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Happy Xmas (war is not over) : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 28/12/2011

Peace on earth and good will to all men, except for the Australian government.

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So we sell coal to China, and then purchase weapons from the US, and go along with whatever the US government wants us to do.

What a stupid government we have.

Not only that, but so many of the weapons we have been buying from the US have been cast offs the US Army, US Air Force and US Navy no longer want.

Odd how I felt that I had to put the US Army, US Air Force and US Navy in capital letters. Are they actually independent countries?

Interesting times ahead, as the US is basically bankrupt with quite massive unemployment, and the US taxpayer cannot remain as the main dumb cash contributer to the US Army, US Air Force and US Navy.
Posted by vanna, Wednesday, 28 December 2011 8:12:30 AM
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its sad to think
that those who most need to read your words....wont

so you ended with a vision

oh well
well said
[i dont have the extra watch the you tube clip]

but trust it has info
for those not allowing themselves to read the truth

anyhow my comment says well done dear...[read inverted]
lets hope those who fear to if not with their eyes...maybe..with an ear...

they still will be powerless to bring anywhere else
but their own minds..their own hearts

if your not part of the silution
your the problem

[you used genericly...yet specificly
at the do nuthings..that blindly accept medias spin]
that let the lies seep in

if the system didnt want others to know
they shouldnt say the insane things they say

if its in writing...someone will spill the beans
dont blame the message...blame the bias [greed/fear]..
that forments ever more war

usa over 50%..based on product of war special intrsts..needing the clay us/goyam
to make war...[to bring on the armygeddon] bring on satanic vile

more death
no death..serves the life giving good
sustaining..every living thing/being..our very merry life

fear not
war is over..when we all really want it

till then
peace..not pieces
making loving a p-leasure..not a chore

no more war

what do we want
no more pieces..stop killing the poor by war
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 28 December 2011 8:39:17 AM
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such a rotton country that every second person in the world wants to live here even if it costs them their lives getting here.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 28 December 2011 10:21:53 AM
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Some people can only be happy when they are bitching about something.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 28 December 2011 7:13:30 PM
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Thanks, Kellie Tranter. General seasonal stupor and indulgence over (except for the 2012 birthing drinks). It's time to face the fact of Australia's slow, maybe over five decades, tragic disintegration into a country where morals, ethics and human rights are ranked behind almost all other concepts by our puppet leaders of the two major parties.
To be an Australian and classed as a person who approves of cluster bombs by people from more enlightened nations is totally shameful.
Posted by carol83, Wednesday, 28 December 2011 10:02:09 PM
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Despite her anglicised name, Kellie Tranter does not even look like an Australian to me. Her parents must hail from another dysfunctional culture where they blame the Anglos for everything, while trying to find some way to come and live with us, whether we want them to or not.

Australia spends an awful lot on ASIO Kellie, becaue we have been stupid enough to import people from hostile cultures (like yours) who despise Anglos, and some of them really do want to mass murder us.

I opposed the war in Vietnam, but I am not anti American like you are. I am glad Australian troops fought in Korea to stop fruitcakes like Kim jog Il and Kim il Sung from turning South Korea into orqwll's 1984 nightmare. I am also glad that Australian troops stopped the Chinese from turning Malaya into a Communist vassal state.

As for Afghanistan, you are probably so insular that you do not know about the attack in New York which killed 3,000 American and 6 Australians, which was carried our by terrorists based in Afghanistan who had the full backing of an evil Muslim dictatorship that stoned women to death, cut off the noses of gilrs who refused to marry 70 year old men, and murdered teachers who educated women.

I am very happy that Australian soldiers are genetically eradicating from the human race the most dangerous religious fanatics on Earth today, and helping to remove religious fanaticism from the human genome. We are not allowed to know just how many enemy fighters we are killing off because there are too many imported "Australians" like you who symnpathise with the enemy, and we don't want to upset them.

Australia is an ally of the US, and if it wasn't for the Yanks, most of the world today would either be goose stepping around the place, singing "The East is Red", the "Internationale", or be facing Mecca when they pray.

