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Good tidings of great joy : Comments

By Roy Williams, published 24/12/2011

Deconstructing the Christmas story.

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well amoanium...[nitrate mate]..i see the logic
''Happy Saturnalia.''..[it all fits..the known knowns]

has the myth-ra..any linkages to rome?
or sukkling on the wolverene...[i think we can convert]
at least we found where the mess-age's.. of christ got twisted

no doudt via some peer revieuw
peers that still got their messiah all wrong

lets get back to basics
celibrate myth-ra...celibrate jesus..celibate god
let give back to thore..or the first good god..[the one true good]
and his saints....[fellow goods...and fel-low..the aim of the bad-dies
that gave us satan clause]

anyhow..if the myth fits
give back to god the things of god
and respect the things of men...lets return dec 25 back to the myth

dec 5 to sinter class[a saint]

and give jesus
the first 8 days of the year
then on the eighth day...we all wake up
doing the right things for the right reasons

keep it up you athiests
im with ya...get the truth told
lets surround the temple...blowing our trumpets

and let things lay where they fall
then phorensicly sort..the facts back to the acts
lets make this YEAR...the sorting the spin from the cc rap

and begin doing everything right

next year
Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 December 2011 7:31:47 AM
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OUG, you say: "mud sticks..yet is seldom actually sticky
but enough sticks..for someone to judge wrongly" There is so much mud past and present to throw at religion, the whole thing should have chocked on it years ago.
Regardless if you believe in God, Bog or Zog that in itself doesn't make you a 'good person'. its you yourself that makes you 'good'. Your belief in God I'm sure gives you comfort and reassurance but that in it self does not make God real, no more than a child's belief in Santa makes him real. Like yours the child's belief is real.
I've never argued that the under lying principles of most religions are bad, the 'love thy neighbor' stuff, no one can argue that's bad. What is bad is how man has distorted these principles for his own ends.
Man created the God myth. I create God then I tell you God speaks to you through his representative on Earth (that's me and there are plenty of me's ) and I tell you what God commands of you {through me}. By playing on peoples fears and ignorance 'God' controls them. 'God' has forever been commanding his believers to "Go forth and smite the infidels." etc. to me religion has so much bad history mankind would be well rid of it no 42nd chance for religion with me.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 30 December 2011 7:57:49 AM
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Thank you everyone - thought the debate needed a reminder that myths are based upon myths which are based upon myths....

Why can't we simply be good to one another without all the mumbo-jumbo? Because a dogma is a useful tool - its all about power, who has it, who wants it and who will tolerate being controlled to the point where they believe it is the ONLY way.

The enlightened words attributed to Jesus were not original and preached by others such as Buddha 500 years earlier.

Why not accept that no single religion or dogma is the ultimate "right" one and simply be as fair and kind as you can be starting with yourself?
Posted by Ammonite, Friday, 30 December 2011 8:36:57 AM
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paul/quote..""Your God..I'm sure
gives you comfort..and reassurance..

but that in it-self
does not make God real,""

sorry paul..your wise..[otherwise]..but mate
this time..your wrong

see we invent our our minds
some try to make what their minds 'sees'..into being real
[like marconi..or bell...or like the russian dude who 'invented'..made real tetrus]

he played it out in his mind..first
then made it real

see got a fixed idea
of the infinite good...[try to see the whole world wide web
and you fit into you..just one poster on it]

together god is the www
the atonement[at one meant]
the collective sum totral of our lives experience ..memories feelingslusts wants needs urges etc[god is ALL...and within all]

that we do did to the leasst
[and to ourselves and the most]
anytghing we did we did to god[with-in]

but i know its all russion to those
who thing god is sepperated [or sepperatable]..from his creation

""no more than a child's belief
in Santa..makes him real.""

the gifts
it was the gifts..the love joy
that made it real for the children

at its feels nice
thus is worth doing...even if its the right thing
but at the wrong time/place..reasoning

""came..Like yours
the child's belief is real.""

as is the collective all[god]

""What is how man
has distorted these principles for his own ends.""

what we do is as nothing
what god does is every-thing
but when we do it for MUST be good
[if only to sepperate CLEARLY..that of god[good]..from that of man

learn to sort the sheep from the goats
in gods time[at harvest]..when the tares [not god]
dont look like good..[wheat]

""Man created the God myth.""

paul..if energy CANT be created
NOR destroyed...where did that life energy
of this dead person go...who now is dead..but one sceond earlier was 'alife'

""I create God""

no paul..god created you
and aint that good?

""then I tell you God speaks to you
through..his Earth""

paul...think of what we are

a communication device...[a link between heaven and hell]
a link between the light and the darkness
Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 December 2011 8:54:51 AM
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good/bad...real imagined
when we get inspired
we recieve communion...of like minds
from heaven and hell...our life is chosing to try to only do the good,..of heaven
by not setting anyone into hell

yes in time we might 'loose'..this intersection point
but believe me..thats a long way away

the earth is sustained
by the passions..of both heaven amd hell

those in hell..can come here
one step [life]..from heaven]
or chose to sink to an even lower hell

anyhow..have you notice anger..builds
as moere demons come in wispering their negative
and inspiration allows you to fly

[these are gods messangers[via the inner stil queit voice]
each responding..with their whatever passions [enegies]..we emit..that sustains them

""(that's me and there are plenty of me's)""

here i can read your words
but your words set up emotions in my mind
these attract..angels and deemons..thoughts ideas in-spi-ration

""and I tell you what God commands
..of you..{through me}."""

and if its not ALL GOOD
it cant be from god!

""By playing on peoples fears and ignorance 'God'>>gods demons in-puts[in-spiration]..

"""controls them.""

the back dog...""'God' has forever been commanding
his believers to "Go forth and smite the infidels." etc.""

clearly smite disdnt come from good..!

""to me religion..has so much bad history..mankind
would be well rid of 42nd chance for religion with me.""

for me its an easy lesson
bad seeds make bad fruit

but lets not judge the tree
just them judging others
into judging me..[and thee]..if its not all good

its not giving back the loving of neighbour
that charity[grace mercy].. that brings us good

good god

we can get it anytime we want
but if its all cant decieve

dont reject the artist
or judge him..! a few of his more ill-litteral works
find the passion to love...anyhow paul

become a saul
rewrite it as saul did
find the good in you..thenn the god is everyone

a wise man can learn from the deeds/works..of a fool[or just words]
but a fool learns..only from what a wise man does*

anyhow its all good
Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 December 2011 8:56:00 AM
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The New Year is just around the corner
and it would be great if we at least tried to make
a new beginning. The only thing that I think any of us
can be responsible for is - our own minds. Without
personal commitment to the attributes of fair play
and integrity, our country is in great danger. Malice
and intolerance stalk our society, staking claims to our
minds. Our political conversation must shift away from
the mass, infantile finger-pointing that now pervades it.

I don't have all the answers to the big questions in life -
I'm still on my own journey of discovery . However,
although I'm not really great on making New Years Resolutions -
but I do have personal goals that I will try to keep. And
the biggest one is to work on myself a bit more - and try to
be a bit more understanding, compassionate, tolerant, and
not as judgemental. As Ammonite pointed out -
"be kinder and start with yourself." It's a good beginning -
especially with a New Year - where everything seems possible.

May it be a Happy New Year for us all!
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 30 December 2011 9:48:00 AM
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