timing of it's release is in it's self something to be concerned about.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 8 February 2012 7:25:14 AM
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