But if you don't like Anglos Kellie, hey, its a free country. Go back to whatever screwed up culture your parents came from.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 29 December 2011 5:49:44 AM
Find out more about this user Recommend this comment for deletion Return to top of page Return to Forum Main Page Copy comment URL to clipboard According to Pof Michel Chussudovsky the US ,NATO urged on by Israel is preparing for a nuke attack on Iran.Our weak and feeble minded leaders stand for nothing.Russia has at least 3 nuke subs + 2 warships in Syria.The existance of nukes in Iran is a lie like the WMDS in Iraq.Their own past CIA reports verify this.

Their aim is to buff both China and Russia into submission and achieve world dominance.If the Western Bankers can establish their debt based money creation system in China,then they can have total control like they do over us.

Bankers now totally control Greece and Italy.They will soon on all public assets.They can make even more money as in the past by financing more wars and we foot the bill.In both World Wars bankers financed both sides.They have always controlled our Govts but even more so today with the enormous debt they've created.

Their other noble cause is to save the planet from over population.A few billion dead will in their view save the planet.So in order to save it, they have to destroy it.War is peace,death is life.The lunatics are on our side with fingers on the nukes.

We are ushering in our own demise aided and abetted by a silent media.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 29 December 2011 6:05:37 AM
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We are ushering in our own demise aided and abetted by a silent media.
Our education system is the guilty party in Australia's demise sped up by media educated here.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 29 December 2011 6:29:43 AM
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""Despite her anglicised name, Kellie Tranter does not even look like an Australian to me. Her parents must hail from another dysfunctional culture where they blame the Anglos for everything, ... we have been stupid enough to import people from hostile cultures (like yours) ...

"But if you don't like Anglos Kellie, hey, its a free country. Go back to whatever screwed up culture your parents came from.""

Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 29 December 2011 5:49:44 AM

Gr8 ad hominem, LEGO.
Posted by McReal, Thursday, 29 December 2011 7:31:52 AM
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"Happy Xmas (war is not over)"

Use of "Xmas" in lieu of "Christmas" shows poor form on the part of the author. By not even attempting to acknowledge the significance of this great feastday, she is being downright insulting to Christians, and certainly not acting in the spirit of her statement " Peace on earth and good will to all men, ..."

Given that she professes to be a lawyer and human rights activist and a 'do-gooder', perhaps she could write an account of what she proposes to do to improve the plight of oppressed women who live in muslim countries, e.g. women who have to suffer the indignation of undergoing virginity tests conducted by male soldiers
Posted by Raycom, Thursday, 29 December 2011 9:57:43 AM
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Well said, LEGO.
Those who are familiar with Tranter's articles know what they'll say even before reading them. They are full of anti-American, anti-Australian, anti-Western, anti-Anglo-Saxon sentiments. Far leftists don't fathom the reality that some wars must be fought; that some ways of life are worth defending. They preach about the evils of the Western world while being protected by those very forces they rally against.
I am glad ASIO spends $438 million a year, I am glad that Australian forces have fought the spread of Communism, I am glad they are fighting the spread of Islamic fascism.
Posted by Aristocrat, Thursday, 29 December 2011 11:09:28 AM
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Welcome back, Arjay. I trust you had a safe and enjoyable Christmas, one free of the fear of imminent annihilation by the Global Elites...? Good.

I appreciate your continuing efforts to keep me thoroughly entertained.

>>According to Pof Michel Chussudovsky the US ,NATO urged on by Israel is preparing for a nuke attack on Iran.<<

The basis of this is presumably the article published in that august and reliable journal, where the noble professor breathlessly announces that "In recent developments, barely acknowledged by the US media, President Barack Obama met privately (December 16), behind closed doors with Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak."

Accompanied - somewhat ironically, given the "barely acknowledged" label - by an official White House photograph.

In the post-meeting speech (also "barely acknowledged"?) Obama states that as far as Iran is concerned, "rest assured, we will take no options off the table". Which, according to your mates' hysterical analysis is presidential code for... wait for it...

"...the US not only envisages an attack on Iran but that this attack could include the use of tactical bunker buster nuclear weapons with an explosive capacity between one third and six times a Hiroshima bomb.

Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 29 December 2011 11:12:53 AM
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Here's what real Australians look like:

All the rest who live here in Australia arrived by boat.

Happy Saturnalia to ya.
Posted by Ammonite, Thursday, 29 December 2011 11:25:15 AM
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If you advocate the premise that any non Anglo is an Australian the instant they plant their big toe on Australian soil, Ammonite, then you must also concede that all white people are aborigines the instant they do the same thing.

Equality and non discrimination works both ways.

And if aborigines can define their identity by their race (even demanding DNA tests for voters electing ATSIC representatives, why can't white people define their identity the same way?

You may even be (like Henry Bolt)in breach of the Victorian anti Discrimination Act for claiming that white people can not define their racial identity in the same way that 7/8ths whites can claim they are "aboriginal."
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 30 December 2011 6:03:59 AM
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LEGO....Yes, its easy to blame the whites for following their conquests or...lets move on and look at whats what in the world we all live in. The only time-line worth worrying about is the time-frame worth worrying about....., is the and we can also blame mans movement's as a spill, with our evolutionary, of what which neanderthal progression's none of saying as fact.....however here we all are.

Would you care to explain?

The indigenous people like the Neanderthals and most stone-age people today, we try to understand the movements of a man/woman that moves forward in this volatile world....time will tell the story, and we are just one part of never ending story..(like all) moving time as its victim's in the best we can do!...(are you asking us to turn back time just for you? Just like in any on-line book or other wise, what the way it was....turning over old stones makes anyone feel sick.

If you cant make it in this world, you've have had plenty of opportunity and millions in cash, and don't think the numbers are not counted. If your from the old world and getting the poor me biscuit, your the one's thats not worth it, and you ab's are just feeding of our guilt of smart learning people we are.

Grow up and get with-in the system all Australians do, or just....well....the people see your get a grip...and that too hard for you....wake up!...millions of good tax paying works with less than what you ab's have got.

I'll open my left pocket, and you can piss into that as well.

The Aborigine's have had plenty of time to get there stuff together......and if not....put your words down here and now, and on public record.

Come on.....put your words here and now.

100's of millions of dollars spent on your developments, and what have you done with it.

The inter-net watches all.

Go ahead and bull some more...all of Australia and the world is watching you.....go on....Lets here your argument's to the money and chances you have got.

Posted by planet 3, Saturday, 31 December 2011 1:54:53 AM
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three...i thought lego was on your side
but by that measure...the semites are doomed
heck soon we will be mostly chinese and or indian

but lets a bit of..what i think you said...

""The Aborigine's..have had plenty of get there stuff together"""

see your missing what ab-origonal really means
see were all 'origonal'..from somewhere

the native britons...were enslaved..hads their land stolen
lorded over by mon/arcial invaders..till they were exported..

to subvert the land/resources..
of the next lot of origonals..

were all origonal from somewhere
and histry has witnessed...the exploitation
of the native populations globally...where minority invaders
lord it over the invaded origonal's

and this isnt only in israel
its global...find some coconut[black outside..white inside]
send them to free education....allow them to think their in the club

then send them home to rape loot and plunder
lord it over the majority..[origonal]..abuse them till they are minority

pre invasion we had millions..of ab-origonal
now its what 400,000...[with 20% dying before reaching the age of 5]

dying in camps/ by coconuts...
just like israel has done in palestein...
[and many other...colonised fiefdoms]

same same
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 31 December 2011 8:00:14 AM
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Hang on, thats what real Australians look like. The rest came
here from elsewhere.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 31 December 2011 8:15:14 AM
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ohh couldnt find a pic of a yabby?
or a plattypi...

[that would more resemble...the generic aussi]

but are we being image
as bad as any other patriotic extreemist

having our tribalistic yearnings..fed by faux tribes
having our loyalties divided...and played with

lets go the state of origin...beat the outsider
or anilate the cricket...

or go support..the local club..
to unite..the neo tribalism...
ready to exploit us

i have forgotten..the actual topic
but not the meaning/intent in the origonal article

war is over
if we can eliminate tribalism
being exploited into making the 1%...owning it all
and the 99 %...doing it all...[stop blaming the mess-anger]

the war goes on?

peace not pieces
enough di-vision/dire-version
get a vision of peace...[within]

lest we see war eternal withawl.
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 31 December 2011 8:52:47 AM
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The more comments I read, the more I feel I'm moving from our Roman idea of a 'Forum' to our Greek legacy of 'Cloud-Cuckoo-Land'!
Posted by carol83, Saturday, 31 December 2011 10:37:55 AM
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